I flip to a blank page in my notebook, the supposed to be straight lines swim in my vision. I slowly reach towards my favorite pen, the purple one. My hand shakes as I carefully place my pen on my paper. Ugh, what to write what to write? I thought in my head as I put
0000 d 00 h 08 m 07 s at the top of the page, and I begin to write...
I never would have imagined this happening to me. I always thought I would end up like the people who's timers just count down and count down endlessly, the people who never end up with anyone. Today is the day, today is the day. Wait, what kind of soulmate is going to be at my house at 6:39 on a Wednesday night? Maybe his timer will count down just as he passes my house and he'll knock on my door look into my eyes and say "I only have 3 seconds left so I figured it must be you". Then we will fall in love and be well, soulmates. I knew this day would come I'm just not sure I'm ready yet.
I write my last word, and with still shaky hands I close my notebook. Waiting, I reach towards my water and enjoy the coolness as it runs down my throat. I run my fingers through my hair and glance at my wrist.
0000 d 00 h 03 m 04 s
This is it. This is the moment I've been waiting for. I steadily stand up from the comforts of my recliner any moment now. God damnit I thought. I probally look hideous. I run as fast as my legs will carry me to the bathroom and grab my hairbrush. I quickly brush out all the knots and tangles then, I wash my face off and study myself in the mirror. At least I look somewhat descent. In my reflection I see
0000 d 00 h 00 m 42 s on my wrist. All of the sudden the shock and the realality of it all hits me, I'm about to meet the person that I will fall in love with and spend the rest of my life with. Right now all I can think about is... How much I need to go pee? In one stride I go to the toilet and do my business. "Now is the time"
I say to myself as I wash my hands.
Calm down.
What's going to happen?
What's he going to look like?
Will he be in the same fandoms as I?
Just as my timer buzzes at 0 the door to the bathroom opens with a creak, and in lumbers my Great Dane. "Fuck" I whisper.
I'm getting my timer for the very first time. My heart is racing as I'm eager to see how long I have to wait. Will it be years? Months? Days? Less? I finally get the timer attached, and I take my first look at it.
It's in the negative.
Dammit! Who is she??!
Astoldbykuei, you want one of us to write one, here you go. (if it's in between slashes (//) it's in italics. I'm just going to do it paragraph by paragraph so it's not too much in one comment.
I had fallen for a few guys before. I mean, like, /major/ crushes. Pretty much an instant infatuation. And each time, I would look down at my clock, and hope. But no. It was never at zero. It still hadn't stopped yet. But I couldn't wait for the moment it did.
A few of my friends had found their own soul mates. They were so lucky. Except for this one girl.
We used to be really great friends. We'd talk about boys and gossip and everything together. But then her day came. She found hers at 9:00 AM, at school. I found her in the hallway after my 8:45-9:30 class, and she was holding hands with this other girl. I went up to her and asked her who her soul mate was and she said, “Yeah. Meet Sophia,” and the girl she was with stuck out her hand for me to shake. So I screamed out, “Oh my God, you're a /lesbian/?!” and just ran off. I mean, I can't be friends with a /lesbian/! They're all so /weird/. Gay people are just unnatural in my opinion. Like, how can you be attracted to another girl?
My school has this weird thing they do for our clocks. I don't know if any other place does it, but I guess it makes sense. If your clock is set to reach zero during the school day, they have you go into this big room. I suppose to narrow down the possibilities. If yours will stop before 11:00, you go in in the morning. If it's set for between 11 and 3, they let you in once the room is empty. That way the crowd isn't as big. Of course, it's never huge. Maybe twenty or thirty kids total was the largest group we ever had.
It was my day. The day. My clock looked to be stopping around 2:30. I was in the afternoon group.
I couldn't handle waiting. I was so restless the entire day. I just couldn't focus. How did they expect me to focus? I was about to meet my soul mate! Of /course/ I was super excited!
Finally, it was time. I walked to the room, known as the “Room of Love” by the students, my heart pounding. I started to feel terrified at who it could be. I stepped into the room, and it was almost full. I was a bit late. I think I was the last one. I counted everyone up. Fourteen guys and fourteen girls, including me. Good. No more gays. I sat down in one of the chairs. The first hour stood up. Three guys and three girls. They all mingled about silently in the front, too afraid to talk to each other, and all of us watched. None of them even dared to look at the others. The first two paired up after twelve minutes: this really hot guy and some girl I'd never met. The next couple was the most popular girl in the school and this zit-faced nerd when he finally spoke to her. I felt sorry for her. The last two were paired up the next second.
And so it went on like this, just normal pairings, until it was two o'clock. The rest of us stood up – three guys, three girls again – and stood there awkwardly waiting. I watched as the first two got together. Two guys. Crap. One guy, three girls. Two of us remaining were gay, and it sure as heck wasn't me. I walked up to the last guy.
“Hi,” I spoke timidly.
He looked down at his clock. “Um, sorry to tell you, but I still have two seconds left.” Two seconds?! I had three.
One of the other girls came running over and kissed him. I and the last person in the room locked eyes.
No. It couldn't be. “EW!!” I screeched. “That is disgusting! I am not gay!” I tried to run from the room, but my supposed “soul mate” grabbed my arm and spun me around.
“You sure about that, love?” she said, and, to my horror, kissed me. But after the initial shock, I realized that I kind of liked it. I had been a homophobic bigot, so fate decided my soul mate a girl.
Read the last line then think it over.. It was worth it.
· 10 years ago
The last line doesn't redeem the story - the character was made to be gay as punishment for being a bigot. Homosexuality shouldn't be seen as a punishment.
Somehow I only just saw these comments, so I'm gonna defend my story.
rawiyah-vodka's right. Read the end. I'm not homophobic. I just figured it would make a good story idea.
jesus-Sorry. I didn't mean it as a punishment. I just meant it to be a means to teach her a lesson. Show her that it's not all that bad to be gay, and sometimes a person's discovery of their sexuality can come out of nowhere.
Some of my friends had already found their soulmates, some had only weeks to go. There were even people whose timer would stop after 50 years. But only my timer was blank.
I look down at my wrist 0000d 00h 3m 8s there is not much time left, i should do what i always do right? Just act normal do everything i usually do, i walk into my room and sit on my chair, i stare at a blank computer screen. I put my hand over the mouse as i do i see a glimse of my timer 2m 17s left. I open a new tab and type in the address i type in everyday to watch doctor who, the screen is loading. I look again at my timer 1m 28s left, i scroll down the list of episodes, i wonder how i will meet him will he knock on my door or will he jump through the window like a action hero. I click the next episode i haven't watched and click play.
3 seconds left
the video is taking long to load
2 seconds left
Maybe he will jump through the window
1 second left
I close my eyes and hear the familiar sound of the doctor who theme song
0 seconds left i open my eyes and i meet the eyes of...
The doctor
When the clocks were introduced, all I felt was bitterness. The world I'd know was cold and grey, and the numbers ticking down on my wrist seemed like a mockery of the happiness I could never reach. Whoever my supposed "soulmate" was, I felt sorry for them. I was just a raw, exhausted soul trapped in this unremarkable shell; all I would be able to offer them were the countless scars from my self-abuse and a lifetime of despairing depression. Whoever they were, they deserved someone better. This soulmate business was an abyss for someone who could actually have happiness.
So when the numbers on my wrist reached single digits, I set in motion the plan I had made in order to save a stranger from the misery that was me. The night I left my apartment was cold and dark, with only a crescent moon to light my way. My breath left my mouth in crystallized puffs, and the streets were empty and forlorn. My steps echoed as I approached the dam; the great roar of water was like a symphony in my ears. When I reached the edge, I peered over and paused. The water far below was a great dark mass, and the darkness looked comforting and safe. I would be safe there, and my soulmate would be safe from me.
I took a deep breath and looked at my wrist. The numbers read 0-0-57. I was just in time. Death was punctual, and so was I. I looked up at the moon, marveling for the last time at it's soft luminance and silent beauty, and then I leaned gently over the edge. For you, my stranger, I thought silently. A parting gift for someone who just be amazing. I closed my eyes as I began to fall, already imagining the cold water crushing my bones and stealing my breath from me. Would death be as cold and sweet as I had always imagined?
I would never know.
Warm hands grabbed my arm with amazing strength, and I gasped as I swung and hit the concrete edge of the dam. I looked up in shock; above me, a pale, beautiful face looked down determinedly. He had light grey eyes and a shock of dark hair, and I watched as his jaw locked in concentration. He began to pull me up, his light eyes flashing as they met mine.
"Don't leave me," he gasped. "Don't leave me before I know you, love."
Here goes nothing!
The faint wailing of approaching ambulances snapped me out of my stupor. I blinked hard. What happened? I was in my car, yet something seemed ... off. Apart from the shattered glass in front of me and the slowly deflating airbag beneath my chin, gravity didn't seem to be pulling me in the right direction. I was so disoriented, until I shuddered with realization: I was upside down.
I had been late for work that morning. My alarm clock failed to wake me and I'd overslept. Bolting out of bed, I grabbed whatever clothes I could get my hands on first, then left without even having time to brush my teeth. Speeding down the freeway, I begun to text one of my coworkers: hey, sorry to bother you. Im going to be a bit la
I wasn't paying attention. I veered off he road.
(2) Now, suspended by my seatbelt and with all the blood rushing to my head, I began to panic. What do I do? Don't turn my head. Was I going to make it? A little click and a beep froze my thoughts. My clock. I slowly lifted my wrist to my face. My jaw dropped in horror. No, no, no ... the tiny glass frame had snapped completely in two, leaving one half dangling from one delicate wire. Numbers flickered across the screen for a few moments before it beeped again and my clock went dark.
The pain came then. It rocketed through my body, coarsed through every vein. I could feel a shattered rib prodding up at the tender skin of my chest. Bile crawled up my throat. I didn't care. My clock was broken, my hopes and dreams had snapped to pieces.
(3) Tears pearled in the sockets of my eyes and soaked my eyelashes. I hadn't even so much as glanced at the clock in years. Watching the black digits counting down to my fate caused me too much stress, so I'd always just cloaked my wrist with an assortment of bracelets and hairbands. Now I'd never know for sure who The One would be.
I had been so hopeful. My life was successful before this. I studied hard and became a science teacher at a university. I had a nice house, good pay, good potential, I made sure everything was perfect so my future soulmate would be impressed. But now it was all hopeless.
I was shuddering and sobbing quietly to myself as the first responder stooped next to my window. A gentle hand rested on my free arm. "Stay calm, sweetie. We're gonna get you out of there, alright?"
"Uh huh," I mumbled hoarsely. I sniffled.
(4 sorry this is so long) Curious to see who my rescuer was, I turned my head at a slight angle and shifted my gaze upwards. The first responder, a dark-haired man in a firefighter uniform, smiled. A sense of safety washed over me. I was going to live. I didn't have my clock, but I was going to live. Maybe things weren't so hopeless.
I felt overwhelming gratitude for the firefighter. Just him being there, whispering soothing words as the others worked on getting the car upright, was the most comforting thing anyone could ever do for me. We locked eyes and I mouthed my thanks.
Just then his clock hit zero.
This is mine
Part 1
I always followed my heart but as my time I decided to ignore my heart. Every time I wanted to do something I did another thing, anything to change my fate. My time instead of going down it change; I guess to accommodate the decisions I made. Now I stand in the train station, instead of doing the things that I planned for today. Even though I did this my clock instead of accommodating the time it kept going down. I was lost, I wasn't supposed to be here, I went against my heart so this shouldn't be happening. Instead of panicking I stood there coming to the conclusion that my clock isn't has stopped, broken for the many times that I went against it. The trains coming in and out and the people going. 0000 days 0000 hours 0010 minutes. Many came up to me, asking me if I was lost or needed directions. After that I left. Ahh fresh air, the air in the subway was deteriorating my lungs.
Part 2
As I walked I began imagining how my partner would look like, how they behave and such. It's no point imagining if my clock broke. Then it came to me, the other person's clock would still be working even if mine was damaged. Their facial expressions would be one to see. They, walking or standing somewhere happily or nervously waiting for their time to reach zero but their partner nowhere insight, asking everyone if their clock reached zero. I started to feel bad, my decisions changed another person's life. Maybe they were happy to get the one for them waiting years but in the end they are end up with no one. My thoughts overtook my mind, I stopped walking noticing that all I have left is 30 seconds. I started running, don't know where to but running to see if I could still have a partner. 10 seconds left, I closed my eyes. Running faster than I could imagine counting down in my head 5...4...3...2...1...0. Just as I reached zero I bumped into someone and heard two beeps.
Part 3
I was in awe. "Hi" calm me insane but it was love at first sight. " I guess you're my partner" I on top of them scrambled back up, looked at them unable to mutter any words and nodded. "I'm sorry, this isn't how introduced my self, my name is Emillia Arcana the third" "Amelia Anderson". I couldn't believe my eyes, in front of me stood a beautiful person blonde hair, hazel eyes, heart-warming smile. "I'm sorry to say this but my clock broke so I'm not your partner." "That has to be a lie for your clock beeped at the same time as mine, I won't accept a no before getting to know you, coffee or tea?" "I give up, coffee." We started walking side by side and my face red as the ripest tomato.
Part 4
Sorry for it to be long
After coffee we went on several more date, each one more amazing than the last one. Not because of the location but because of who I went with. I got to know about her and on several occasions I would received kisses on the cheeks and I would respond by giving her some back. We hit it off really great, anytime I spent with her were never dull all full of joy.
Ever so often I would reminiscent those times we spent together. Years have passed in which every day I would wake up to the stranger then but my wife now singing in an angelic voice to our daughter, Rosalin Arcana. Thanks to science we were able to create a beautiful baby, her mother's eye cooler and my Auburn hair.
No matter the decisions I made or the ones I regretted I am the most happiest person alive and I couldn't ask more.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The end ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Thank you for reading it!
1. As a child, I would always ask my mother about the day she met dad. I was curious about this watch on the inside of my left wrist. My mother and father had very different stories, that is until their stories became one. Ever since I was promoted to Grade 9, my clock had started ticking down faster, faster than ever before. It was clocked at 0000 d 09 h 30 m 45 s the night before the first day of school. I would meet my soul mate the next day! I was thrilled! I told my parents and we had a small celebration. I set out my favourite dress on the dressing table for the next morning.
I could not sleep; did he feel the same? What did he look like? Had I seen him before? Had we spoken? I'd read stories of people interacting with their soul mates long before their clocks stopped ticking. There were also stories of how people had, in fact, two soul mates and theories of how two souls resided in one body. My thoughts pulled back to my soul mate and I don't know when I fell asleep.
2. The familiar sound of the alarm clock woke me up from my slumber. I showered, got dressed, and was ready to meet my soul mate. I glanced at my watch, not really paying much attention; I couldn't concentrate on anything, I was far too excited...excited to meet him. Was he excited too? I had to pinch myself several times to make sure this was actually happening!
I ran out the door and sat next to my mother in the car. She held something in her hand. She took my clock hand in hers and looked at the clock, I realised she was doing what my grand mother had done on the day my mother was to meet father; I was about to get the earrings that had been passed on in my mothers family for years. Mother glanced at my watch, I watched her intently...I watched her smile fade and she looked at me. What was happening? I looked down at my watch, it was set at 0001 d 00 h 30 m 50 s, the seconds counting down. My heart sank. What had happened? What happened to him? Was he alright?
This is mine:
I walk down the path with my sister. She has her head down and is wiping her hands on her dress. I turn to her and speak, "You will be fine. I bet you will meet someone handsome." She doesn't reply. We keep walking until we reach the bus stop. My sister slowly pulls her arm up to read the time. 0d 0h 1m 0s. I stare at her. She is wearing a flowing pink dress that Mum forced her into. The bus comes rolling down the road until it reaches the stop. My sister takes a seat at the back while I pay for both of us. I sit two rows in front of her. She is panicked. With 30 seconds to go, she looks around. The bus is filled with elderly people. 25, 20, 15, 10. My sister puts her hands in front of her face. Just as the doors to the bus were about to close, a young boy ran onto the bus. My sister removed her hands from her face. Their eyes locked. This is it, the moment my sister has been waiting for. I watch as they walk towards each other. They hold hands. I smile and look down at
3. Sulking, I went to school. No longer excited, just morose. I pulled through the entire day, constantly glancing at my wrist. Why was this happening? Why me? Where was he? My friends tried to cheer me up during lunch time. I wasn't paying them any attention, was spaced out, surrounded by my thoughts. When i came back to my senses, I realised I was looking at this boy. He was seated all alone at the table in front of our, his eyes were locked on mine. I felt a rush and a blush rose to my cheeks. I felt a pull towards him. Could this be him?! Could this be?!! I looked at my wrist, I saw him mirroring me. My heart skipped a beat and I looked up at him, his eyes were sad. Tears welled up in mine. I ran to the girl's room, I didn't want him to see me cry. My clock timed 0000 d 18 h 04 m 00 s.
4. I saw him again and I was pulled towards him. How could he not be the one, I wondered. I'd never felt like this before. We exchanged looks several times during class, and he finally came up to me. He had the voice of an angel. His eyes an earthy brown. I melted, but my clock told another story. We spoke for a while and exchanged numbers. On my way back home, we did not stop texting one another. He told me his clock showed that he would meet his soul mate the next day. So did mine. Could this be one of those stories? But, why had my clock changed times? Had his too? I let my curiosity get the better of me and I asked him whether his clock changed had times. His hadn't.
I checked my watch one last time before I fell asleep. 0000 d 09 h 33 m 40 s. I woke up the next day, got dressed and got into the waiting car. My mother asked for my left hand again and looked at my clock. 0000 d 00 h 30 m 55 . Today was the day; my mother handed the heirloom earrings to me and I put them on.
5. I was excited and quite intrigued. As I neared school the clock kept ticking down... 0000 d 00 h 10 m 40 s. I stepped inside school, 0000 d 00 h 07 m 00 s. I walked towards my locker, opened it... 0000 d 00 m 01 m 15 s. Any minute now, I thought. I saw her. Yes, her. She tripped near my locker, our eyes met and my clock stopped ticking. She looked at her wrist. Hers had stopped too. What?! I helped her up. We looked at each other in complete bewilderment. We introduced ourselves. It was her first day at school. She couldn't make it the previous day because she developed cold feet in the morning. I told her I was straight, as was she. How could this be? We were still talking when I felt my clock start ticking again!! I looked at my wrist in complete shock! 0000 d 00 h 02 m 00s!! But, but I just met her! Hers has started ticking too 0003 d 22 h 45 m 43 s.
6. Right then, I saw him. He was walking towards me. It was him!!! That man who'd damn near stolen my heart. I ran towards him as my clock started the count down. I didn't need to look at the clock. He lifted me in his arms as we kissed and swirled in the middle of the corridor. I had never been happier.
I looked at her. She stood there with tears in her eyes. I walked to her and hugged her close. No one had ever been that happy for me. She was a part of my soul. I had found my best friend.
While he, he made my world go round. I loved him, like I hadn't loved anyone else.
He and I got married and she was my maid of honour. I found two people who made me whole. My soul mates.
Okay, I'll do one. Part One.
Ever since everyone got wristbands on their wrist that tell them the time they would find there soul mate, let's just say I was less ecstatic than most. Then again, who would love a skimpy girl with cancer. I've never really thought about meeting the one who would love me, have kids with me, be my husband , and grow old with me; mostly because I'm dying. I'm not going to be able to grow old with my soul mate, and all because of my stupid cancer ridden body. But now I am so nervous. The ticking of my clock and the pounding of my heart are the only things that fill my empty hospital room.
0000d 00h 7m 12s
Who is possibly going to visit me at 8:00Pm? I'm not sure if my clock is counting down how long I have left until I meet my Prince charming, or how long I have left until I die alone.
0000d 00h 5m 54s
Oh god. My hearts beating uncontrollably fast, and my heart machine is trying to catch up. I can't take it anymore.
Part 2:
I'm done with the fast and immense beeping of the many metal machines besides me, and the sickly sharp needles currently residing in my arms. I'm so nervous and frightened, and I really need to pee. I carefully pull the iv out of my arm and unhook my machines. My conditions currently stable and I usally stay at home after one of my routine check ups but the doctors suggested that I stay for observation. That can't be good. So anyways, after getting the machines unconnected from me, I carefully throw my legs of the side of the bed and place my pale, bare feet on the cool, clean tile of my hospital room. I raise my self from my bed , and make my way towards the bathroom right next to my room. I enter quietly and I'm surprised to see I'm alone. I walk towards the mirror so that I'm in front of it and I can't help but cringe at how pale my skin is compared to my dark ebony hair that goes to my midsection. My cerulean eyes pierce the contrast between my skin and hair and make me
Part 3:
Look somewhat alive. After a while of examining my boney frame and fixing myself up, I go into a stall and do my business. After I exit I wash my hands and walk to the bathroom door. Then it happened to fast. I abruptly open the door a place one foot over the thresh ld when a boy about my age tripped over. He must've been running because the momentum threw him to the wall. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I ran to his side to nurse his pounding head when we meet each others eyes. We're both so lost in each others brillient blue eyes that we don't register the beeping of both of our brackets and the clanking off them falling to the floor shortlr after. We break from our eye contact to momentarily glace at our braclets.
0000d 00h 00m 00s.
I feel eyes staring at me and I look up. The guy is now standing and I can see how handsome he is now. He's looking down at me with seductive yet innocent, playful smirk, and he puts him arm out to me to help me up.
Part 4:
As I stare into his eyes his mouth opens while he takes my hand and he says in a British accent,
"Hello love, my name's Oliver. I guess we're soulmates."
· 10 years ago
Step aside bitches I'm up
I didn't really care about soulmates. In fact I hated them, telling me how to run my life and basically forcing me to love someone who might not have the purest motives.
Fuck that.
So when I removed the fake cast(I take my privacy seriously) to see my timer, I immediately looked around in confusion.
0d 0h 3m 13s.
No one was in the park, or any of the trees dotted around it(Great WiFi if you climb the right one by the way) so unless I was suddenly attracted to womping willows I was cheated a soulmate.
I couldn't be happier.
Only a minute left and I was completely alone. Savoring this moment I dug out my Captain America earphones and turned Fall Out Boy all the way up. Flipping to page 86 of an Artemis Fowl book I started to read, glancing at my clock so I can catch it when the damn thing falls off.
One second left.
I put my left hand under my right and swiftly threw it into the nearest trashcan, continuing to read.
I am my soulmate.
I alone decide my fate.
okay I'm going
In sixth grade, we had a week where the teacher was off to some conference or where ever teachers often disappear to. Rather than a pile of worksheets, we were given a project. The assignment- find the exact moment where you will meet your soulmate. We had to go down to the fricken minute.Because it had to be so perfect, and it was inevitable some rando would forget leap years or something, we had partners that could check our work. Now my math class had 20 kids in it, and none of my super close friends where in it. Actually, I kinda third-wheeled it with these two girls who had been best friends forever. When it came time to chose partners, they obviously chose each other. Shoot! Um, I looked around the room. The substitute said, "Raise your hand if you don't have a partner". A moment of shame later, my hand was raised. Another hand was up. Obviously, I thought, since there were twenty people in the class. It was the hand of maybe the most attractive person I had
2. ever seen. His blue eyes and brunette hair made me melt inside.
"Hey, I guess we're partners," he said.
"I guess so," I laughed.
Okay, well I'm not particularly proud of what I did next, but lets remember, I was in sixth grade and I was head over heels. I calculated my date and his, and left out the leap years. I remembered them, and maybe a handful of other kids had too, but thankfully, my partner, who was named Harry, didn't. Friday, after we had long been done, I had a small freak out session, pretending to just have remembered. The project was due monday, and well I guess we would just have to get together over the weekend. Again, not proud.
That weekend, we finished the project quite quickly. Then, we just hung out all day and laughed and he kissed me. My head was in the clouds. So what if he wasn't my soulmate, I was 13 and not supposed to meet my soulmate for another 4 years. So what he had 7 to meet his. I didn't care. I didn't think anyone could be better than him.
3. It has been 4 years since we have dated. It's been long since our project and how he even admitted that he had the same plan I did. There are 2 days left until my clock ends. I've covered that clock with a bracelet he gave me. I've even lied and told a lot of people who never saw my project presentation he was my soul mate. But it wasn't true. The clock kept ticking no matter what I did. He didn't talk about it often; I could tell it clearly bothered him. We have done things together only soulmates are supposed to; we love eachother in a way that's special. And no one could ruin this. Most people don't date until they find their soulmate. I wish I didn't. I wish I could just know I could love someone else. But that's not going to happen. I've been crying myself to sleep the past few weeks. My parents know the true lenght of my clock. "Drop him," they say, "he isn't THE one." My friends agree, society agrees; the clocks are supposed to be perfect. And I can't be selfish,
4. there are two people out there I'm ruining the happiness of. Imagine waiting for love your whole life and our soulmate is already taken. Maybe they could love eachother! Maybe it's a glitch. Wishful thinking. I wake up. The day has come. I cry in bed, I cry walking out the door, and everywhere inbetween. Harry is waiting for me; the top covering his convertible. It's raining. How perfect. He looks so sad, I can tell underneath his smile. He says, "Today will be a great day for you. We had a great run Hazel, but, it just isn't meant to be." I hear his voice crack. I wonder how many times he has practiced saying those words. Not more than me for sure. "I'll always love you, but we can't be selfish. And someone else deserves this more than I ever could." I hand him the bracelet. My arm bare, I can see there are 3 hours 32 minutes and 21 seconds left. 20. 19. 18. I look away. I tell him that today he should go on to school without me, but we should definitely continue this tradition as
5. friends. You know what. I'm not going to school today. No matter what I do, I'll meet the guy in 3 hours and now 15 minutes. Where should I go? Maybe I'll go somewhere no one can ever find me. Maybe I'll hide in a hole. I start walking, going where ever the road will take me, but I trip and I feel so weak and I just start sobbing in a ball on the floor. I'm soaking wet and cold and miserable, the rest of my life has just begun. Nevertheless, I get up. If I act happy, then Harry will too, and he can love the girl he gets with in a few years. Maybe I will be happy. Who am I to think I can outsmart destiny? Oh I can! I laugh manically. I run home, stronger than before. My mom is home and starts chasing me! She can't allow me to hide. I scream, "If it's meant to be it'll happen no matter what I do!" Running up the stairs I trip and fall. Crack! Oh no, it was happening. Before I knew it, I was rushed into an ambulance and new my soulmate was there. My arm was broken, but not the one with
5. the clock. 2 hr 12 minutes. I was sobbing uncontrollably. The doctors thought it was pain and gave me some more medicine. Feeling the relief, I felt calmer, but then I remembered. But I... I... couldn't do anything. Sleep. I woke up with 10 minutes on the clock. I was in a private room. Maybe if I locked the doors no one could get in. I couldn't get up. I just cried. 12 seconds, 11, 10, I looked away. The door handle played! This was the person, someone I had never met was coming into my room. A stranger I was to spend the rest of my life with, marry, have kids with. Part of me expected to see Harry, but the clocks didn't work that way. Instead, A dirty blond haired boy with green eyes burst in the room. Sorry wrong room he yelled! But then he saw his clock hit 0. I guess you're my soulmate he said with a smile, but I have to find my brother. I'll explain later he yelled behind him as he burst into the door next to mine. He was dreamy and I wanted to find a flaw in him so badly, but
6. I couldn't. He was beautiful, perfect. Actually there was one flaw. He wasn't Harry. Maybe Harry wasn't meant for me anyways. An hour or so later, he came to my room. His brother had just woken up after surgery. He wanted to be there, be sure his brother was okay. We started talking. It felt natural, good. His name was Alex and maybe he was better than Harry. A voice inside my head cried, no Harry is the one. What was happening to me? I couldn't comprehend it. Something felt weird, I wasn't myself. Whatever. Years passed. I married Alex. Harry and I were still good friends; he found a girl named Jenny and they were perfect for each other. That's what I thought, until I realized the truth.
The truth came out the day I fell down the stairs again. I was 26 at the time. I was married to Alex and we were even trying to start having kids. There was this party we were running late for, extremely late for, and I forgot my purse upstairs. I ran up and just like the time before fell. However
7. I fell forwards this time rather than backwards. The clock that had straight zeros across it shattered. I removed it fully, and I realized something. 1. This clock shouldn't have been on my body. 2. I shouldn't have been with Alex. I felt different, unhappy. It felt as though the clock was controlling me. Thinking back to it, when had I felt sad after I had meant Alex? When had I felt anything other happiness? I wasn't myself; maybe the clock controlled me, changed how I felt. Maybe love wasn't the only thing it was playing with. Regardless, I knew there was one thing I must do, find Harry.
Let's do this!
"Come on. Come on," he muttered staring at the door of the bus. I smiled soothingly at him, "It's alright. You've still got a minute left, you know." He pouted at me and I just grinned teasingly back. We met on the first day of kindergarten and from then on, we were inseparable. We were always there for each other; he was there for me when I first got my period (granted, he wasn't much help because he was freaking out, but still), I was there for him when his dad passed away, and now, I was here for him to meet his soulmate.
His clock finally ticked to zero just as a girl came in the door. She was definitely pretty, with blue eyes and blonde hair. She looked like a Barbie, actually. Her eyes scanned the bus until they locked with his. There was obviously a connection between them. He stood up and smiled unsurely at me. I gave him a thumbs up and pushed him towards her. I could see them exchange greetings and find a seat on the bus.
I watched them chat and hit it off as I sighed. I looked down at my own clock. The numbers were at zero. They've been at zero ever since that fateful first day of kindergarten.
When we first met last year She told me her clock has 1 year 1 day an 1 minuet left. I was always nervous about mine and couldn't tell her that mine was the exact time as hers. That next year we were in the same home room. When 1 minute came a started to count down the seconds "stop looking at my wrist," she said
" I'm not," I replied
She rested her head on my shoulder as we held our wrist together. When they started beeping and fell off the entire class looked at us. After that we kissed. My clock was totally right.
Where this came from
A friend of mine wears a jacket all the time to hide scars from surgery. Most people think we are soul mates because I have the same scars from surgery. We were the same home room when we heard a friend of ours died in a car crash, I laid my head on his shoulder and started to cry with him.
A kid who is dubbed the "match maker" said " finally ***** and **** are going out."
It happened at around eleven o'clock at night. I had kept looking at my clock all day. Now, it was down to only thirty minutes. But who would I meet at almost midnight in the middle of December? I didn't have any plans. I was just lounging in my room, watching a movie on Netflix, as one does, when I was suddenly starving. Like, hella hungry. A hunger only one thing could satisfy. Pizza. I placed my order, and went back to waiting. It felt like it was taking forever. I guess it was probably just how hungry I was, but still. I never had to wait more than fifteen minutes. It was bordering on half an hour when the sound of my doorbell filled the house. As I hurried to the door, I glanced down at my clock again. Ten seconds. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. As I pulled the door open, the clock struck zero, and I looked into the face of the delivery guy.
"Hey, um, weird question, but, your clock wouldn't've happened to have stopped just now, would it?"
He shook his head and lifted his wrist to show me his own. One year, three months, fifteen days, seventeen hours, nine minutes, and six seconds.
I stood there, dumbstruck.
"Look, lady, here's your pizza. Just give me the money so I can finish up my shift and go home to sleep," he said, interrupting me from my frozen state.
"Yeah, sorry." I fumbled with my wallet, and handed him three tens. "Keep the change. Have a nice night."
I shut the door, and retreated back to my room to finish my movie. As I sunk my teeth into the best goddamn pizza I had ever tasted, it hit me.
"Oh, my God. My soulmate is pizza!"
0000 d 00 h 08 m 07 s at the top of the page, and I begin to write...
I never would have imagined this happening to me. I always thought I would end up like the people who's timers just count down and count down endlessly, the people who never end up with anyone. Today is the day, today is the day. Wait, what kind of soulmate is going to be at my house at 6:39 on a Wednesday night? Maybe his timer will count down just as he passes my house and he'll knock on my door look into my eyes and say "I only have 3 seconds left so I figured it must be you". Then we will fall in love and be well, soulmates. I knew this day would come I'm just not sure I'm ready yet.
I write my last word, and with still shaky hands I close my notebook. Waiting, I reach towards my water and enjoy the coolness as it runs down my throat. I run my fingers through my hair and glance at my wrist.
0000 d 00 h 03 m 04 s
This is it. This is the moment I've been waiting for. I steadily stand up from the comforts of my recliner any moment now. God damnit I thought. I probally look hideous. I run as fast as my legs will carry me to the bathroom and grab my hairbrush. I quickly brush out all the knots and tangles then, I wash my face off and study myself in the mirror. At least I look somewhat descent. In my reflection I see
0000 d 00 h 00 m 42 s on my wrist. All of the sudden the shock and the realality of it all hits me, I'm about to meet the person that I will fall in love with and spend the rest of my life with. Right now all I can think about is... How much I need to go pee? In one stride I go to the toilet and do my business. "Now is the time"
I say to myself as I wash my hands.
Calm down.
What's going to happen?
What's he going to look like?
Will he be in the same fandoms as I?
Just as my timer buzzes at 0 the door to the bathroom opens with a creak, and in lumbers my Great Dane. "Fuck" I whisper.
It's in the negative.
Dammit! Who is she??!
I had fallen for a few guys before. I mean, like, /major/ crushes. Pretty much an instant infatuation. And each time, I would look down at my clock, and hope. But no. It was never at zero. It still hadn't stopped yet. But I couldn't wait for the moment it did.
We used to be really great friends. We'd talk about boys and gossip and everything together. But then her day came. She found hers at 9:00 AM, at school. I found her in the hallway after my 8:45-9:30 class, and she was holding hands with this other girl. I went up to her and asked her who her soul mate was and she said, “Yeah. Meet Sophia,” and the girl she was with stuck out her hand for me to shake. So I screamed out, “Oh my God, you're a /lesbian/?!” and just ran off. I mean, I can't be friends with a /lesbian/! They're all so /weird/. Gay people are just unnatural in my opinion. Like, how can you be attracted to another girl?
I couldn't handle waiting. I was so restless the entire day. I just couldn't focus. How did they expect me to focus? I was about to meet my soul mate! Of /course/ I was super excited!
“Hi,” I spoke timidly.
He looked down at his clock. “Um, sorry to tell you, but I still have two seconds left.” Two seconds?! I had three.
One of the other girls came running over and kissed him. I and the last person in the room locked eyes.
No. It couldn't be. “EW!!” I screeched. “That is disgusting! I am not gay!” I tried to run from the room, but my supposed “soul mate” grabbed my arm and spun me around.
“You sure about that, love?” she said, and, to my horror, kissed me. But after the initial shock, I realized that I kind of liked it. I had been a homophobic bigot, so fate decided my soul mate a girl.
rawiyah-vodka's right. Read the end. I'm not homophobic. I just figured it would make a good story idea.
jesus-Sorry. I didn't mean it as a punishment. I just meant it to be a means to teach her a lesson. Show her that it's not all that bad to be gay, and sometimes a person's discovery of their sexuality can come out of nowhere.
This should be made into a movie
3 seconds left
the video is taking long to load
2 seconds left
Maybe he will jump through the window
1 second left
I close my eyes and hear the familiar sound of the doctor who theme song
0 seconds left i open my eyes and i meet the eyes of...
The doctor
I would never know.
Warm hands grabbed my arm with amazing strength, and I gasped as I swung and hit the concrete edge of the dam. I looked up in shock; above me, a pale, beautiful face looked down determinedly. He had light grey eyes and a shock of dark hair, and I watched as his jaw locked in concentration. He began to pull me up, his light eyes flashing as they met mine.
"Don't leave me," he gasped. "Don't leave me before I know you, love."
The faint wailing of approaching ambulances snapped me out of my stupor. I blinked hard. What happened? I was in my car, yet something seemed ... off. Apart from the shattered glass in front of me and the slowly deflating airbag beneath my chin, gravity didn't seem to be pulling me in the right direction. I was so disoriented, until I shuddered with realization: I was upside down.
I had been late for work that morning. My alarm clock failed to wake me and I'd overslept. Bolting out of bed, I grabbed whatever clothes I could get my hands on first, then left without even having time to brush my teeth. Speeding down the freeway, I begun to text one of my coworkers: hey, sorry to bother you. Im going to be a bit la
I wasn't paying attention. I veered off he road.
The pain came then. It rocketed through my body, coarsed through every vein. I could feel a shattered rib prodding up at the tender skin of my chest. Bile crawled up my throat. I didn't care. My clock was broken, my hopes and dreams had snapped to pieces.
I had been so hopeful. My life was successful before this. I studied hard and became a science teacher at a university. I had a nice house, good pay, good potential, I made sure everything was perfect so my future soulmate would be impressed. But now it was all hopeless.
I was shuddering and sobbing quietly to myself as the first responder stooped next to my window. A gentle hand rested on my free arm. "Stay calm, sweetie. We're gonna get you out of there, alright?"
"Uh huh," I mumbled hoarsely. I sniffled.
I felt overwhelming gratitude for the firefighter. Just him being there, whispering soothing words as the others worked on getting the car upright, was the most comforting thing anyone could ever do for me. We locked eyes and I mouthed my thanks.
Just then his clock hit zero.
Part 1
I always followed my heart but as my time I decided to ignore my heart. Every time I wanted to do something I did another thing, anything to change my fate. My time instead of going down it change; I guess to accommodate the decisions I made. Now I stand in the train station, instead of doing the things that I planned for today. Even though I did this my clock instead of accommodating the time it kept going down. I was lost, I wasn't supposed to be here, I went against my heart so this shouldn't be happening. Instead of panicking I stood there coming to the conclusion that my clock isn't has stopped, broken for the many times that I went against it. The trains coming in and out and the people going. 0000 days 0000 hours 0010 minutes. Many came up to me, asking me if I was lost or needed directions. After that I left. Ahh fresh air, the air in the subway was deteriorating my lungs.
As I walked I began imagining how my partner would look like, how they behave and such. It's no point imagining if my clock broke. Then it came to me, the other person's clock would still be working even if mine was damaged. Their facial expressions would be one to see. They, walking or standing somewhere happily or nervously waiting for their time to reach zero but their partner nowhere insight, asking everyone if their clock reached zero. I started to feel bad, my decisions changed another person's life. Maybe they were happy to get the one for them waiting years but in the end they are end up with no one. My thoughts overtook my mind, I stopped walking noticing that all I have left is 30 seconds. I started running, don't know where to but running to see if I could still have a partner. 10 seconds left, I closed my eyes. Running faster than I could imagine counting down in my head 5...4...3...2...1...0. Just as I reached zero I bumped into someone and heard two beeps.
I was in awe. "Hi" calm me insane but it was love at first sight. " I guess you're my partner" I on top of them scrambled back up, looked at them unable to mutter any words and nodded. "I'm sorry, this isn't how introduced my self, my name is Emillia Arcana the third" "Amelia Anderson". I couldn't believe my eyes, in front of me stood a beautiful person blonde hair, hazel eyes, heart-warming smile. "I'm sorry to say this but my clock broke so I'm not your partner." "That has to be a lie for your clock beeped at the same time as mine, I won't accept a no before getting to know you, coffee or tea?" "I give up, coffee." We started walking side by side and my face red as the ripest tomato.
Sorry for it to be long
After coffee we went on several more date, each one more amazing than the last one. Not because of the location but because of who I went with. I got to know about her and on several occasions I would received kisses on the cheeks and I would respond by giving her some back. We hit it off really great, anytime I spent with her were never dull all full of joy.
Ever so often I would reminiscent those times we spent together. Years have passed in which every day I would wake up to the stranger then but my wife now singing in an angelic voice to our daughter, Rosalin Arcana. Thanks to science we were able to create a beautiful baby, her mother's eye cooler and my Auburn hair.
No matter the decisions I made or the ones I regretted I am the most happiest person alive and I couldn't ask more.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The end ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Thank you for reading it!
I could not sleep; did he feel the same? What did he look like? Had I seen him before? Had we spoken? I'd read stories of people interacting with their soul mates long before their clocks stopped ticking. There were also stories of how people had, in fact, two soul mates and theories of how two souls resided in one body. My thoughts pulled back to my soul mate and I don't know when I fell asleep.
I ran out the door and sat next to my mother in the car. She held something in her hand. She took my clock hand in hers and looked at the clock, I realised she was doing what my grand mother had done on the day my mother was to meet father; I was about to get the earrings that had been passed on in my mothers family for years. Mother glanced at my watch, I watched her intently...I watched her smile fade and she looked at me. What was happening? I looked down at my watch, it was set at 0001 d 00 h 30 m 50 s, the seconds counting down. My heart sank. What had happened? What happened to him? Was he alright?
I walk down the path with my sister. She has her head down and is wiping her hands on her dress. I turn to her and speak, "You will be fine. I bet you will meet someone handsome." She doesn't reply. We keep walking until we reach the bus stop. My sister slowly pulls her arm up to read the time. 0d 0h 1m 0s. I stare at her. She is wearing a flowing pink dress that Mum forced her into. The bus comes rolling down the road until it reaches the stop. My sister takes a seat at the back while I pay for both of us. I sit two rows in front of her. She is panicked. With 30 seconds to go, she looks around. The bus is filled with elderly people. 25, 20, 15, 10. My sister puts her hands in front of her face. Just as the doors to the bus were about to close, a young boy ran onto the bus. My sister removed her hands from her face. Their eyes locked. This is it, the moment my sister has been waiting for. I watch as they walk towards each other. They hold hands. I smile and look down at
(Sorry about the longness)
I checked my watch one last time before I fell asleep. 0000 d 09 h 33 m 40 s. I woke up the next day, got dressed and got into the waiting car. My mother asked for my left hand again and looked at my clock. 0000 d 00 h 30 m 55 . Today was the day; my mother handed the heirloom earrings to me and I put them on.
I looked at her. She stood there with tears in her eyes. I walked to her and hugged her close. No one had ever been that happy for me. She was a part of my soul. I had found my best friend.
While he, he made my world go round. I loved him, like I hadn't loved anyone else.
He and I got married and she was my maid of honour. I found two people who made me whole. My soul mates.
Ever since everyone got wristbands on their wrist that tell them the time they would find there soul mate, let's just say I was less ecstatic than most. Then again, who would love a skimpy girl with cancer. I've never really thought about meeting the one who would love me, have kids with me, be my husband , and grow old with me; mostly because I'm dying. I'm not going to be able to grow old with my soul mate, and all because of my stupid cancer ridden body. But now I am so nervous. The ticking of my clock and the pounding of my heart are the only things that fill my empty hospital room.
0000d 00h 7m 12s
Who is possibly going to visit me at 8:00Pm? I'm not sure if my clock is counting down how long I have left until I meet my Prince charming, or how long I have left until I die alone.
0000d 00h 5m 54s
Oh god. My hearts beating uncontrollably fast, and my heart machine is trying to catch up. I can't take it anymore.
I'm done with the fast and immense beeping of the many metal machines besides me, and the sickly sharp needles currently residing in my arms. I'm so nervous and frightened, and I really need to pee. I carefully pull the iv out of my arm and unhook my machines. My conditions currently stable and I usally stay at home after one of my routine check ups but the doctors suggested that I stay for observation. That can't be good. So anyways, after getting the machines unconnected from me, I carefully throw my legs of the side of the bed and place my pale, bare feet on the cool, clean tile of my hospital room. I raise my self from my bed , and make my way towards the bathroom right next to my room. I enter quietly and I'm surprised to see I'm alone. I walk towards the mirror so that I'm in front of it and I can't help but cringe at how pale my skin is compared to my dark ebony hair that goes to my midsection. My cerulean eyes pierce the contrast between my skin and hair and make me
Look somewhat alive. After a while of examining my boney frame and fixing myself up, I go into a stall and do my business. After I exit I wash my hands and walk to the bathroom door. Then it happened to fast. I abruptly open the door a place one foot over the thresh ld when a boy about my age tripped over. He must've been running because the momentum threw him to the wall. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I ran to his side to nurse his pounding head when we meet each others eyes. We're both so lost in each others brillient blue eyes that we don't register the beeping of both of our brackets and the clanking off them falling to the floor shortlr after. We break from our eye contact to momentarily glace at our braclets.
0000d 00h 00m 00s.
I feel eyes staring at me and I look up. The guy is now standing and I can see how handsome he is now. He's looking down at me with seductive yet innocent, playful smirk, and he puts him arm out to me to help me up.
As I stare into his eyes his mouth opens while he takes my hand and he says in a British accent,
"Hello love, my name's Oliver. I guess we're soulmates."
I didn't really care about soulmates. In fact I hated them, telling me how to run my life and basically forcing me to love someone who might not have the purest motives.
Fuck that.
So when I removed the fake cast(I take my privacy seriously) to see my timer, I immediately looked around in confusion.
0d 0h 3m 13s.
No one was in the park, or any of the trees dotted around it(Great WiFi if you climb the right one by the way) so unless I was suddenly attracted to womping willows I was cheated a soulmate.
I couldn't be happier.
Only a minute left and I was completely alone. Savoring this moment I dug out my Captain America earphones and turned Fall Out Boy all the way up. Flipping to page 86 of an Artemis Fowl book I started to read, glancing at my clock so I can catch it when the damn thing falls off.
One second left.
I put my left hand under my right and swiftly threw it into the nearest trashcan, continuing to read.
I am my soulmate.
I alone decide my fate.
In sixth grade, we had a week where the teacher was off to some conference or where ever teachers often disappear to. Rather than a pile of worksheets, we were given a project. The assignment- find the exact moment where you will meet your soulmate. We had to go down to the fricken minute.Because it had to be so perfect, and it was inevitable some rando would forget leap years or something, we had partners that could check our work. Now my math class had 20 kids in it, and none of my super close friends where in it. Actually, I kinda third-wheeled it with these two girls who had been best friends forever. When it came time to chose partners, they obviously chose each other. Shoot! Um, I looked around the room. The substitute said, "Raise your hand if you don't have a partner". A moment of shame later, my hand was raised. Another hand was up. Obviously, I thought, since there were twenty people in the class. It was the hand of maybe the most attractive person I had
"Hey, I guess we're partners," he said.
"I guess so," I laughed.
Okay, well I'm not particularly proud of what I did next, but lets remember, I was in sixth grade and I was head over heels. I calculated my date and his, and left out the leap years. I remembered them, and maybe a handful of other kids had too, but thankfully, my partner, who was named Harry, didn't. Friday, after we had long been done, I had a small freak out session, pretending to just have remembered. The project was due monday, and well I guess we would just have to get together over the weekend. Again, not proud.
That weekend, we finished the project quite quickly. Then, we just hung out all day and laughed and he kissed me. My head was in the clouds. So what if he wasn't my soulmate, I was 13 and not supposed to meet my soulmate for another 4 years. So what he had 7 to meet his. I didn't care. I didn't think anyone could be better than him.
The truth came out the day I fell down the stairs again. I was 26 at the time. I was married to Alex and we were even trying to start having kids. There was this party we were running late for, extremely late for, and I forgot my purse upstairs. I ran up and just like the time before fell. However
"Come on. Come on," he muttered staring at the door of the bus. I smiled soothingly at him, "It's alright. You've still got a minute left, you know." He pouted at me and I just grinned teasingly back. We met on the first day of kindergarten and from then on, we were inseparable. We were always there for each other; he was there for me when I first got my period (granted, he wasn't much help because he was freaking out, but still), I was there for him when his dad passed away, and now, I was here for him to meet his soulmate.
His clock finally ticked to zero just as a girl came in the door. She was definitely pretty, with blue eyes and blonde hair. She looked like a Barbie, actually. Her eyes scanned the bus until they locked with his. There was obviously a connection between them. He stood up and smiled unsurely at me. I gave him a thumbs up and pushed him towards her. I could see them exchange greetings and find a seat on the bus.
I watched them chat and hit it off as I sighed. I looked down at my own clock. The numbers were at zero. They've been at zero ever since that fateful first day of kindergarten.
" I'm not," I replied
She rested her head on my shoulder as we held our wrist together. When they started beeping and fell off the entire class looked at us. After that we kissed. My clock was totally right.
A friend of mine wears a jacket all the time to hide scars from surgery. Most people think we are soul mates because I have the same scars from surgery. We were the same home room when we heard a friend of ours died in a car crash, I laid my head on his shoulder and started to cry with him.
A kid who is dubbed the "match maker" said " finally ***** and **** are going out."
"Hey, um, weird question, but, your clock wouldn't've happened to have stopped just now, would it?"
I stood there, dumbstruck.
"Look, lady, here's your pizza. Just give me the money so I can finish up my shift and go home to sleep," he said, interrupting me from my frozen state.
"Yeah, sorry." I fumbled with my wallet, and handed him three tens. "Keep the change. Have a nice night."
I shut the door, and retreated back to my room to finish my movie. As I sunk my teeth into the best goddamn pizza I had ever tasted, it hit me.
"Oh, my God. My soulmate is pizza!"