I always wondered this too. Birthdays to me have always been the most special day for a person. They should get their favorite foods and have so much fun and everyone should be nice to them and try and make that day special. Most adult men I knew were all stoic about it or even hated them. I thought maybe- they were trying to be “manly,” not show excitement and such. Well- F that I said. When I got older- I would always enjoy my birthday shamelessly.
Then... I became an adult. Looking back at past birthdays- friends were a big part of the fun. The older I got- the harder it was to get those friends together and go on this big grand adventure. People didn’t have the time, and between their lives and responsibilities and spouses and families and careers- you can’t really be the most special thing in the world. Those have to come before you.
The things that excited me changed to. The things that were special. Being an adult, especially one with financial freedom- you can eat what you want most of the time. Your parents often die or live far or get infirmed. No more coming home and mom making that special dish she always made only a few times a year or on your birthday. Birthday pizza? I had pizza literally 8 times last week. Pizza is still amazing- but it’s less special. Cake... I can have cake whenever I want. And as an adult- wether for fitness or health- cake can start to be more of a meh thing.
Work generally doesn’t care it’s our birthday. You MIGHT get a cake or something? Working in an office- unless it’s a very “modern” office culture- you aren’t going to get off early. They won’t say “you know what- don’t worry about that project. It’s your birthday...” and even if they do- you know any work you don’t do now? It’s going to be there tomorrow- and tomorrow isn’t your birthday- so of all the people who cared yesterday- no one is going to cut you birthday slack 1,2,3 days after it has passed.
The bills are still due. No birthday discount on those. No free electricity one day only. There are fewer and fewer free things for your birthday as you get older- and they don’t have the impact they once did.
As a kid- I was in every birthday club. I knew all the stores that gave free things on your birthday or discounts. I’d walk or find myself to all of them and make an entire day of it. Get a soda (another treat rare as a kid) and window shop all the stores. If I had pocket change or birthday money I’d go and maybe buy something neat for myself.
As an adult- a free ice cream cone doesn’t mean what it used to- that’s if you can find a place that gives it to adults even. Where as a kid- $5-20 in birthday money made me rich, and $50 was insane- I could buy anything and sometimes everything I wanted with that money. As an adult- I’d need to open a card that had $10k in it to get that excited, and less than $500-1,000 won’t get me much anything I want. As an adult- whatever money you might get is more likely going to go towards a new salad spinner or the oil change on your car or something “boring” than it will an awesome new toy. *all gifts and money are always appreciated. I’m not saying $50-100 or even just a card aren’t appreciated. Im saying they don’t have the transformative powers in your life that these “little” things did as a kid- and you have more responsibilities so you can’t enjoy things as freely and without care.
Tl:dr- and in the end- as I got older I found that it’s very easy to just forget about birthdays. You’ve had a lot, the novelty wears off. Year after year it’s common that you won’t or can’t do anything special. The time, the money, the people that often make birthdays special may not be there. Chances are that as an adult you may already but yourself presents and special meals just because.
If you are online and see some RAM you want or decide it’s time to get a new phone, if you need a phone case or want to buy a new tool or a car part- you probably aren’t going to wait until your birthday. I have toys coming in the mail (hopefully) today, and I’m going to go eat with friends and buy an optic this weekend. So what difference is there between getting a new toy and Cheesecake Factory with friends if it’s this Sunday or months from now on my birthday? It’s still a nice day- but nothing to hype up.
Very true. People always say: “but you have unlimited vacation! Just come...” 1. It’s “untracked” not unlimited. And they do keep track. 2. You are only allowed time off “as business needs allow” which means that if you are important at all- you’ll get very little chance to take any. 3. Nothing stops and deadlines don’t move. It doesn’t matter that you were “off” if you don’t deliver what they want on time- that’s your performance. Because... see #2- “as business needs allow.” If you can’t hit a deadline or get it all done... then obviously business needs didn’t allow that time off right? It’s a trap.
I forgot my own B-day again this year... that's like the 3rd time in this lifetime.
I mean, I usually remember before the day is over (2/3).. and I did this year... and got a dank ass bloomin onion, but still.
I'd love some socks, especially some knee high or thigh high ones...
I mean, I usually remember before the day is over (2/3).. and I did this year... and got a dank ass bloomin onion, but still.