Yeah. At least you tried and have the chance to move on. But there are people like me that didn't risk it and keep dreaming of endless what ifs scenarios over and over for the last year *sighs* at least you were brave
dude i was friend zoned for 5 years and now we are happily married. take risked and keep trying. life will never be easy, it will throw curve balls every chance it gets. but when you keep trying and stay focused, you can turn it into a grand slam.
I don't know man, seems like some people are probably luckier, like Donald Trump, maybe.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
find someone that you can share spam and eggs and are happy like people eating steak and lobster. enjoy what you have, not envious of others or what you could have.
· 8 years ago
Wait, I'm blind... Did he propose, or is he celebrating eggs?
Well it doesn't matter, the people of this website have lives outside of memes. I love seeing these so we see the people we interact with have a life and a prosperous one at that
Also congratulations.
@morebacon yeah, no regrets, I wouldn't do it any differently :)
Or maybe not lol.
You did good. Congrats