Seriously? A man died, and the poor officer is most likely going to do jail time because of one split second mistake, and you're going to make fun of it? Imagine how terrible she must feel. Did you even hear her shock in the footage? Now, just put yourself in her shoes: YOU pulled the gun instead of the taser. Think about what that would mean, what it would do to you mentally, the punch to the stomach that you'd feel once you realized your mistake. Think about how a large portion of the population mislabels you as a racist now, just because the colour of your skin isn't the same as the man you shot. Think about all the time you'll be in jail for. Think about the loss his family is going through, the loss your family will feel once you're in prison. Think about the fact that you'll probably never be able to return to your career and spend the rest of your life barely making minimum wage. All because of a mistake. If only you could go back and change what happened.
This is not a joke.
This is not a joke.