I'm against this. Some dogs stay out on a runner all day when the weather is mild and they prefer to be outside rather than in a crate. If you want to stipulate a temperature maybe that would be more logical.
My hometown has something similar, except the time frame is 3 hours. It get extremely hot during the summers and extremely cold during winter nights there, so it's a solid law. I had to call the cops on my neighbors for leaving their two massive Huskys outside, without shade or water, in 100 degree weather. That is a abuse.
Yah I think that shouldn't happen, but there shouldn't be a law against it. Whose to say what the temperature is? It's gonna be different for labs than chihuahuas, it's not the governments job to regulate every part of our lives. If a persons pet is dying and its their fault yah they should get a fine for animal abuse, but not because there is a law about what temperature your pets can be outside at.
We will fine them and take their animal privileges away. No need to jail them unless they continue animal abuse
· 8 years ago
I believe they should get banned from keeping animals and a heavy fine but jail time should be reserved for the worst offenders in this particular crime.
Sweden ruined it. Them banning their own flag and allowing the ISIS flag made them cool in my books. But this ruins it. Humans are the only worthy species. Who the fuck cares if a dog freezes to death? You can literally BUY another one for SO fucking cheap. A dog is like the same price as a toaster. Or you can get them for free at the pound if you fine with it having a few defects!
Everything I said was true. You wanna throw me some facts about how priceless dogs are, go ahead. All you can provide me with are links to vegan websites screaming about how all life is equal. I can get a dog for fucking free right now. It's worth nothing.
You agree with them allowing people to fly the Isis flag?
And you don't have to believe that all lives are equal to see that what you said is wrong. The fact that you have no regard for an animals life is disgusting.
Why should I have any regard for animal life? What do they do? Provide us with food is what they do. And how does one obtain that food? Slaughtering them. That's all they're good for. Being butchered to make me fat. And I know I don't have any humanity, but I like it that way <3
· 8 years ago
Hands up all those who think it's a good idea to hogtie ambertek and leave 'em face down on the beach as the tide comes in since this person would probably do the same to any animal because "their lives are worthless"?
So you are saying you don't have any humanity...but everyone should be like that? Humans shouldn't have humanity? Your post is way over the top... like you are intentionally trying to anger people.... are you just looking for attention.
Plenty that you said wasn’t true, you troglodyte. Here’s proof that dogs are certainly a worthy species: therapy dogs, services dogs, law enforcement dogs. At least two men were guided from the World Trade Centers by guide dogs. Just because you get a dog for free doesn’t mean it’s worthless, and pertaining to my 8 year old hunting dog, I paid 500 for him and spent over a thousand training him to be a worthy hunting companion. So I guess your right, Trailblazer does provide me with food, because he’s such a damn good bird dog. Of course he is just an animal, but I'd wager he’s better at his job than you are at yours.
So... What about kids? What are they good for then? Do they provide you with food? No. Are they useful? No. They just cost you a lot of money. If you look at it that way, why not just slaughter them, they don't deserve your regards.
@peachypersimmon 12835 145th ave clackamas OR. I'll be waiting.
@stille20 Perhaps you should learn to read
@theodorerex People like you disgust me.. You've become so brainwashed into loving this stupid fucking creature that you can't even be called intelligent anymore. You've lost all self dignity to have respect for an ANIMAL
@sincere_milkshake Pets are animals. Therefore they are food.
@mialinay Who ever said I didn't?
@third You're the only smart one here.
I never really understood this "pets are different from animals we eat" spiel. Is it because dogs and cats are fluffy? Because so are cows. Is it because they are smart? Because so are pigs. It's a bit hypocritical. Now, I'm not saying you should eat your own pet, but I am saying that I personally would have no more difficulty with eating a dog which was born to be eaten than with eating a pig which was born to be eaten.
I used to have chickens and I could never imagine eating them. When you have a pet you form a bond with them
· 8 years ago
That's what I'm saying, you didn't get those chickens with the intent of eating them later on. If however, you got a dog with the intent of eating it later on, I don't really see how that's any different than getting chickens in order to eat them.
Horses and dogs are pretty good. But the point is, why do you have a bond with it? It's not human. It can't communicate with you. It doesn't even really care about you. It just does what it's told. You look like brainwashed idiots acting like any animal is worthy enough to live like a human.
They do communicate with us. They're just not talking. And clearly you've never had a dog/cat because then you could tell that they REALLY love their owners, and yeah, cats don't even "just do what they're told"
Just because you don't communicate with them/ understand them, doesn't mean nobody does.
Maybe you're just too dumb to speak more than your native language.
@ambertek I assure you the feeling is mutual. Regarding my intelligence, I graduated high school when I was 15 and received a college degree just before my 19th birthday, so the facts speak for themselves. I love my dog, but I don’t respect him, he’s an animal, there’s really nothing to respect. I exercise dominion over him as his master and have lost no dignity in the process.
Passion is just intense desire or enthusiasm for something. If I don't have a "passion" for the work that I do, what other word would you use to describe my enthusiasm?
It fits the dictionary definition of passion. There's no way to test whether it's a false emotion or not, so you're reaching by making these statements of fact. Further, I'm certain what I do is worth something because I finance and build hospitals. You have a really nihilistic view of things.
Does the world go round because of your hospitals? No. It would do that regardless. Your hospitals make NO major change, therefore who cares? Random families? What do they matter? Universe would still exist without them.
So not only do you not care about animals, but you have little respect for human life too. Of course the world would go round without hospitals, but the benefit they give society is inarguable, and while man may not have a wide reach in the universe today, that will change. The universe is arbitrary and pointless if it can't sustain life, so protecting that life in hospitals is pretty important. Who cares if a universe exists without life? No one, because there's no one there to care.
We were an accident. A very rare occurrence under rare circumstances. I'm sure the universe can do better than this. In fact, I undoubtly know that it has. Humans are a failed species. Just because WE die doesn't mean there's no one left to enjoy the universe. Some better, smarter, not as easy to manipulate species will come by, and see things the way they were supposed to be. Unimportant.
Look, ambertek, I agree with you about the dogs, but you are not correct about this. A near statistical certainty does not prove something exists. I agree that you're probably right, but the fact you almost certainly are is insufficient proof.
Ambertek you do realize you’re an animal just as much as a cow, right? (I mean I’d love to just call you a cow but that’s besides the point) so by your argument you are now useless for anything other than food. Does this mean I get to eat you when ever I so choose? No, because I realize you have feelings and a life. It’s the same with dogs and cats they love, protect, and feel. There’ve been many studies on the emotions dogs have, and the results have been that they do in fact have feelings.
There is no need for the rest of the world to follow this.
And you don't have to believe that all lives are equal to see that what you said is wrong. The fact that you have no regard for an animals life is disgusting.
@stille20 Perhaps you should learn to read
@theodorerex People like you disgust me.. You've become so brainwashed into loving this stupid fucking creature that you can't even be called intelligent anymore. You've lost all self dignity to have respect for an ANIMAL
@sincere_milkshake Pets are animals. Therefore they are food.
@mialinay Who ever said I didn't?
@third You're the only smart one here.
And... You eat cats and dogs then? And horses? Parrots?
Just because you don't communicate with them/ understand them, doesn't mean nobody does.
Maybe you're just too dumb to speak more than your native language.
And no, not really. Passion doesn't even exist for the most part.