Cool, thanks for defending racists. It's not like people of color grow up with discrimination and hardship all their lives only bc of the color of their skin (not saying all white people have it easy, just saying that having brown skin doesn't help someone's situation)
If black people behave like trash, I'm gonna treat them like trash. If they behave respectably, I'm gonna treat them respectably. That's literally all timebender's saying.
Well yes but since we're talking in the context of race I thought I'd just use race as the initial parameter.
And if someone is being a nig, I'm gonna call them a nig. There's black trash, white trash, yellow trash, brown trash, all sorts of trash. And they deserve every name in the book.
From what it looks, it started simply as a misunderstanding between me and you.
I apologise If I have interpreted your words in a less-than-positive fashion.
I ask that we end this unhappy debate on a better note. Because no one walks away from an argument happy.
You call them an idiot and not a n*gger because their spectacular assholery has nothing to do with their race, it's because they are a spectacular asshole.
If they use their race to justify their shittiness then they're a nigger. If they're just a shit person because they think it's funny to scream at their kid for being thirsty, then they're a fuckhole. But then if someone asks them what's the problem and they start mouthing off about how they're black and deserve extra privileges, that's entering niggeropolis.
Wait wait wait............ is soda a race now? Does sodas have feelings? Should I stop drinking soda. Where is this soda being made?!?! We must find the factory and stop them, the poor sodas are being drunk an they have feelings!
@pokethebear I asked if they were autistic because sometimes autistic people don't fully understand that we weren't being literal. It wasn't meant to be an insult; that why I said 'I mean this in the best possible way'.
And yeah, I come from a pretty homogenous place but my family are expats so we live in the U.S. right now. And in the south, too.
Believe what you want. I don't think autism is a name you call someone; if I were to call you a name, I wouldn't compare you to someone with autism. You can see from my comments that I never call someone names in a debate. It was a question based on what your comment was. Maybe you call people autistic as an insult.
What if no one touched the can, said anything to the can, even looked at the can, yet it started yelling, repeating itself incessantly, screamed about being disrespected, trashed a restaurant, set fire to a gas station, looted a Foot Locker, sucker punched three white people, shot six black people, stole a car, then claimed it "Din Do Nuffin." Can we blame the can then? Can we blame the can then? Can we blame the can then? Can. We. Blame. The. Can. Then?
Yes. But how abou violently shaking the can, then putting it down and trump-esquely claiming that you never even touched it, no, never even looked at it, ever, what can?
· 7 years ago
If said can is 200+ years old, then yes that can has a reason to be shook up.
Otherwise, these cans are shaking themselves up, waiting to explode.
Apparently it's racist to say that phrase, but NOT racist to hear a poorly spoken disjointed ungrammatical phrase and assume it must have been uttered by a black person.
have you all tried those Kroger spritzer things? They go off without ANY provocation... you can have one sit around for a fucking month, never been touched, then twist the cap and it explodes... while another one you can roll down the stairs and open without a fizzle. DANJA
They are ruined by the Democrat authorities who created a welfare system, eliminating the possibility of a nuclear family forming naturally, the black people in America are hurt because of the interventions of the politicians, because of gangs and the fact that democrats don't allow any kind of real policing to get rid of the gangs and troublesome individuals, any group of people in U.S today are responsible for their own circumstances, voting for slimy stupid communists every timeand not learning from their mistakes
This is so true, but in addition to the way you think:
When you call the can a racist, take its money to give to groups that continue to call it racist, excuse every offense against the can and in fact blame the can for crimes done against it, and THEN the can explodes, do,you blame the can?
So just to be clear: Y'all think that people of color are just inherently shook up. Like, they were born shook up, they stayed shook up all their lives, for no reason. You think there was no force that acted on them, really. It was mostly them, am I getting this correctly?? Like where do you think their anger comes from, please, tell me??
You claim to be the "hope for all". But you're actually rather closed off. Resorting to being the "semi-hope for PoC".
You are against us making assumptions, yet here you are making them yourself.
You want us to treat all PoC like the human being they are, yet you speak of us like we are just one person.
Am I getting this correctly?? Like where do you think I'm trying to come from here, please tell me??
Your evasion of the question is more damning than anything you could've said...
Did you know that I have had very reasonable and civil conversations on this site with many a conservative and atheist and any other group of which I am not a part of? I regret that we were unable to reach such a place as it is an unfortunate loss. I truly wished to understand your side better, but I suppose that now I do. It just wasn't an answer I was looking for...
You know it? I was really hoping you'd have an answer for me. A nice, good answer. Its a shame...
Mate, you've been evading i_ and my statements in the other comment chain this entire time. You have absolutely 0 room to talk about "Damning due Evasion".
I wasn't asked any questions? Next time I'll lecture i_ for talking about how he's gonna call people the n word I guess, if that's what you want? The real tragedy is how on Tumblr or wherever we might have been good friends if your subscription to the Harry Potter, Sherlock, and Supernatural fandom has been correctly derived. And perhaps my use of the word "damning" was a little overkill, but could you tell me why you think those people are so angry? From my perspective the only answer I have is that they've been treated unfairly all their lives -- I'm looking for a different viewpoint. Could you please offer it to me? From one HP fan to another? Or if no other reason than bc it benefits you?
· 7 years ago
@hopeforall, step the fuck off. Black people are just plain excitable. Oh fucking well, it's not like reparations or free land for some shit that happened is gonna magically fixed that(I'm black; since you think I'm white, I'm gonna show you). Y'know what's gonna fix that? Not dealing drugs, not getting involved with gangs, not saying to kill all white people, and most definitely not saying to 'rebel against the authorities' like they're doing some shit against black people. You know what is gonna fix these people? One goddamn thing. H A R D W O R K. Hard and honest-to-God work. That's it. You sit every black person down on the streets in a school, you give them an education, you give them a career they want, they'll stay off the streets. Will some drop out? Sure. Going back to the streets? I'll give them a week.
I see you've edited your comment to put me in a bad light. Very well done, I must say. To notch trolling you've got there.
I tried to have a civil conversation when I prompted my first comment. I thought, "Oh. This should engage some helpful chit-chat."
And wouldn't you know it, the first reply was your flaming me.
@serosempai. Ty, that's all I was here for. I literally just wanted to hear the other side. I was wondering bc it seems that both democrats and republicans understand black people/PoC are angry, and I've heard the democratic viewpoint a lot (the argument goes that they're angry bc they've been treated unfairly all their lives). I knew the republicans had a different viewpoint but I had never heard it before, and I wanted to know what it was. Ty again.
Time bender, I'm sorry. I wanted to expand on what I wrote and did not know your response would be so fast. I suppose I took a few seconds too long based on the time difference between the two. Please edit your comment to whatever you think would be a more appropriate response. (Or dont, I don't control you.)
I never once stated or even implied that the hate was there since the beginning. Not a single word.
I was on the same page you just oh so greatly explained.
They were treated unfairly. They were treated rudely.
But actually read my comment, and you will see I'm not talking about the entire lifespan of the metaphorical can.
I'm talking about a single case basis.
If you treat the can as gently as you possibly could and still have it be a shaken mess, then you are not the one to blame.
But if you antagonize the can, treat it badly, shake it up. Then you are to blame for the aftermath when it makes a mess.
Look, I'll be the first to admit that this isn't my area of study (I'm a medical doctor, not a phd of poli-sci), and I won't disagree that some people are just crap regardless of race, religion, creed, gender and so on. Some people are just disrespectful and defensive and angry regardless of who or what they are. It's how humanity works. I was just wondering if you had a different explanation for why PoC as a whole seem to be angrier than white ppl. So I think we're in agreeance, more or less? Idek
If you shook the soda yourself, then you blame yourself.
But if you were as gentle as possible and the soda still got shaken, you blame the soda.
And if someone is being a nig, I'm gonna call them a nig. There's black trash, white trash, yellow trash, brown trash, all sorts of trash. And they deserve every name in the book.
I apologise If I have interpreted your words in a less-than-positive fashion.
I ask that we end this unhappy debate on a better note. Because no one walks away from an argument happy.
And yeah, I come from a pretty homogenous place but my family are expats so we live in the U.S. right now. And in the south, too.
Otherwise, these cans are shaking themselves up, waiting to explode.
When you call the can a racist, take its money to give to groups that continue to call it racist, excuse every offense against the can and in fact blame the can for crimes done against it, and THEN the can explodes, do,you blame the can?
You are against us making assumptions, yet here you are making them yourself.
You want us to treat all PoC like the human being they are, yet you speak of us like we are just one person.
Am I getting this correctly?? Like where do you think I'm trying to come from here, please tell me??
Did you know that I have had very reasonable and civil conversations on this site with many a conservative and atheist and any other group of which I am not a part of? I regret that we were unable to reach such a place as it is an unfortunate loss. I truly wished to understand your side better, but I suppose that now I do. It just wasn't an answer I was looking for...
You know it? I was really hoping you'd have an answer for me. A nice, good answer. Its a shame...
I tried to have a civil conversation when I prompted my first comment. I thought, "Oh. This should engage some helpful chit-chat."
And wouldn't you know it, the first reply was your flaming me.
I was on the same page you just oh so greatly explained.
They were treated unfairly. They were treated rudely.
But actually read my comment, and you will see I'm not talking about the entire lifespan of the metaphorical can.
I'm talking about a single case basis.
If you treat the can as gently as you possibly could and still have it be a shaken mess, then you are not the one to blame.
But if you antagonize the can, treat it badly, shake it up. Then you are to blame for the aftermath when it makes a mess.