Chances are it's going to kill you :-/ The colours are the different types of bear you find in the Northern Hemisphere, Brown Bears, Black Bears, Polar Bears
Polar bears are the only known species to actively hunt humans, if it's attacking you, it's because it's hungry and will most definitely eat you, sorry to say, you can't run faster than a polar bear, you'd freeze if you try to out swim it, so yeah, good night
My friend keeps trying to convince me that when a deer jumps out in front of you, you swerve, though I've been driving for longer than she has, and I live in major deer country. while she has only been driving for 3 months and lives in the city...
Though not swerving can be just as dangerous cause if it's big or a moose (moose are common where I live) the main part of its body can be at the right height to go through the windshield and you're screwed if that happens. But I agree it's better not to swerve
· 9 years ago
Yea. I think just breaking hard is the best option, if you're able to do so without losing control or anything similar to that.
My GPS has directed me to take a road that doesn't exist before and wouldn't reroute me anywhere so I had to drive back the exact way I came from until I found a grocery store and then attempt to reroute from there.
· 9 years ago
I really want to try the downstairs thing now just to see what would happen
10: yes, but create a doughnut shape with a bandage/cloth an put it over the impaling object, than secure with more cloth by going across! ________limb part a
(/) Go over following this direction ---(/)---- tie tightly as possible with out causing further damage!
________Limb part b
/ object
() doughnut cloth
But don't ever take out the object as they say, but the patient could also still be bleeding and could die from blood loss!
If you're being attacked, go for the eyes/throat. Muscles can't build up there, and it'll affect the person you're aiming for more than if you kicked them in the groin and missed. In a fight, your body's going to do the fight or flight thing, and you'll probably be shaky and unsure. So aiming for a place that you're 100% sure will do damage rather than a place that you could miss because you're scared, will definitely improve your chances of getting away safely.
If you don't have comprehensive/collision insurance, they won't pay for damage to your car in any accident. If you do, they'll pay whether it's a deer hit or if you swerve and cause the accident yourself. The other reasons to not swerve for a deer are valid, but the insurance part is wrong.
· 9 years ago
Why guest, why? Was this necessary? Was this really, truly necessary?
I've always heard its best to hit the gas if you think your going to hit a deer, that way it's more likely to pass over the car, then through the window.
You are being naive if you think you can't get lost if you have your GPS with you. If you think you know how to get somewhere you don't use it until you make a wrong turn or two. Try finding your way without it.
The jeans things is stupid your jeans will absorb the water if they haven't already since you're in the water to begin with. It won't work as a flotation device. But it will behoove you to remove them since denim is heavy when wet so if you have to tread water it's best to remove them so you can float easier
Number 8 is wrong, if you know you’re going to hit a deer and brake hard there is a good chance it will come up the hood and hit the windshield. Punch the gas bringing the front bumper up and plow through the deer.
Thank you Linnie!! Didn’t know some of these tips! See u tomorrow for lunch! Dick called and can’t go tomorrow!! He is dealing with Parkinson’s Disease!! Poor guy!
Fun fact from a medic. Don't use a tampon for a wound. Like ever. They aren't designed to absorb that kind of fluid, and you make the medical staff's lives harder trying to save you.
If not, then why do combat medics carry them in their bags? Why do that and pay for them out of pocket because they aren't standard issue? How is it then that they credit stuffing a tampon in a bullet hole has saved lives?
Or, and here me out here, it was used as an adhesive during construction specifically duct work. Duck and duct are just two individual ways to say it based on prefrence.
In response to the bullet wound thing, entry holes are a lot smaller than the actual diameter of the bullet because flesh shrinks. Of course you could still jam it in but you're still stretching out a wound.
Tampons will absorb blood, but absorption does not stop only soaks up what’s spilled out until it can no longer do so. You need to apply direct pressure to the source of the bleed. Think of the vasculature as a water can put a towel down (tampon) and it will get soaked, but does not stop the hose (arteries/veins) from bleeding.
The military used a lot of unproven theory, up until recent times where we were able to collect and compile (quantifiable) data on battlefield trauma...Always verify sources.
(/) Go over following this direction ---(/)---- tie tightly as possible with out causing further damage!
________Limb part b
/ object
() doughnut cloth
But don't ever take out the object as they say, but the patient could also still be bleeding and could die from blood loss!
Second, have you tried? I have and it works. They actually have to be wet. The hard part is taking them off in the water with out drowning.
The military used a lot of unproven theory, up until recent times where we were able to collect and compile (quantifiable) data on battlefield trauma...Always verify sources.