We don't need labels to recognize ourselves. We need labels to recognize that we're not alone.
I mean, think about it. How would you feel if you were, say, the only man you'd ever known about in a world full of women, and people kept pressuring you to act in specifically "womanly" ways, and it just didn't feel right - and then suddenly you heard about these people called "men" who thought and acted like you?
I dunno, if they want to have a name then I guess they can pick one. Similiar to a certain positive emotion is named "happy". I honestly don't see why you care, my fellow silver.
Zip, are you a person who experiences what has been dubbed by the general public as being "gender fluid"? If not, then you will never have a full grasp on what the 'correct information' is. I'm not gender fluid myself, so I can't say I know everything either. But it really isn't any of your business. Why bitch about it when it really doesn't affect you? What aspect of it hurts you? Why does it matter to you? If this post is to make gender fluid people feel bad, or make them feel like their identity exists only as a silly name, then you are failing. They don't give a fuck about you and your stupid opinion.
What if "who they are" is genderfluid? I mean they're the same person at the end of the day. They just change gender. Why can't we just let people identify however they want?
Should I go around slapping labels on people? Should I put "German" on a white guy, and "Chinese" on an Asian? You shouldn't let labels define you. If you want to, go for it, but dont let yourself be defined by a label.
Labels make things easier. You look at a table and think "table" not "rectangular thing made of wood",and even if you do,those are both labels. We label items,so why not label people,as long as we're not being rude?
Besides which, even if Rwby does adopt the label, that *was* rude. There's a difference between a label assigned by someone else and a label you assign yourself.
@zipthesilver That's right, just be who you are, don't poke into someone's face and tell a person every single time your gender or get mad because someone doesn't know which kind of gender you are, don't get mad if there are bathrooms with just two signs or two names, all that matters is how you act and think, don't be a twat.
Isn't Bill Nye actually like really progressive for stuff like this? And not only that- if he disagreed with it he would show factual bases for his reasoning not say "you're a retard"
Labels shouldn't define people. That's the problem. People come up with gender fluid BECAUSE THEY DONT FIT THE LABELS. Get rid of stereotypical boy and girl things let people be who they are personally. However, and hate me if you want, they are still a girl or boy unless they are transgender. You can wake up one day and be a girl and the next a boy.
· 8 years ago
That's the irony.
They make the very thing they "don't conform" to.
I'm not trying to be mean, I just think if the stereotypes when away then girls can be girls but act like boys, they then don't have to say they want to be called a boy.
· 8 years ago
Ok i want to be called your dad and as pussy destroyer of your family, now would you call me that?
its people like you that turn it into something completely unrelated. genderfluidity is when a persons gender varies over time. its not "well i think im a cheeseburger so call me cheeseburger", no. its only He/him, She/her, or They/them. its not that hard to understand. and if a person does identify as cheeseburger, then yes, they are an idiot that's seeking attention, but that's not genderfluidity. you, @Iaksh_ayy, are an idiot, because dad and pussy destroyer aren't genders. they aren't pronouns. you are just making a dunce of yourself.
Sure, what's unique about gender that allows you to constantly shift around and between them and not be a ridiculous idiot for wanting people to change what the call you along with it, that doesn't apply to wanting to be and be called a cheeseburger, ass-destroyer or attack helicopter?
It's a simple term for a real state of mind. Cheeseburger isn't a gender. Gender-fluid isn't a gender either. Gender fluid is a term for someone whose gender identity shifts over time, sometimes due to unusual hormonal changes, sometimes for other reasons. You can't scientifically explain identifying as a cheeseburger because it isn't a real thing. Those who claim to be a cheeseburger are just attention seekers. People haven't claimed to be cheeseburgers since the start of civilization.
"It's a simple term for a real state of being."
It would be a state of mind, not a state of being, so the term "real" is rather nebulous.
"Cheeseburger isn't a gender."
No one's saying it is.
"You can't scientifically explain identifying as a cheeseburger because it isn't a real thing."
Again, "real" is tough term to use when you're dealing with mental states. What makes identifying as a gender "real" and identifying as a cheeseburger "not real"?
"Those who claim to be a cheeseburger are just attention seekers."
What if they genuinely identify as a cheeseburger? How can you tell?
"People haven't claimed to be cheeseburgers since the start of civilization."
Thanks for saying state of mind. I was looking for the right word and couldn't find it. Fixing that now. Since the start of civilization, people have claimed to be experiencing what gender fluid people are experiencing today. They weren't making it it up either, because being that way could get you burned at the stake.
"Since the start of civilization, people have claimed to be experiencing what gender fluid people are experiencing today. They weren't making it it up either, because being that way could get you burned at the stake."
Sure but that doesn't discount identifying as a cheeseburger, it just strengthens the idea of gender-fluidity.
Here is what I'm saying; it's not completely unheard of. Why would a person do such a thing of it would only get said person killed? Now in certain civilizations, where such a thing is revered, I could see why someone would fake it. But nowadays? Why would someone fake it, especially if someone such as yourself would onlytyr to put them down? Now with all of the other kin stuff, which I'm pretty sure is bullshit, most of that stays in tumblr. Tumblr, where that sort of behavior is rewarded.
"It's not that hard to just call them what they want to be called.
You don't have to like it, but that doesn't mean you should be a dick about it."
To the above: should everyone have to ask every person they meet what pronouns and gender they prefer every time they encounter them? You can be non binary, gender fluid, animal kin, whatever makes you happy; I, however, am not obligated to bend over backwards to accommodate you. I would NEVER intentionally be rude or disrespectful but I'm in no way responsible for affirming anyone's ever changing sense of self. It is not oppression or hate to feel like it's just not my responsibility to double check the gender preference of everyone I meet. Want that information to be observed by everyone you meet? Wear a pin with your daily preferred pronouns on it.
If you want to be otherkin, be other kin. As long as you do not demand special treatment because of it, that is ok. Although, (and though this case is rare) humping cats is not an option.
None of the stuff in those links have any references.
· 8 years ago
Ok so dad and pussy destroyer arent genders, so what about i discover a gender rn called "gendad" its a state when my personality changes over time and i become your dad.
Next time you better call me dad or ill fucking throw a fit. Just call me what i want to be called, its my gender.
What I was trying to say was that you shouldn't call a person a pronoun they don't use just to spite them it just because you don't agree with it.
Your gender (male or female) doesn't change based on your mood. Things don't work that way. Unless you're a mutant (X-Men variety), you're not gender fluid, you're just an idiot that likes to pretend to get attention.
Just fyi (no sarcasm or condescending tone) Gender is what you identify as. Sex is based on your chromosomes/what you were born as. There is a difference. And gender can be fluid.
There's 77 comments at this point, so I don't know if anybody will ever read this, and there's a possibility that somebody even said this in the 77 comments. Sorry, but I'm not looking through 77 comments to figure that out. To me, people should be exactly who they feel they should be. Labels suck in my opinion, just because there's so many of them that even if you say what label you are, for the majority of the time people won't even know what you're talking about. People are ignorant, even I don't know all the labels that people call themselves nowadays or even what they mean. Is it insensitive that I don't know what these labels mean? I don't think so, I just think there's too many damn labels nowadays. Be who you want to be, drop the label or keep it, it doesn't matter to me but don't get mad when someone doesn't understand what you're talking about when you refer to yourself as a certain label.
Tbh this entire "gender movement" confuses the hell out of me and I'll never understand it. So, I'm sorry if I'm wrong and being offensive, because I'm really not trying to be. But this whole "gender fluid" thing basically just boils down to the style of clothing you wear?? Like you just wanna wear what is typically a boy's outfit, and another day you want to dress as a girl? Or both? Or "neither" (in quotes because idk how you can be neither)? But I don't get it. Your gender can be a boy but you can still wear girls clothes, it doesn't make you a girl; you're still a boy, but in a different style of clothing (or the other way around). I'm sorry, but I reallyyyy don't understand.
Thank you for at least apologizing
You're not being a dick or anything for not understanding it
Although it isn't what you described, no one should really get offended over you not understanding
I don't understand it completely either
You don't have to understand it, all we really ask for is for those who don't get it to not ridicule us and not tell us who we are, that goes for the whole lgbt community
It goes deeper than clothes. I don't know if you've ever experienced it, but I've been mistaken for a man a distressingly large number of times (IDK how, my rack enters a room about ten seconds before I do), and people legitimately treat you drastically differently based on your perceived gender. People are nicer and more helpful when they know I'm a woman, but they also don't do nearly as good a job of listening to me, and god fucking HELP me trying to get across to the mechanic that two of my spark plugs are crosswired but one of them's frozen in the socket so could you please just NO THE TRANSMISSION IS FINE leave it alone.
First off, its pretty fucking rude to say shit like this.
As a genderfluid HUMAN, I repeat, HUMAN, i tak serious fucking offense to this
But hey whats it matter right? Im justa. Fucking retard with no feelings and brain issues as people say
People come here for FUN and ////FUNNY//// Content.
Not this bullshit.
Second, what does it matter anyway? Its not like its harming you in anyway.
But whatever right? <3
(Downvote me all you want because im done with peoples crap )
Harley-imma be honest here. I loved your comment. Regardless of how caught up in the moment you got,I adore the point you got across. You go person! (Don't know your gender sorry!)
Well i mean.
Sex is what you are born as.
Gender is more of what you identify as.
I was born female
But i identify as genderfluid or, transgender if you will
Youd be surprised at what people identify as
I think its more
Female/male/trans/non-binary (neither) or Genderfluid
Other than that people make shit up
On all states including physical I identify as a mustache.
· 8 years ago
Okay so, I don't think that gender fluid is a thing. You know how the brain chemistry in men and women is different, right? This explains trans people, they are literally men's brains in women's bodies or vice versa. I can also imagine someone's brain chemistry being somewhere in between men and women. What I cannot imagine is people's brain chemistry changing periodically into man and woman and back to man again. I don't think the brain can undergo such incredible change so rapidly.
· 8 years ago
If someone has some evidence to show that brains can in fact switch "gender chemistry" so quickly I'd love to know, it would change my opinion
Please tell me how genderfluid even works, like at one moment is the person disgusted by having the wrong genitals and on other completely fine with them?
I mean, think about it. How would you feel if you were, say, the only man you'd ever known about in a world full of women, and people kept pressuring you to act in specifically "womanly" ways, and it just didn't feel right - and then suddenly you heard about these people called "men" who thought and acted like you?
They make the very thing they "don't conform" to.
You don't have to like it, but that doesn't mean you should be a dick about it.
It would be a state of mind, not a state of being, so the term "real" is rather nebulous.
"Cheeseburger isn't a gender."
No one's saying it is.
"You can't scientifically explain identifying as a cheeseburger because it isn't a real thing."
Again, "real" is tough term to use when you're dealing with mental states. What makes identifying as a gender "real" and identifying as a cheeseburger "not real"?
"Those who claim to be a cheeseburger are just attention seekers."
What if they genuinely identify as a cheeseburger? How can you tell?
"People haven't claimed to be cheeseburgers since the start of civilization."
Sure but that doesn't discount identifying as a cheeseburger, it just strengthens the idea of gender-fluidity.
You don't have to like it, but that doesn't mean you should be a dick about it."
To the above: should everyone have to ask every person they meet what pronouns and gender they prefer every time they encounter them? You can be non binary, gender fluid, animal kin, whatever makes you happy; I, however, am not obligated to bend over backwards to accommodate you. I would NEVER intentionally be rude or disrespectful but I'm in no way responsible for affirming anyone's ever changing sense of self. It is not oppression or hate to feel like it's just not my responsibility to double check the gender preference of everyone I meet. Want that information to be observed by everyone you meet? Wear a pin with your daily preferred pronouns on it.
Next time you better call me dad or ill fucking throw a fit. Just call me what i want to be called, its my gender.
What I was trying to say was that you shouldn't call a person a pronoun they don't use just to spite them it just because you don't agree with it.
And yeah... A post like that could destroy your popularity ^^
eh I dunno, be who you wanna be
Thank you for at least apologizing
You're not being a dick or anything for not understanding it
Although it isn't what you described, no one should really get offended over you not understanding
I don't understand it completely either
You don't have to understand it, all we really ask for is for those who don't get it to not ridicule us and not tell us who we are, that goes for the whole lgbt community
As a genderfluid HUMAN, I repeat, HUMAN, i tak serious fucking offense to this
But hey whats it matter right? Im justa. Fucking retard with no feelings and brain issues as people say
People come here for FUN and ////FUNNY//// Content.
Not this bullshit.
Second, what does it matter anyway? Its not like its harming you in anyway.
But whatever right? <3
(Downvote me all you want because im done with peoples crap )
Sex is female but gender is like nonexistent to me
But if you don't mind me asking,what pronouns should I use?
As the people on here like to say
"I identify as potato"
Huehuehue come at me m8
Leave :^>
Sex is what you are born as.
Gender is more of what you identify as.
I was born female
But i identify as genderfluid or, transgender if you will
I think its more
Female/male/trans/non-binary (neither) or Genderfluid
Other than that people make shit up
Its rather cringey really
Theres so many made up things to identify as.
Kins, if you will. And THAT is what i find most disturbing
Have a good rest of your day/night(???) ((Timezones amirite))
My girlfriend is in need of all my attention, soooo