Someone did a study on this once. Money does buy happiness, but only up to a point. Then money starts buying more depression.
forbes dot com/sites/alexledsom/2021/02/07/new-study-shows-that-more-money-buys-more-happiness/
The limit is $75,000
Up to a point, yeah money definitely buys happiness. Life's a lot easier when you don't have to constantly worry about making rent or whether you'll be able to afford dinner for your family. There was a study I read a while back, I'll link it if I'll be able to find it again, that showed that very often poor people can't escape poverty because just the worry about money itself takes up so much of their mental space and drains their energy so they have none left to actually improve their lot in life. Not to mention all the other issues connected to poverty, like lack of health care including mental health, basic necessities, opportunities and so on. In essence, poverty perpetuates itself, and the phrase "money doesn't buy happiness" deflects a lot of people's real experiences.
But yeah once you're comfortably rich and have enough money to buy anything you need when you need it, then you realize all your problems can't be solved by throwing money at them I guess.
forbes dot com/sites/alexledsom/2021/02/07/new-study-shows-that-more-money-buys-more-happiness/
The limit is $75,000
But yeah once you're comfortably rich and have enough money to buy anything you need when you need it, then you realize all your problems can't be solved by throwing money at them I guess.