To the downvoter, tell me why using the logic you preach about... Or are you downvoting just because you like anything bashing an sjw gullible college kid regardless of fact
Let me ask you this guest. Where is the biggest push for the sjw side? College kids at college campuses. So why the fuck wouldn't that be the place to speak?
@metalman if it wasn't debate (knowing that most college students are liberal) he wouldn't have presented himself to an he always has a final segment of "questions"
So you're gonna tell me that a conservative "idol" goes to any known "liberal" college and expects to talk to the audience (to the much whining of conservatives about the "toxicity of liberalism") and the audience will agree 100% with him?... he went there to preach then?
That's not what I said at all. Just because he's a speaker doesn't mean his word is the word of god. He's trying to spur thought and tell them WHY they're wrong instead of screaming patriarchy or something. And don't hit me with "a liberal college only has liberals in it." There's conservatives everywhere. You just don't see them because they don't bitch and complain to the degree that liberals do.
@Iblazel "...doesn't mean his word is the word of god."" Tell them WHY they're wrong..." I don't know about you, but I sense a contradiction... also, liberals whine if you listen way too much and too closely... I highly doubt that the liberals are searching for ways to affect you...
There's girl scouts.... Instead of making a big deal about girls not being able to be a boy scout, they could just join the girl scouts.
· 8 years ago
if you watch that video he goes on talking about how boy scouts wanted to be more inclusive to girls, but the girl scouts weren't having it. the boy scouts then went ahead and started the adventure (?) scouts.
@garlog thanks! Okay so this is the first I've heard of this guy and he is so full of crap in my opinion. I can't even express how stupid I think he is. He's like a grandpa from the 40's. He has no real arguments here. "Why aren't you 60?" because we have a chronological way of time keeping? That is a stupid comparison between sex and gender. I'm not going to get into his other comments because I would need an essay.
What? We used to have Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, both single sex, now we have just 'Scouts' (no specification of sex) and Girl Guides, Scouts are mixed sex, Girl Guides are still single sex and even then I've heard reports of a few groups who have accepted transgender girls as well.
I'm so happy that the boy scouts of america have begun letting transgender boys into the scouts, it's a step to a forward thinking organization that makes it easier for boys of all kinds to be accepted, and helps them feel more comfortable with who they are. <3
Probably because boy scouts is way better than girl scouts. They should do away with the gender seperation and just make it "scouts," ffs. I don't know any girl scouts that did it until highschool, but numerous boy scouts. Boy scouts actually get to do things. Gender roles are stupid.
My scout is secretly an athiest. That's not allowed there, but hopefully it will be soon. I know that scouts was founded on religious beliefs, so we stay quiet.
· 8 years ago
Then dont be part of the group and start your own man.
In Australia we have the opposite problem. We have Scouts and Girl Guides. Some believe that Guides should be open to girls and boys as the adventurous nature of scouts can be a turn off for some.
I guess some girls just prefer Boy Scout activities...? I remember finding Girl Scouts very boring compared to what my guy friends were doing. If they just change girl scouts to be more appealing to those girls, there shouldn't be a problem, right?
Ben Shapiro is a major asshole
Just happen to be a guy with a mic and enough rudeness to talk over other people.
The discussion was "why can't transgender boys be in the boy scouts?".
Transgender boys are boys.
But I guess having a penis is important for Ben Shapiro to be in the boy scouts.
Maybe he will go there, do checks and take pictures to make sure they are biological boys.
Fuck you Ben Shapiro
· 7 years ago
Unless you got the plumbing, you technically aren't a boy.
Until you complete the transition, you shouldn't be in the Boy Scouts.
And if you're considering the boy scouts and transitioning at the same time, you're too young to get it anyways.
a male child or young man
Just happen to be a guy with a mic and enough rudeness to talk over other people.
The discussion was "why can't transgender boys be in the boy scouts?".
Transgender boys are boys.
But I guess having a penis is important for Ben Shapiro to be in the boy scouts.
Maybe he will go there, do checks and take pictures to make sure they are biological boys.
Fuck you Ben Shapiro
Until you complete the transition, you shouldn't be in the Boy Scouts.
And if you're considering the boy scouts and transitioning at the same time, you're too young to get it anyways.