Not everything that happens is a deliberate act the patriarchy conjured up to ruin your day and suppress your vagina into submission. Sometimes people are just uninformed, forgetful, make mistakes..
Also: the guy just won two gold medals. If he wants to say "I am great" rather than focus on social politics... let him.
It's nice that he knew the facts and corrected the reporter.. It's bloody well weird that he'd have been considered a bad "ally" (what?) If he hadn't.
· 5 years ago
"Sometimes people are just uninformed, forgetful, make mistakes.. " - Really, I mean who would expect a SPORT REPORTER to know all those woke, nerdy details about random persons who don't even have a penis?
Seriously, let's not even go there thinking of the "r" word or someone's gonna get a stroke...
Ikr, you'd expect a sports reporter to know that. I mean, there are casual fans out there who know everything about some random game that happened in 1983. You'd think a tennis reporter, who's paid for this, would know stuff about tennis. So yeah I don't want to sound conspiratorial but honestly this does seem like it's not just a thing of this one reporter but a systemic issue.
Of course it is, but wait until the popular local kids smell the liberal heart-blood and come yelling at you what a brain-washed sjw you are for having that kind of heretic ideas. Repeat after them: not everything that happens is a deliberate act the patriarchy conjured up to ruin your day and suppress your vagina into submission. Repeat as often as necessary to get a star right to your name.
Never fear halfdead, you have enough strokes everytime you comment for the entirety of the website combined!
We're all just gonna ignore the possibilities that sports reporters are human and he may have made an honest mistake and wasn't actually deliberately going "fuck women, keep them down on the ground where they deserve" ? He may have even meant to say "man" not "person" and screwed up (I've had friends who said "peanut butter" instead of "receipt" so I know screwing up words can be absolutely impossible - especially when interacting with strangers). He may have been new at his job. He MAY even have been nervous.
No? That doesn't fit with the agenda? We can't open our minds enough to even consider that a possibility? Damn. Okay, someone get the noose, we've got an example to make.
@ewqua I never said it isn't possible it was deliberate. I said maybe it's possible that it wasn't. I'm not sure how people can claim to be open-minded and at the same time automatically condemn someone they don't know, in a situation like this - with extremely little context provided, as the worst version of themselves. It confuses the shit out of me.
And according to paleprincess there may even be an actual OTHER explanation - which is still not good enough for some reason.
I also think it's ridiculous to call him an "ally" like anyone who doesn't do this is an enemy. If that's how people view others - especially men - then that's goddamn sad.
Also, apologies, apparently I'm required to call you something about an Sjw even though I don't think you are or halfdead won't be able to sleep tonight. While I do think it's horrendously entertaining how often he lets me ruin his day, I don't want to actually be detrimental to his health
Yeah I definitely wouldn't condemn anyone, people make mistakes. I'm an awkward potato, I stutter and stumble all the time. That said, a lot less attention is paid to women in sports than men, so this reporter's mistake might have just been a symptom of that. Which is weird because yeah there are some sports where men perform better due to biological differences, such as running where men have an advantage because of their narrower hips. But there are sports where women perform better like gymnastics, I mean have you seen these women doing crazy somersaults and all that? It's insane how good they are. But because of this stigma of sport being a men's thing, even sports where women give better performances are considered "easier" or "worse". But that said women in sport is a relatively new phenomenon and female athletes and training techniques which don't disadvantage women's physique haven't had time or resources to develop. So I guess we'll see in time.
It is, and it will likely stay that way in most sports because women simply can't compete against men in most (most, not all, for the people in the back) physical scenarios.
Fair or not a lot of people tend to go towards "the best overall" over "the best in a specific category."
But that said, their achievements are still achievements and shouldn't just be brushed aside either. Gotta be a balance out there somewhere
· 5 years ago
I realize you rather close your ears, eyes and mind than to acknowledge this society generally treats women unfair, compared to men. And I feel sorry for you, no matter if you identify as male, female or whatever place in the spectrum. This level of active oblivion must be very exhausting to maintain.
I don't know, you seem to maintain it quite well my friend. You've managed to ignore 90% of what I've said and somehow disagreed with me nonetheless. And simultaneously accused me of things I never did or said. It's honestly a fascinating study in human behaviour
Alas, as you are demanding that I concede men are always, inevitably, out to suppress women with every breath they take, it seems we will never see eye to eye.
I can't imagine what gave you such a horrific dystopian view of men as a whole, but I have no idea how you've managed to interact on this website at all given a large number of the users are in fact the enemy of women it would seem.
Yes, men in general perform better at most sports than women. Men simply have a biological advantage, there's no doubting that. But does that justify just straight up not giving attention or funding to women's efforts, burying them even deeper, because due to a lack of funding many women have to take up sports as a "side gig" instead of being able to dedicate all their time to training? Being an able bodied man in sports is easy mode because men have a biological advantage AND aren't denied opportunities at every turn. And I mean at the end of the day, who's better, the player who got a better score playing on casual difficulty or the one who beat the game on hard difficulty?
I... Literally said it doesn't justify that.
Funding it depends on what you're talking about. Women should receive funding for their sports.
And I'm sure someone will find a way to twist this to mean something it doesn't, but that's officially their own problem. So, that in mind:
The problem begins, again, with the fact that in many sports people again want to see the very best competitors.
People spend millions every year on the Superbowl. The teams that play in the Superbowl are typically well compensated for their efforts.
These teams are predominantly made of male employees.
Female teams, meanwhile, cannot compete when put up against male teams. Even in a 1v1 scenario. Some people do go and watch female football games etc, but the majority focus more on the NFL. The female teams do not bring in as much money. Not because they are female but because they can't compete.
If they can't compete do they deserve the same compensation just because they are women?
Should the male teams be penalized because they're more successful? Is that not also a type of sexism if they are?
People, likewise, Don't want to invest in something that won't give them as great a return. it's, again, not BECAUSE the team's are women necessarily.
In sports where they compete at equal levels they should receive equal compensations/funding, but when they can't or don't I'm never entirely certain what people think is a reasonable solution.
At the end of the day "who is better" is objective, but the medals are (or are supposed to be) given out to the one who gets the most points/shortest time/etc etc, regardless of what "mode" they're playing on
Either way, as I said, they always deserve recognition for their achievements
I mean, yeah sure men are able to perform better but honesly professional sports like football (or "soccer") or boxing are 10% sport 90% drama. So I feel like it comes down to entertainment more than just performances
All sports put on display are entertainment. That's why they draw crowds and sell tickets. Team sports with a scoring system tend to entertain people more than seeing whether one person can run faster/jump higher/etc, so they earn more money.
Whether that makes them more physically demanding is another matter. I'm sure there's plenty of Olympic grade tennis players that wouldn't survive ten seconds on a football field and visa versa
To everyone mad at the reporter for being uninformed- Andy Murray is absolutely the first person to win two INDIVIDUAL Olympic gold medals. They missed a word in the question, but they weren’t as uninformed as people are thinking.
· 5 years ago
That's an assumption. Might be true or not. What Murray did was to correct the objectively wrong thing the reporter said.
Labelling the reporter a sexist and implying they did this deliberately (do we even know the reporter is a man?) is also something... what's the word... it starts with "ass" and has "u" in it...
"do we even know the reporter is a man?"
Yes, we do. Takes about ten seconds to google the video. And where exactly did I assume anything here? There's a saying in german: Was ich selber denk und tu, trau ich auch den anderen zu. (Whatever I think and do myself, I wouldn't put past the others).
So the reporter is a man. Definitely kill him on sight. .
Go back and read any of your comments and point to me where you DIDN'T make assumptions. About the reporter, about the tennis player, about the female tennis players.. Heck, even about me. Literally nearly every word you've said is an assumption.
Seriously. I find your lack of self-awareness disturbing. Par for the course at this point, but disturbing nonetheless..
There's a Gaelic saying.
Níl on tóin tinn mar do thóin tinn feín.
There's no sore ass quite like your own sore ass.
If this is your way of telling me that your mind is a depressing place, I'd already realized that long ago. Given your rush to condemn anything and anyone that doesn't agree with your every thought, I can only assume your mind must be something the saw franchise would be proud of. Except with less blood and a bit more spastic flailing. Same amount of screaming, though
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
I didn't make any assumption about the reporter or the athlete, which you accused me of. Put up or shut up. Well, or keep it up with the "No YOU did that; No YOU said that.." bullshit. Whatever.
I made assumptions about you though, and here's another one: you think you're gaining points with what you do. You'll learn you don't and find that personal glass ceiling of yours sooner or later.
I'm a white cis man btw, and I don't believe men, in general, are worse than women. But there's a wide power gap and it's in the way of equality, and it's gotten worse the last 20 years, after decades of slow but steady improvement. And that sucks for both decent men and decent women and anyone decent in- or outside the spectrum. You're probably a decent person; I mean, you're thick as a brick and really annoying, but I think you mean kinda well, so this sucks for you, too, whether you realize it or not. As I said, I guess you'll find out sooner or later.
Kowalski, Analysis:
"Really, I mean who would expect a SPORT REPORTER to know all those woke, nerdy details about random persons who don't even have a penis"
-That this is a seasoned sports reporter and/or that
-It's a well-informed sports reporter and/or that they
-follow womens' sports
-That they weren't nervous
-That they didn't misspeak
-That this was, in fact, a deliberate act against women
-That these women needed defending
-That they APPRECIATED being defended
-That the correction this guy gave was even correct at all and not just him misunderstanding the reporter
"Of course it is, but wait until the popular local kids smell the liberal heart-blood and come yelling at you what a brain-washed sjw you are for having that kind of heretic ideas. Repeat after them: not everything that happens is a deliberate act the patriarchy conjured up to ruin your day and suppress your vagina into submission. Repeat as often as necessary to get a star right to your name."
-That this has anything to do with liberalism (hint: it's actually about equality)
-that I think you're brainwashed (I do not, and in fact I'd never encourage anyone to wash their brains - dirty minds are much more fun. Brain-dead might be a more accurate assumption of my opinion of you, but don't worry you worked hard to earn that opinion).
-That this is some sort of popularity contest
-That if it IS a popularity, that I want to win (i don't like people and I'd much prefer to lose any event that might encourage them to gather round me)
-That all defense of women is somehow SJW or Heretic (hint: it's not and I did not come anywhere close to saying that).
-That defending men equates to suppressing women
"Realize you rather close your ears, eyes and mind than to acknowledge this society generally treats women unfair, compared to men. And I feel sorry for you, no matter if you identify as male, female or whatever place in the spectrum. This level of active oblivion must be very exhausting to maintain."
-That I am closed-minded, which is a bizarre stance to take while arguing that it's impossible for a man to NOT constantly acknowledge womens' achievements without it being deliberate sexism. Still, better closed-minded than no mind at all I suppose
-That I identity as anything at all. And how DARE you.
-That my exhaustion has anything to do with my frame of mind (hint: it usually comes from my interactions with you. Actually usually it's a lack of sleep, but you can take some credit if it makes you feel more effective in your life)
Your most recent assumption: I think I'm gaining points? With who? For what? I don't want your points, they get in the way of actually forming a valid opinion and lead to weird bias. If I wanted points I'd start a Twitter account and screech about how horribly offensive lightbulbs are to blind people or other such nonsense.
I have no reason to think anyone on funsub has any authority to hand out points to begin with anyway.
I can't imagine I will ever hit a ceiling - I'm not particularly tall, you know. Perhaps when I do (and you assume I haven't a-ha!) You'll have finally crawled out of whatever cesspool left you with such a disparaging view of penises.
Granted, penises aren't particularly attractive, but their owners are rarely all bad.
And once again you've missed me not saying there isn't sexism in the world - in fantastic fashion. But you've got to make a point by ignoring that, so that's what matters!
I'm not going to lie - I consider you finding me annoying to be a compliment of the highest order at this point. You don't actually annoy me if that's any consolation to you.
I don't mean well or mean poorly. I mean what I say. That's it, that's all.
And never fear, this does not suck for me - it tends to be a lot more fun than this when things do suck
· 5 years ago
I'ld feel kind of flattered about how much energy you're investing in annoying me, if I weren't assuming this is rather a symptom of your condition. Take better care of yourself.
The best kind of correct
Good for him
Also: the guy just won two gold medals. If he wants to say "I am great" rather than focus on social politics... let him.
It's nice that he knew the facts and corrected the reporter.. It's bloody well weird that he'd have been considered a bad "ally" (what?) If he hadn't.
Seriously, let's not even go there thinking of the "r" word or someone's gonna get a stroke...
We're all just gonna ignore the possibilities that sports reporters are human and he may have made an honest mistake and wasn't actually deliberately going "fuck women, keep them down on the ground where they deserve" ? He may have even meant to say "man" not "person" and screwed up (I've had friends who said "peanut butter" instead of "receipt" so I know screwing up words can be absolutely impossible - especially when interacting with strangers). He may have been new at his job. He MAY even have been nervous.
No? That doesn't fit with the agenda? We can't open our minds enough to even consider that a possibility? Damn. Okay, someone get the noose, we've got an example to make.
And according to paleprincess there may even be an actual OTHER explanation - which is still not good enough for some reason.
I also think it's ridiculous to call him an "ally" like anyone who doesn't do this is an enemy. If that's how people view others - especially men - then that's goddamn sad.
Also, apologies, apparently I'm required to call you something about an Sjw even though I don't think you are or halfdead won't be able to sleep tonight. While I do think it's horrendously entertaining how often he lets me ruin his day, I don't want to actually be detrimental to his health
Fair or not a lot of people tend to go towards "the best overall" over "the best in a specific category."
But that said, their achievements are still achievements and shouldn't just be brushed aside either. Gotta be a balance out there somewhere
Alas, as you are demanding that I concede men are always, inevitably, out to suppress women with every breath they take, it seems we will never see eye to eye.
I can't imagine what gave you such a horrific dystopian view of men as a whole, but I have no idea how you've managed to interact on this website at all given a large number of the users are in fact the enemy of women it would seem.
Funding it depends on what you're talking about. Women should receive funding for their sports.
And I'm sure someone will find a way to twist this to mean something it doesn't, but that's officially their own problem. So, that in mind:
The problem begins, again, with the fact that in many sports people again want to see the very best competitors.
People spend millions every year on the Superbowl. The teams that play in the Superbowl are typically well compensated for their efforts.
These teams are predominantly made of male employees.
Female teams, meanwhile, cannot compete when put up against male teams. Even in a 1v1 scenario. Some people do go and watch female football games etc, but the majority focus more on the NFL. The female teams do not bring in as much money. Not because they are female but because they can't compete.
If they can't compete do they deserve the same compensation just because they are women?
People, likewise, Don't want to invest in something that won't give them as great a return. it's, again, not BECAUSE the team's are women necessarily.
In sports where they compete at equal levels they should receive equal compensations/funding, but when they can't or don't I'm never entirely certain what people think is a reasonable solution.
At the end of the day "who is better" is objective, but the medals are (or are supposed to be) given out to the one who gets the most points/shortest time/etc etc, regardless of what "mode" they're playing on
Either way, as I said, they always deserve recognition for their achievements
Whether that makes them more physically demanding is another matter. I'm sure there's plenty of Olympic grade tennis players that wouldn't survive ten seconds on a football field and visa versa
Yes, we do. Takes about ten seconds to google the video. And where exactly did I assume anything here? There's a saying in german: Was ich selber denk und tu, trau ich auch den anderen zu. (Whatever I think and do myself, I wouldn't put past the others).
Go back and read any of your comments and point to me where you DIDN'T make assumptions. About the reporter, about the tennis player, about the female tennis players.. Heck, even about me. Literally nearly every word you've said is an assumption.
Seriously. I find your lack of self-awareness disturbing. Par for the course at this point, but disturbing nonetheless..
There's a Gaelic saying.
Níl on tóin tinn mar do thóin tinn feín.
There's no sore ass quite like your own sore ass.
If this is your way of telling me that your mind is a depressing place, I'd already realized that long ago. Given your rush to condemn anything and anyone that doesn't agree with your every thought, I can only assume your mind must be something the saw franchise would be proud of. Except with less blood and a bit more spastic flailing. Same amount of screaming, though
I made assumptions about you though, and here's another one: you think you're gaining points with what you do. You'll learn you don't and find that personal glass ceiling of yours sooner or later.
I'm a white cis man btw, and I don't believe men, in general, are worse than women. But there's a wide power gap and it's in the way of equality, and it's gotten worse the last 20 years, after decades of slow but steady improvement. And that sucks for both decent men and decent women and anyone decent in- or outside the spectrum. You're probably a decent person; I mean, you're thick as a brick and really annoying, but I think you mean kinda well, so this sucks for you, too, whether you realize it or not. As I said, I guess you'll find out sooner or later.
"Really, I mean who would expect a SPORT REPORTER to know all those woke, nerdy details about random persons who don't even have a penis"
-That this is a seasoned sports reporter and/or that
-It's a well-informed sports reporter and/or that they
-follow womens' sports
-That they weren't nervous
-That they didn't misspeak
-That this was, in fact, a deliberate act against women
-That these women needed defending
-That they APPRECIATED being defended
-That the correction this guy gave was even correct at all and not just him misunderstanding the reporter
-That this has anything to do with liberalism (hint: it's actually about equality)
-that I think you're brainwashed (I do not, and in fact I'd never encourage anyone to wash their brains - dirty minds are much more fun. Brain-dead might be a more accurate assumption of my opinion of you, but don't worry you worked hard to earn that opinion).
-That this is some sort of popularity contest
-That if it IS a popularity, that I want to win (i don't like people and I'd much prefer to lose any event that might encourage them to gather round me)
-That all defense of women is somehow SJW or Heretic (hint: it's not and I did not come anywhere close to saying that).
-That defending men equates to suppressing women
-That I am closed-minded, which is a bizarre stance to take while arguing that it's impossible for a man to NOT constantly acknowledge womens' achievements without it being deliberate sexism. Still, better closed-minded than no mind at all I suppose
-That I identity as anything at all. And how DARE you.
-That my exhaustion has anything to do with my frame of mind (hint: it usually comes from my interactions with you. Actually usually it's a lack of sleep, but you can take some credit if it makes you feel more effective in your life)
I have no reason to think anyone on funsub has any authority to hand out points to begin with anyway.
I can't imagine I will ever hit a ceiling - I'm not particularly tall, you know. Perhaps when I do (and you assume I haven't a-ha!) You'll have finally crawled out of whatever cesspool left you with such a disparaging view of penises.
Granted, penises aren't particularly attractive, but their owners are rarely all bad.
And once again you've missed me not saying there isn't sexism in the world - in fantastic fashion. But you've got to make a point by ignoring that, so that's what matters!
I don't mean well or mean poorly. I mean what I say. That's it, that's all.
And never fear, this does not suck for me - it tends to be a lot more fun than this when things do suck