Unless you can make the brain immortal you won't exist forever. A computer may imitate you, but when your brain stops functioning it's hell or Valhalla for you.
It has been so long since the accident but only till now she managed to put herself together and watched his memory. They didnt save everything cause it'd be very costy but the important part stayed, at least that was what her father said.
Actually, there wasn't much at all.
Just 5 minutes long video of him standing in front of the mirror, practicing his proposal
One that he never got to say to her
I'd totally write a whole story but my English is shit and i need to stop torturing myself by putting my characters through misery that they don't deserve
You should! I'm really interested in these stories, like SOMA and World of Tomorrow by Don Hertzfeldt... I'd like to see your take on a future where we all live in tiny boxes
In the very, very awesome series called Time Riders, something very similar happens.
· 7 years ago
There's a great sci-fi story that uses this idea. It's called "El centro muerto" by León Arsenal. The English title would be something like "The Dead Center", depending on the translator. Not sure if it's available in English, or just the original Spanish.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
It's not available in English, as far as I can find. The anthology I have, "Besos de alacrán" is out of print too.
Sorry if I got anyone's literary hopes up.
There is another movie staring Robin Williams. Where he is a guy that goes through your memory to find clips and dreams you had to make a video at your funeral. He finds out he has one and tries to see if he caused a friends death as a kid.
No one can last forever. A memory is just an echo. A person can be copied but they never be the original. They can have the same memories, laugh at the same jokes, speak with the same pitch of voice, and cry at the same sad moment. But the copy will always be a copy nothing more. Once the original dies that is it. There is no way the original will feel reborn a new they are gone and honestly that is why cloning humans is ridiculous. If my Dad was cloned, yes I would feel like he never left. It feel like he never died to ME. Cloning is just a something for the people left behind to hold on to till its thier time.
Really I feel this should never be used for humans. It should only be for animals. I would love to never really have to say good bye to my pets.
That is categorically untrue. All "we" are is incredibly complicated biologically based software. Difficult to copy, but not impossible. And copies are just that. Copies. Identical. Your mind recreated in a machine will be just as "you" as you ever were. The only change is its housing. People can't last forever. People can't last more than the smallest fraction of a second. With every passing moment, we change, sometimes too subtly to notice, but we do. As much as humans can be considered as living on, so too can the copy. No difference.
The copy isnt you. It is just like a picture if you. Yes the image of you lives on after you die. People 100 years after your death will see your stupid duck face but you are not the person in the picture you are dead.
Untill they know how to make a body never age or find a way to take our brain and place it into another host body we will never live forever.
A copy will be for the family memebers we leave behind. Not for ourselfs.
I don't see any benefit this will give the person except maybe if someone is about to die and has a big company and they feel that no one is best suited to run it but themselfs. Kind of like that 6th day movie lol
· 7 years ago
I just want to add that we have never performed human brain transplantation. It's a fitting theory that the nervous center of the brain has all that would be needed to keep the emotions and memories of the corporeal experience. But, we aren't sure if moving the brain to a host body would really work.
They tried it with monkeys and the host body rejected the new brain.
We don't know much more, and it's unlikely that we'll try it soon, what with all the ethical and humanitarian hurdles to clear.
@unklethanI don't. And @mrscollector, "you" as we define ourselves are nothing more than software in the brain. And whilst copying or transferring said software to a computer would create changes, those changes would be no different from what you would go through normally. If you think of yourself as being the same "you" that you were 20 minutes ago, this would be no different.
No it wouldnt be it be like making a twinn than killing yourself and saying the twin is now you. That is what you are doing. It isnt you it may have every single microscope exact detail AS YOU BUT IT IS NOT YOU.
People are not unique by nature. It might feel as though we are special and irreclipable, but we are not. We are just biological machines. Unique as a result of our astounding complexity but still easily replicable with the proper technology.
· 7 years ago
The only reason we haven't cloned anyone is because of moral obligations
@third I seriously dont see how you dont understand. The COPY is NOT YOU. It is nothing more than A COPY. You die you are gone. The COPY IS NOT YOU. The COPY is just a COPY.
Know what Im done you are just to dumb to get it.
No I forgot you are a troll I remember you now you are that troll that made this account just to argue.
I made my case I told you over and over. If you don't understand you are to dumb to know.
Peace out.
I am not a troll. Atoms and molecules are not distinct from one another(of the same type) and a perfect copy is a perfect copy. Which is highly unlikely of course. But people define themselves the same through so much change that even a fairly imperfect copy would still be considered the same, except for the weird aversion most people have to this concept. Speaking of which, why the hell is this getting you so upset?
She didn't strike me as being particularly religious, but that's the best I can come up with for getting so freaked out by that. Perspective tends to do that to people. Not sure why.
· 7 years ago
Have you considered you might be wrong?
Honest question.
· 7 years ago
I don't see anything wrong with his ideas
· 7 years ago
My only disagreements stem from my belief that a soul is not something that can be replicated in a host body, and the infinite lack of knowledge we have on brain transplants, given that we've never done them.
And whether I disagree or not, I'm just wondering if he's ever considered that he might be wrong. I found it interesting that he would use phrases like "categorically untrue" when talking about something we know so little about.
@unklethan I have thought about this in great depth. That perspective makes absolutely no sense even with the acknowledgement thwart we know very little about this.
My ex kept telling me I had a really bad memory (though in fairness it's usually just because I usually switched off whenever she'd start talking) so yeah, I'd sign up for this.
My guy
Youre gonna bring us to the future buddy
Actually, there wasn't much at all.
Just 5 minutes long video of him standing in front of the mirror, practicing his proposal
One that he never got to say to her
I'd totally write a whole story but my English is shit and i need to stop torturing myself by putting my characters through misery that they don't deserve
98% the story will end in pain
Sorry if I got anyone's literary hopes up.
Really I feel this should never be used for humans. It should only be for animals. I would love to never really have to say good bye to my pets.
Untill they know how to make a body never age or find a way to take our brain and place it into another host body we will never live forever.
A copy will be for the family memebers we leave behind. Not for ourselfs.
I don't see any benefit this will give the person except maybe if someone is about to die and has a big company and they feel that no one is best suited to run it but themselfs. Kind of like that 6th day movie lol
They tried it with monkeys and the host body rejected the new brain.
We don't know much more, and it's unlikely that we'll try it soon, what with all the ethical and humanitarian hurdles to clear.
Know what Im done you are just to dumb to get it.
No I forgot you are a troll I remember you now you are that troll that made this account just to argue.
I made my case I told you over and over. If you don't understand you are to dumb to know.
Peace out.
Honest question.
And whether I disagree or not, I'm just wondering if he's ever considered that he might be wrong. I found it interesting that he would use phrases like "categorically untrue" when talking about something we know so little about.
I honestly feel honoured whenever a guest notices me and remembers my name
But its understandable cause I'm freaking everywhere