In a lot of places it's not illegal to be a prostitute, but it is illegal to buy sex from one. Which was meant to protect the prostitutes themselves I think since a lot of the women involved tend to be victimized and/or mentally ill, with little recourse.
I remember hearing an interview with one prostitute where she talks about the guy beating her unconscious or something, and when she woke up he was carrying her over to the balcony, the intent being to throw her off iirc.
She managed to get away. But it's a very fucked up, unsafe industry, no matter which way it gets legalized.
And unfortunately "take them at their word" laws can never be instituted because, as has been demonstrated far too often of late, people can and WILL lie about being victimized. Obviously not all of them. But
I'd support legalized brothels with armed guards, metal detectors, and girls having some means to summon guards mid-session. Maybe some audio recorders in rooms to help determine what went bad if something goes bad.
I also nominate myself to be a leader of the security team. I guaran-goddamn-tee we won't have any repeat offenders, and all my guys will recieve some medical training.
There are legalized brothels.
Most of the women in at least a few of them have mental illness and are more like prisoners. And unfortunately many are expected to adhere to extremely rigid policies that are not in place to protect them (much like the armed guards)
@famousone don't forget about STD testing and strict condom enforcement. Otherwise, yeah. I view it a lot like why pot should be legal. If you legalize it and keep it reasonable you yank the rug out from the criminal aspect. Same thing with gambling.
I honestly don't know how you go about testing for STDs efficiently in a brothel. Like is there rapid std testing? 'Cause if not it seems like something you can't guarantee
Government: Sure, you live in a free country.
Me: Can I sell sex?
Government: No, that's only for dirty whores.
I remember hearing an interview with one prostitute where she talks about the guy beating her unconscious or something, and when she woke up he was carrying her over to the balcony, the intent being to throw her off iirc.
She managed to get away. But it's a very fucked up, unsafe industry, no matter which way it gets legalized.
And unfortunately "take them at their word" laws can never be instituted because, as has been demonstrated far too often of late, people can and WILL lie about being victimized. Obviously not all of them. But
I also nominate myself to be a leader of the security team. I guaran-goddamn-tee we won't have any repeat offenders, and all my guys will recieve some medical training.
Most of the women in at least a few of them have mental illness and are more like prisoners. And unfortunately many are expected to adhere to extremely rigid policies that are not in place to protect them (much like the armed guards)