i agree on all but the guns. but hey every can have an opinion
· 9 years ago
I personally think that if every party involved is okay with it, then having a side chick isn't a problem. The problem is when you dont have all the parties aware of what's going on, which I kinda assume thats the scenario you're talking about which then I agree with you 100%
well then its not really a side chick. like its a side chick if its secret. side chick = cheating. having more than one partner but with the consent of all parties involved =/= cheating
Bernie Sanders has great ideas but none of them will ever pass as congress (at least the republicans) would never vote for them. Also, he doesn't have the foreign experience needed to handle issues like Isis. But yeah, out of the democratic candidates bc let's be real, there's a snowball's chance in hell I'm voting republican, I'd probably vote for sanders only bc I think Clinton is too trigger-happy and too eager to get us into a war in Syria, but then again I don't want to feel like my vote was wasted if sanders gets elected and can't get anything done
You seem to have a real handle on what's going on in politics and I gotta say I'm impressed. Its not very often you see an informed opinion on a social media site
An informed opinion that doesn't include the slightest grasp of economics or the fact that Bernie sanders is just as pro-war as Hillary. Instead of listening to what they say they believe, you should look at their voting records.
But also don't vote republican.
Vote libertarian. There's more than two choices.
· 9 years ago
So rand Paul? And also what voting record does Bernie have that makes him seem pro-war?
Rand Paul is good. Not completely libertarian, but a good option. Gary Johnson is the official libertarian candidate though.
And Bernie Sanders has voted yes for every single military action that has come across his table except he voted no for the Iraq war, but then shortly later voted to fund it, so he might as well have voted for it. Also, in the first democratic debate he even defended his vote for war in Kosovo despite the fact that it turned into a major disaster, cost countless innocent lives and left Kosovo destroyed (it hasn't yet recovered to this day). He said he would do it all again.
One source: http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/bernie-sanders-troubling-history-supporting-us-military-violence-abroad
Not completely agreeing on everything, but the most part, and the sentence "RAPE US NEVER THE VICTIM'S FAULT" should be engraved on every porch, printed on every billboard, carved with a knife on the forehead of everyone who think the opposite <3
Binary also references two options, and this case, refers to the two sexes. Non binary would leave me to guess that there are those who do not choose one of the two sexes.
It says god, but it doesn't say which one. That is left for interpretation by whomever wants to. If it said in alla we trust, that would define a religion. It's just unfortunate that the Christian god's name is God and that's what people think its referring to
Yep. Muslims Jews and Christians really do agree on a lot of points in their religions (except how to treat women) but can't get past the home team rivalry bullshit. And yes, we were founded by Christians and Christianity is the most popular religion here. Just because we do not have an officially recognized religion does not mean we are not a Christian nation.
No. Read some history. From the Pilgrims on almost every settler was Christian. Within Christianity there are still many different "faiths", and of course there were other religions present in the new world, and many early colonists came here to escape persecution for their religious differences. "Christian" is an umbrella term for any religion that believes in Jesus Christ, not only God. The early settlers and the founders were not necessarily of the same religion, but they were indeed mostly Christian. They differed in how they wanted to worship God, not what god they worshipped. This is the reason for the First Amendment's prohibition of the government sanctioning any one religion, not because they beloved in different gods.
Kinda depends on your daffynition donnit? We sure as hell aren't Muslim (yet) are we? We do not have a governmentally established national religion. But more people, STILL, identify as some denomination of Christian in this country than any other religion. The predominance of Christianity among the citizens of this country, by definition, make this a predominantly Christian nation. If that fact offends you...
You solved it. This is how every human being should think. There should be no free will, no difference from anyone. We should all be wired to be the same. To have a hive mind. Thank you for choosing what I get to believe in.
Yea, the thirdi, I don't think you got the message of the post. Bu I think that is what people's mindset should be. It is not changing your opinion. Like tell me how someone thinking that lion would survive eating only carrots and someone telling that is not true is forcing an opinion? I think the problem is that a lot of people is incredibly sensitive about what concerns them but not sensitive enough towards others.... So we have whiny crybabies who hates everything and everyone :)
This post is not directed at me alone, guest. This post is telling us how we should stand in controversial topics, which is telling us out how to think. Take the abortion one for example. I myself don't think it's right to abort a baby. But this post is yelling me I can't have that opinion, thus it's telling me how I should think. Understand what I'm saying? Opinions are great, just keep yours to yourself.
This post is telling you that EVERYONE can have opinion or choice, not ONLY YOU. Take the abortion for example. I myself don't think it is right to abort he baby, but that's my opinion, and if some knocked up 16 y/o will choose to kill her kid - it is her right to do so... Understand what I am saying? Like just because I or you think abortions is not right, it is a woman's choice. Of course I wish everyone would choose to have their babies, but I can't force my opinion on other woman, can't I?
I think you're both reading things into this that aren't there. It's literally just a list of opinions from a random person on the internet. It's not telling you how you should think, and it's certainly not saying anything about how everyone can have an opinion.
I could be wrong, but it's my understanding that there are alternatives to planned parenthood that haven't done what PP has done. If that's the case, the other companies should receive PP's funding.
The ones that aren't PP are often religious organizations that act like they'll help you, then they try to guilt you into keeping the pregnancy. Not saying there aren't other legit places, but it can be hard to tell.
Yeah that's an issue too. They should tell you up front if you're going to "our blessed lady of we're going to make you keep that baby you sinful heathen" before you go in.
You are so right I wanna be your friend haha. But in my opinion it is not ok to sleep around for anyone - man or woman. I mean its their choice, but I could not respect a person like this...
I'd say spot the liberal, but the pic says it all. Whole site is pro lib. Make fun of Trump or any Right-wing, no prob! Upvotes galore. Don't you effing DARE make fun of our Hillary!
Yeah. I'm done.
So liberal posts are about being good to each other and right wing is basically about how to be a racist, sexist homophobe....gee I wonder why were not all for the right wing bullshit.
Climate change isn't real? Good luck guestwho. Hope your descendants feel great about the world you fucked up for them and then take solace in the fact that you didn't believe because you're too stubborn to believe science. lol
Left wing preaches compassion, but manipulates the poor into sacrificing freedom. They promote a stronger government despite the government being increasingly corrupt, and tend to be economically illiterate and/or manipulative. They excel in wanting equal rights for everyone though.
Right wing defends freedom, is generally economically sound (at least more so), but has strong racist ties, is uncaring toward others, and has strong authoritarian tendencies.
Neither one is right. Either one will leave this country in the garbage.
What we need is a strong middle ground.
Libertarians believe that every person has the right to do whatever they want with their own lives and property. Whether it is in the bedroom or in their business or at home or at the store, every person should have freedom to do whatever they want as long as that action is not taking away another person's rights.
Whatever, this isn't about right or left in the end, someone just decided to lump this post into a left wing bash up and quite frankly if you think being a basic decent human being is left wing and you equate being left with something bad then I'm calling it. In the end it's about being a decent human and treating everyone with respect and from what I've seen of the American right wings, respect and decency is clearly lacking.
If anything I would say this is a "right-wing bash up." You need to stop paying attention to twitter, Colbert, and Media Matters for your info on just who and what the "right-wing" is. Any posts you see on fs that truly are lacking respect and decency are either leftist or trolls. You cannot judge the world by the sewers and sewer dwellers of the Internet.
PS: we do not really have horns or eat gay Latino children (or whatever other evils you may believe of us). Some of us are really quite cuddly.
*pacifist: I agree with your assessment on most points except the racist meme. Slave owners were Democrat. Lincoln was a Republican. The KKK were Democrats. Governor Orval Faubus of Arkansas was a Democrat. The members of Congress who passed the civil rights act were Republican. The president who signed it and sent the National Guard to Little Rock to make sure the black children were able to attend school was a Republican. The list goes on and on. To paraphrase a wise man: these aren't the racists you're looking for.
Republicans and Democrats of today don't at all reflect the republicans and democrats of the past. They tend to shift sides with time. Even 60 years ago they were completely reversed. That being said, all I'm saying about racism is that the vocal racists in this country tend to be republicans. Not all republicans are racists though.
True neither party is what they were, but they have not ever swapped sides since either was established. They have shifted focus, but not flip flopped. I used to believe this as well until I started studying history. Think about it seriously, who exactly in the current Republican party has done or said anything racist? Now, before you answer, just what exactly was it and who told you it was racist? I'd wager it was the left wing media or hateful trolls online. I've missed all the prominent politicians who apparently have been holding rallies in white hoods recently. I contend that the racism is fully on the left today. No they are not burning crosses but they essentially tell us that blacks, Latinos, and other minorities are incapable of taking care of themselves and their families and need the government to give them welfare, affirmative action, or some other handout program. This creates dependence on the government and keeps minorities as perpetual second class citizens.
Okay, Muslim is not a race. It was a TRUMP rally and the woman and man were protesting at someone else's event and were simply escorted out, as they should have been.
As to the black man, I saw the black man trying to swing at the white people around him as they tried to get control. I did not see any whites attacking him. There was no evidence in that video that backs up the claim that the black man was attacked. Think progress.org is a proudly liberal activist organization; would they really say anything nice about a Republican? If there was any real evidence, especially video, these are the kind of people who would definitely find it and report it, but the video and article do not jibe with each other.
Way to start another shitstorm of a post guys, yaaaayyyy good for you fighting strangers about your opinion over the internet instead of just ignoring this shit! FUN TIMES!!!
I wouldn't go that far, and I really didn't have anyone particular in mind. Phan, just ignoring hate is one thing, but expressing your opinion when it differs from someone else is not causing a shit storm. As long as we can keep it civil these debates are healthy for all of us. We can never learn and grow without exposure to new ideas and opinions. Maybe I can make a point that changes your way of thinking? Maybe I've never thought of a topic in the way you do and your opinion can open new doors for me? None of us popped out of our mammas knowing everything and with all of our opinions established; we met people who thought, or knew, differently and grew from those experiences. Call it a discussion, debate, argument, or shit storm, it is possible to present differing viewpoints, even passionately, and not devolve into vile, hateful beasts.
Exactly, but his post wasn't downvoted. I've got no problem with phan whether I may agree with her opinions or not. And the "hateful beasts" reference was in general, not aimed at phan or anyone else in particular. Not whining, just wanted to clarify that.
So Phanofbands can mock people that like seriously minded posts but I can't call him/her an asshole for acting like one? At least I don't outwardly mock people for things I think are pointless.
Except you cant just say that youre right. I disagree with you on a lot of these. Dont just say "that sums it up" because you provided absolutely no reason for any of these
I can agree with that. I'm all for discussing differences of opinion but when we take it personally and start with the insults someone needs a time out.
Well, it's true. No one is going to agree on everything and while you can think what you want about other people's opinions (like you could think it makes them a good person or a bad person or whatever), an opinion can't be wrong, because it's just an opinion.
Global warming is real. But it might not be man-made. It might just be the earth's natural cycle or the sun's cycle.
Trump is a shitty choice but the alternative is even worse. The US can take four years of Trump and recover better than eight years of the Clinton machine.
Abortion ends a life that is that is not yours. Do a DNA test and the infant is not the same person as the mother. Do wE have authority to Force a woman to carry the baby to term? I don't know, but don't act like it's such an easy issue to settle just by stating your preference.
Or maybe he isn't? If you want to dress up as a 'girl' and act like a 'girl' feel free to. But when you have to tell your gender / sex on an official thing the answer is : yes i was born with a dick, or no i wasnt born with a dick.
Exactly, that's what I mean. I mean you can't change your DNA. I'll still give you respect if you do the same, but yeah go ahead and downvote. Stupid PC fucks.
ok so what about hermaphrodites? Yes let's define ourselves purely by our genetic make up. It's only morons like you who see the need to have these categories, in the end your the stupid fuck for not being able to get a very very simple concept.
So you think carnivorous animals can survive without the nutrients they were designed to metabolize? You think only women get raped? You think abuse is only physical? You think only men can abuse women. or only parents can abuse children? You think being attracted primarily to people of the same race or sub-race automatically makes you a racist? You think rape is the victim's fault? You think breastfeeding is some kind of genetic modification created with the purpose of... I don't even know what?
Some of these are opinion based and a couple are just scientifically ridiculous. But you must admit that at least half of these are, or should be, common sense.
OK let's see here:
*Ha! Wrong.
*Wrong? I dunno, still on the fence.
*Hella wrong.
*Okay, yep.
*Wrong but with exceptions.
*Could be. I sure as hell don't know.
*Umm, what?
*Yeah, way wrong. What country are you in anyway?
*Sure, right.
*Very true.
*Yep. You got it.
*Wrong, but on both.
*Aaaaand yep. Right.
1. Climate change is real.
2. As are most candidates.
3. But by who?
4. Shall not be infringed.
5. No one disagrees with this.
6. Indeed.
7. Why shouldn't the father get a say in the fate of his child?
8. They can share fault, much like how one can share fault in being mugged. It's obviously never entirely her fault though.
9. Obviously. I hope your not implying they don't have those.
10. Not sure what you're getting at. What would be the alternative?
11. Obviously, as long as you buy into the whole "I can just make up some shit and call it a gender identity." thing.
12. In theory, yes. In practice, no.
13. In general, yes, but technically that depends on your definition of rape.
14. It's a majority Christian nation, so that's debatable.
15. "A lot" is a pretty vague term.
16. Basic logic, yes.
17. As long as you meant "can go both ways", then yes.
18. Debatable, but acceptable.
19. If you think it's cool, glorify it.
Your #11 is true in the sense of Martin Buber's Ich und Du that making something up means that it exists as an idea and therefore exists in some manner. But, having to make something up that has no physical existence is not really existing in the normal sense. One may convince others that their perception of themselves either does or does not correspond to their physical body with respect to their gender (in Tumblrese cis or trans). Unless there is agreement upon defining sex chromosome abnormalities, such as Klinefelter syndrome, as something different than male or female, the reality is that there are still only two sexes and genders, whether or not your sex and gender align. Genderfluid is complete bullshit; hormonal fluctuations that change one's perception of oneself on a momentary basis have no bearing upon the reality that they are one or the other.
Ruined do you like Bernie sanders?
But also don't vote republican.
Vote libertarian. There's more than two choices.
And Bernie Sanders has voted yes for every single military action that has come across his table except he voted no for the Iraq war, but then shortly later voted to fund it, so he might as well have voted for it. Also, in the first democratic debate he even defended his vote for war in Kosovo despite the fact that it turned into a major disaster, cost countless innocent lives and left Kosovo destroyed (it hasn't yet recovered to this day). He said he would do it all again.
One source: http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/bernie-sanders-troubling-history-supporting-us-military-violence-abroad
Yeah. I'm done.
Right wing defends freedom, is generally economically sound (at least more so), but has strong racist ties, is uncaring toward others, and has strong authoritarian tendencies.
Neither one is right. Either one will leave this country in the garbage.
What we need is a strong middle ground.
Libertarians believe that every person has the right to do whatever they want with their own lives and property. Whether it is in the bedroom or in their business or at home or at the store, every person should have freedom to do whatever they want as long as that action is not taking away another person's rights.
PS: we do not really have horns or eat gay Latino children (or whatever other evils you may believe of us). Some of us are really quite cuddly.
Here are some examples. There's way more, but I'm not interested enough in digging back through my newsfeed to find them all so I just googled these.
As to the black man, I saw the black man trying to swing at the white people around him as they tried to get control. I did not see any whites attacking him. There was no evidence in that video that backs up the claim that the black man was attacked. Think progress.org is a proudly liberal activist organization; would they really say anything nice about a Republican? If there was any real evidence, especially video, these are the kind of people who would definitely find it and report it, but the video and article do not jibe with each other.
Trump is a shitty choice but the alternative is even worse. The US can take four years of Trump and recover better than eight years of the Clinton machine.
Abortion ends a life that is that is not yours. Do a DNA test and the infant is not the same person as the mother. Do wE have authority to Force a woman to carry the baby to term? I don't know, but don't act like it's such an easy issue to settle just by stating your preference.
*Ha! Wrong.
*Wrong? I dunno, still on the fence.
*Hella wrong.
*Okay, yep.
*Wrong but with exceptions.
*Could be. I sure as hell don't know.
*Umm, what?
*Yeah, way wrong. What country are you in anyway?
*Sure, right.
*Very true.
*Yep. You got it.
*Wrong, but on both.
*Aaaaand yep. Right.
2. As are most candidates.
3. But by who?
4. Shall not be infringed.
5. No one disagrees with this.
6. Indeed.
7. Why shouldn't the father get a say in the fate of his child?
8. They can share fault, much like how one can share fault in being mugged. It's obviously never entirely her fault though.
9. Obviously. I hope your not implying they don't have those.
10. Not sure what you're getting at. What would be the alternative?
11. Obviously, as long as you buy into the whole "I can just make up some shit and call it a gender identity." thing.
12. In theory, yes. In practice, no.
13. In general, yes, but technically that depends on your definition of rape.
14. It's a majority Christian nation, so that's debatable.
15. "A lot" is a pretty vague term.
16. Basic logic, yes.
17. As long as you meant "can go both ways", then yes.
18. Debatable, but acceptable.
19. If you think it's cool, glorify it.