Well- no one is technically a “self made” anything then- if we ignore the basic biology of how any human life we know of is made- the efforts of multiple people... and let’s ignore upbringing or assume a human being who’s childhood was so shitty that from birth they never had anyone teach them anything, provide them food, shelter, etc. even if we discount all the doctors and drivers and pilots and supporting people required in our lives...
If you never got a referral from someone or used your “network” to provide you an opportunity or help seize it, never had someone take a chance on you or had ANY kind of luck whatsoever and EVERYTHING that EVER happened in your life was the result of your direct ability and action to turn your will into reality... even if you ran a successful business entirely by yourself with no staff and no support... you’d still have to GET profit somewhere, so that’s still not “entirely self made” considering that the choices and decisions of others factored into your success.
Of course we could also argue that we are ALL self made- assuming humans have free will and avoiding philosophical such and such. It’s a little “nature vs nurture” but at least some aspect of who we are and who we become would come down to what we decide for ourselves and the choices we make- even someone who’s entire life is controlled and dictated still made some type of choice there- regardless of the consequence, disobeying is always an option.
But generally when we say “self made” in business- we aren’t factoring in employees- wether those employees are well treated and well paid or are just barely not, or even arguably are: slaves. Every single person in our world is a part of how our world functions- our world by default would not be the same without them. “Self made” therefore usually doesn’t take such philosophical concepts into account. It doesn’t count employees, investors, customers- people who DO contribute to your success but do so either out of self interest or because you found a way to compel them to work towards your success.
Don't get me wrong I think they're all terrible people but people are saying this like this isn't the exact same way literally every other billionaire on the planet came into existence
Edited because my phone somehow changed "people" to "different"
This! Yeah people are making fun of her for good reasons, she was already born into massive wealth and had name recognition which made it much easier for her to set up the business in the first place, but are we now acting like Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, all the founders of fast fashion companies etc. are much better because they were 'self-made'? They all benefit from inhumane conditions in factories in China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and so on. For fuck's sake, a fast fashion factory in Bangladesh crashed down in 2013 because there were no building safety regulations, over a 1000 people were killed and 2500 were injured, and people are still going to Zara, Primark, H&M and others for their cheap clothing like it doesn't matter at all. Apple's factories in China have suicide nets around them! Kylie Jenner isn't the first or last to use unethical labor. I would even argue that it is impossible to make such vast amounts of wealth without there being at least one unethical element somewhere.
IMO you have no right to post this unless none of your stuff is made by those workers. Then you don’t care any more than she does (ignoring the fact that she most likely never actually said that)
Sometimes it’s about spreading awareness. Me and a friend are looking into what shops have ethically sourced fabrics. So yes, they can post this. Because it prompts people to think
People who are fans of her.
Edited because my phone somehow changed "people" to "different"