The problem with the "cheaper" items on Amazon is they're sometimes counterfeit knockoffs. I'll totally pay a couple bucks more to not get scammed.
There was a popular soldering iron I wanted and was surprised to see a bunch of negative reviews of it on Amazon. Then one negative review had a picture of their failed unit, it wasn't quite right.
Depending on the product you may be hard pressed finding the actual manufacturer as often times Amazon listings are 3rd party distributors who're already making money as middlemen
· 4 years ago
First of all that might make you more sensible to look for local companies, 2nd I'll take any middleman gladly as long as I can avoid the pure evil that Amazon represents. But hey,why not let Satan rule us, as long as it's all so convenient.
Amazon pays their employees with that cut not the government
· 4 years ago
And by employees you mean these caged up people in their coronoa breeding stations who are not allowed to go to the bathroom so they need to piss in soda bottles?
What does the government have to do with anything in the first place? If Amazon wasn't there, you think all these people would be unemployed? You have any idea how much of that "cut" goes to the employees and how much goes to Satan, uhm,. Bezos?
I do feel bad for using amazon so i tend to only use it for appliances and very basic things that are made on mass. For things like merchandise and posters and art etc I avoid amazon like the plague and go on sites like etsy where I know I'm supporting an artist or creator who is starting from the bottom
There was a popular soldering iron I wanted and was surprised to see a bunch of negative reviews of it on Amazon. Then one negative review had a picture of their failed unit, it wasn't quite right.