I hope she gets total legal custody of this poor child, the other parent is a TERRIBLE mother. She's 13. No matter what she does, she can't get kicked out, being a minor. It would be different if the kid was an adult, though.
I hope she's okay.
· 8 years ago
I would have straight robbed that house and redesigned a big closet or something so can get her own damn room
Reminds of the time something similar happened to a guy in my town. Police found him sleeping on a park bench in jeans, shoes, and a t-shirt in the middle of winter at 1 in the morning.
My Mom is just like this. So was my Dad. I have ao many non offical "adopted" siblings its crazy. Lol
We had one guy live with us for a good 8 years because the night his mom died (he was 10 by the way) his stepdad took all his stuff and put it on the lawn and told him your mom is dead so I don't have to take care of you anymore. The poor kid had no family what so ever. His mom was an only child and her parents died. He was a friend of my older brothers. So my Mom heard he was living in the alley behind his house so she went got him his stuff and sent the cops to his stepdad.
And this is just one of the "siblings" I have atleast 7 more. Lol plus I have 5 real siblings.
Yeah my house was kid central.
Once cops were called to our house cause young people was always going in and out they thought it was a drug house. Lmao a cop lived across the street and my Dad was a state firemarshal the neighbor laughed his ass off when the cop said why he was at out house.
well taking the side is one thing, makign the kid apologise or sth but ... kicking your underage child out on the street?? is ?? totally?? insane?? as hell?!
It's one thing if a kid is 18+ or bordering on 18. At that point they're an adult and yeah, the "toe the line or get out" is sometimes questionable but permissable. Not at 13. At 13, you have a child you're legally responsible for, no matter what their behavior. You don't get to just kick out a minor because they don't get along with your bf. If things are that bad, you go through courts and transfer to foster care or a relative. If it's not terrible enough to be worth the trouble, you don't get to just ditch your responsibility because it's hard.
I never said it was right for them to kick out their child. I was just saying,yeah the mom did something bad,but the girl was straight up disrespectful to the mother's boyfriend. I was pointing out that the girl wasn't just innocent.
At 13, the girl is innocent. At 13, it doesn't matter if a kid is disrespectful. It isn't a kicking-out-worthy offense. At 13, if she's a trouble child it is the mother's duty to use the legal system to place her elsewhere. The mother is the guilty party here, period. She ditched her parental responsibility and her legal reaponsibility. She endangered a minor and is morally a criminal, if not legally.
I never said she deserved to be kicked out for being disrespectful. All i was doing was making a statement. Excuse me for being brought up in a house where you don't disrespect authority figures.
There's a difference between an authority figure and a boyfriend. Saying a child isn't innocent in being kicked out of the house because she dared to disrespect an adult--who do not all deserve respect just for being older, and who most likely did not deserve respect to begin with given that this is a man a woman like this would choose to be with--is actively excusing the mother. You may as well say "Sure, it was wrong to rob the guy, but to be fair he had his wallet out in his hand instead of tucked away in his pocket so he was asking for it," because that's the same logic.
In college i learnt that respect is earned not given. Judging by the situation neither mom or boyfriend deserve respect. The one who took her in deserves a lot of respect though.
I hope she's okay.
We had one guy live with us for a good 8 years because the night his mom died (he was 10 by the way) his stepdad took all his stuff and put it on the lawn and told him your mom is dead so I don't have to take care of you anymore. The poor kid had no family what so ever. His mom was an only child and her parents died. He was a friend of my older brothers. So my Mom heard he was living in the alley behind his house so she went got him his stuff and sent the cops to his stepdad.
And this is just one of the "siblings" I have atleast 7 more. Lol plus I have 5 real siblings.
Yeah my house was kid central.
Once cops were called to our house cause young people was always going in and out they thought it was a drug house. Lmao a cop lived across the street and my Dad was a state firemarshal the neighbor laughed his ass off when the cop said why he was at out house.