A then the air stood still as a gallant man walked in with the confidence of a man with two penises. Two large penises. This man was an absolute delight to behold and several frail woman fainted just to gaze upon him. His shadow cast long and covered all the other men in the room who promptly felt awkward with their evening wardrobe choices.
He spoke with a voice that sent all the underwear in the room straight to hell. Including his own. And if you were sure-footed enough to meet his eyes you could swear there was music playing in the distance, your favorite song that you've never heard before.
"Her brown hair glinted with gold and red, her blue eyes like the icy clear blue of clear tropical water. Freckles covered her cheeks and her nose. She turned to her friends and cackled loudly, running around yelling "I have no shame!""
"He walked down the hall way, not talking to anyone. Not even looking at anyone, despite his eyes being pointed right at them.
He was less than average. 5'8 and thin, not in the good way. He has no notable upper body strength and was terrible in and physical activity.
Nobody knew his IQ because he always half-asses the tests, he never turns in work on time, and skips just every activity possible.
He's got no friends he can regularly hang out with because they're all made online. He's a lonely kid.
He's got rather severe acne on his face and back that often cause him pain, even though you would never know because he goes to great lengths to hide it.
He always wears the same cloths, a dark blue hooded jacket, jeans, and black running shoes.
He dons glasses and a mood ring to boot as well, the glasses because he needs them and the ring so he has something to fiddle with.
He had brown hair that was always in a 'WTF are you doing?' state no matter how hard he tries to fix it."
"His eyes constantly change colour, so there's no point in explaining them further.
His skin, despite hardly any very going outside, wasn't all that pale. He could very easily blend in as a slightly-whiter-than-normal person in a crowd."
Mrscollector is a simple woman she is 5'4 hazel eyes and auburn hair but she claims to have natural red highlights due to her wishing for red hair and green eyes. To see her is to always see a happy person who loves to love, her favorite emotion is kindness, but to truly know her she has a range of emotions & even though you may anger her & fight she is unable to hold a gruge for more than an hour. So expect to be stunned if she wants to chat & hangout with you as if the fight never happen. But if she holds her anger for more than a day watch out because you are now on the shit list & you fucked up. It will take alot of fixxing on your part to repair her feelings towords you.
Her name is what really does hold true. Ever since the name was given to her by her brother she continues to live up to it. She doesn't just collect a type of item no she collects collections. Her favorite collections include knowledge and stories of her family & friends which she loves to share with people.
There isn't that much to say about her outward appearance because for MrsCollector who she is on the inside is how she feels she looks. To see her she probably looks like any Mom in her 30's. Doesn't care that she isn't wearing make-up, is very busy, and just really wants to go back to bed. On the inside MrsCollector feels like still a kid in highschool who really wants to relax or go to the mall with some friends. And that is how she carries herself.
She doesn't care if she isn't wearing name brand clothes or that she hasn't bought for herself a new outfit in over a year. What she cares about is she has clean clothes, her face is clean and her hair is brushed. Because in her opinion that is the only appearance people should care about.
'She was an unassuming thing to behold, if she was in a crowd. Her dark brown hair, akin to the color of dark cocoa, fell down to just below her chest in loose waves, often messy and untamed. Her eyes, small, nearly black in their darkness, were surrounded by long, straight lashes. Her nose was straight and small, with a slight bump right in the middle, invisible unless looking at her from the side. Her skin, a few blemishes dotting her forehead, was tan, and her face was near constantly screwed up into a wide smile. Her lips were full and small in shape. She exuded friendliness (or at least, she hoped she did) and had an air of quiet intelligence about her, and carried herself as dignified as possible. Her laugh was a snorting mess of giggles and shrieks, her head thrown back. She admittedly was disorganized and messy, and often got herself into trouble for that.
She was far from perfect. Or beautiful, for that matter.
But she was enough for herself, and she took pride in that.'
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
"What the fuck even"
"This Hitler guy is a cunt"
"Just stop reading if you don't like characters who are cunts"
If I were Neil Gaiman or John Green I would raise money by auctioning off this very thing. Send in some photos of yourself, or some footage of you walking around, and get a couple hundred words of that author describing you.
Eyes dark like ebony wood, you could just barely see her pupils and yet somehow reflecting emerald tones in the moonlight. Long legs and arms but a short stature. SO BLIND SHE USES ECOLOCATION WERE THE FUCK ARE MY GLASSES.
She stood in the doorway, relaxed but alert, silently assessing the room. It was full of strange and fantastic people, from a shameless dragon to a glittering silver myth. Her eyes flashed vivid golden green as she glanced around, subconsciously registering escape routes, tactical positions, and potential threats. She tensed imperceptibly as a blurred figure approached her.
"Heya, welcome to the party! Come on in, help yourself to some laughs, and don't feed the trolls..."
Slipping smoothly into her new role of Funsubster, she grinned. "Thanks, glad to be here! I'm gonna go grab some memes."
"Have fun. See ya round."
She glided into the room, effortlessly dodging wandering users, and headed with apparent purpose toward a table of memes. Her peculiar height turned a few heads, since at 6'1 she towered over the rest of the female Substers; her strikingly pale skin, choppy shock of dark red hair, and fighter's natural ease of movement turned still more.
When she had reached the table, she browsed for a moment, before settling on several 'Soviet Russia And You's, an epic Laxus fanart, and a particularly amusing Martin Freeman-based textpost. Scooping up her choices, she made her way nonchalantly to a corner table with a good view of the whole room. As she settled, she glanced smoothly around-- and saw a small Subster approaching. She narrowed her eyes, a hand drifting slowly toward the hidden dagger at her belt; but suddenly, she relaxed. She knew this user, small and quiet, sarcastic and lonely and sweet.
"Hello..." whispered the FunSubster. "You remind me of someone..."
The girl smiled, a true smile this time, exposing too-sharp canines. She stood in a swirl of blood-red trenchcoat, the silver lightning pendant at her throat glinting strangely in the lights, and bowed deeply.
"Arienh Fulminata, at your service."
this is such a polarizing post
half of the comments are deep, well thought out passages that wouldn't be out of place in a YA novel
and the rest are just "heheheh what an asshole"
"I have no idea who this asshole is. I asked her and all she said was "tis I, the frenchiest of fries" she stole that from tumblr, like most of her jokes."
This smart bastard who acted dumb with combed back hair on the top spikes up hair on the sides glasses as thick as a beer bottle acted so kind to other but could be the cruelest fucker anyone ever saw when mad somehow obtained a girlfriend who loved him entirely
He was less than average. 5'8 and thin, not in the good way. He has no notable upper body strength and was terrible in and physical activity.
Nobody knew his IQ because he always half-asses the tests, he never turns in work on time, and skips just every activity possible.
He's got no friends he can regularly hang out with because they're all made online. He's a lonely kid.
He's got rather severe acne on his face and back that often cause him pain, even though you would never know because he goes to great lengths to hide it.
He always wears the same cloths, a dark blue hooded jacket, jeans, and black running shoes.
He dons glasses and a mood ring to boot as well, the glasses because he needs them and the ring so he has something to fiddle with.
He had brown hair that was always in a 'WTF are you doing?' state no matter how hard he tries to fix it."
His skin, despite hardly any very going outside, wasn't all that pale. He could very easily blend in as a slightly-whiter-than-normal person in a crowd."
Her name is what really does hold true. Ever since the name was given to her by her brother she continues to live up to it. She doesn't just collect a type of item no she collects collections. Her favorite collections include knowledge and stories of her family & friends which she loves to share with people.
She doesn't care if she isn't wearing name brand clothes or that she hasn't bought for herself a new outfit in over a year. What she cares about is she has clean clothes, her face is clean and her hair is brushed. Because in her opinion that is the only appearance people should care about.
She was far from perfect. Or beautiful, for that matter.
But she was enough for herself, and she took pride in that.'
"This Hitler guy is a cunt"
"Just stop reading if you don't like characters who are cunts"
"Heya, welcome to the party! Come on in, help yourself to some laughs, and don't feed the trolls..."
Slipping smoothly into her new role of Funsubster, she grinned. "Thanks, glad to be here! I'm gonna go grab some memes."
"Have fun. See ya round."
She glided into the room, effortlessly dodging wandering users, and headed with apparent purpose toward a table of memes. Her peculiar height turned a few heads, since at 6'1 she towered over the rest of the female Substers; her strikingly pale skin, choppy shock of dark red hair, and fighter's natural ease of movement turned still more.
"Hello..." whispered the FunSubster. "You remind me of someone..."
The girl smiled, a true smile this time, exposing too-sharp canines. She stood in a swirl of blood-red trenchcoat, the silver lightning pendant at her throat glinting strangely in the lights, and bowed deeply.
"Arienh Fulminata, at your service."
half of the comments are deep, well thought out passages that wouldn't be out of place in a YA novel
and the rest are just "heheheh what an asshole"