I was about to comment this but then I'd already commented it. Also come on, this was definitely funny, Past Me should have gotten at least three likes
· 4 years ago
Maybe you had lots of likes and exactly as many dislikes?
Nah, sorry, it's about as controversial as it is funny
From what I can tell they're not doing it because people got offended, they did out of respect for their Muslim clients.
"Burger King in South Africa is dropping the word "ham" from its menu, after adding bacon at some of its stores, in order to be respectful of Muslim customers...The chain has had some queries from Muslim customers in the past on the "ham" part of the name, Klopper said, by way of Majlisush Shura Al Islami, the non-profit that certifies Burger King's remaining halaal outlets as being in compliance with Shari'ah law."
That's one way to do it. They could've as well educated those people that this part of the name has nothing to see with ham. And even if, nobody would come to the idea of renaming, let's say, Ramen, because some people were offended by it. The customer may be king, as long as he stays in the realm of common sense.
What is the message to offended people in general now: Alright, you're a grown-up person, but you are right, you should never see something in your life that doesn't thoroughly match with your beliefs and thoughts about how the world should be? Maybe a small kiss on the forehead, as well?
*edited for typos
My reply was to hamburg cause he was explaining why Muslims shouldn’t be offended and I wanted to let him know we aren’t
· 4 years ago
Getting a misunderstanding explained has never stopped anyone on the internet from explaining to you in detail how you'd be wrong anyway if you had meant what you didn't mean in the first place. That's especially popular with my fellow germans...
@kcat I wasn't generalizing. I'm sorry if my wording gave you this impression. My statement was less directed towards muslims being offended by hamburgers, than more towards offended people in general.
Yeah the whole offense culture gets pretty annoying and no worries! I get what you meant now :)
· 4 years ago
This reminds me of a fake story about BK "bowing to sharia law" in 2015 (snopesDOTcomSLASHfact-check/burger-king-sharia-law/) and it seems the exact same group of internet people decided to get facts as wrong as possible - again, deliberately or not.
Henceforth his name shall be M and M alone.
It's complete bullshit.
Nah, sorry, it's about as controversial as it is funny
"Burger King in South Africa is dropping the word "ham" from its menu, after adding bacon at some of its stores, in order to be respectful of Muslim customers...The chain has had some queries from Muslim customers in the past on the "ham" part of the name, Klopper said, by way of Majlisush Shura Al Islami, the non-profit that certifies Burger King's remaining halaal outlets as being in compliance with Shari'ah law."
What is the message to offended people in general now: Alright, you're a grown-up person, but you are right, you should never see something in your life that doesn't thoroughly match with your beliefs and thoughts about how the world should be? Maybe a small kiss on the forehead, as well?
*edited for typos
But thanks for the meme uncle Carl.