Yep! The sentence is much longer but I only typed it up until the second dash.
· 11 years ago
In the Old Kingdom, Egyptian noblemen living at Aswan on the southern border led donkey caravans south to trade for gold, incense, and products of tropical Africa such as ivory, dark ebony-wood, and exotic jungle animals.
Ok then...
· 11 years ago
Did the book just say your body part is big and exports many valuable goods?
"But at the same time Fix was certain that Phileas Fogg would not get off at Suez, but he was really going to Bombay." -Around the World in Eighty Days, Jules Verne
Uhm.. Anyone think they can interpret this one?
I turned to page 45 of my maths book, and it said 'the population of somewhere was 3.1 million, but then increased to 4.1 million the next year'... What is that supposed to mean?
"I guessed it made sense, you wouldn't want to lean over your prisoners with all that deadly hardware at their eye level-- they might grab your gun with their teeth and pull the trigger with their tongues or something" page 45 book little brother by Cory Doctorow
Am. Am I in porn?
Ok then...
Uhm.. Anyone think they can interpret this one?
The question is, are you Fix or Phileas?
- A Feast of Crows. GRRM
That does not sound auspicious.
(Update) I should probably mention I am a boy
Jake's my neighbor... wut
Math. Not even once.
Descent into Dust by Jacqueline Lepore
"I shut my computer"
Well then.
~Our Universe
'A sliver of ice ran through my chest.'
"The history of my wedding?"
wow how much fun