That is why prostitution is still a booming business
5 years ago by handsup · 278 Likes · 9 comments · Trending
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· 5 years ago
I'm 12 and this is deep
· 5 years ago
I don’t care what others do but I have more personality than my boobs mate
· 5 years ago
Do your boobs have a lot of personality? Are they personalitits?
· 5 years ago
Nah but they are my personal tits
· 5 years ago
Are they named Batman and Joker by chance?
· 5 years ago
Ya’know I never named them, but I think you sir have given me something to ponder
· 5 years ago
Not really that ironic. Say you’re a very nice person, and you use that to attract partners- is it ironic if you then get upset that a person only values you for being nice, or that they take advantage of your niceness? We wouldn’t go- “man, it’s so ironic- my job attracted me with a high salary but then fired me when I kept asking for raises ever week; and is prosecuting me for embezzlement. Why are they mad? They knew I liked money- they advertised they’d give me money to get me to take the job....” Most of us want to be valued for more than one thing, most of us don’t want people to take us for granted or use us just because we CAN offer something, and most of us have certain things we know are attractive about ourselves that we highlight to attract others when we want to.
· 5 years ago
I think OP meant that it's ironic from an outside point of view, not from the person experiencing it.
· 5 years ago
Ah. I suppose at a high level abstract we could call it that- or yes, at least say that on the surface it seems ironic. But I still think it’s an important distinction to understand. The same principle of thought used here is behind ideas like “if you don’t want men to come on to you don’t dress like that..” or “they were basically asking to be assaulted with how they are dressed...” Obviously those are far more extreme and I don’t mean that saying being flashy attracts gold diggers is the same as saying people deserve assault- I’m saying that philosophically on an individual and social level it’s important to distinguish that showing one aspect of ourselves doesn’t mean we are only that aspect or should be thought of as only that aspect.