I had one where there was a kinda Hunger Games-esque competition in a department store where if you died you could come back to life and the person with the most kills won. I was that guy and killed everybody with a crowbar in one hand and a hunting knife in the other.
I had a dream of a talking black cloud that would stalk me and insert needles into my friends and turn them into puzzle pieces and j had to put those pieces together for them to become human again.
Yeah, I remember a night terror when I was 9 where a lady with thorns sticking out of her body was using force like power to rip and distort the faces and bodies of random people and some of my family members including my dad... And afterwards throwing their lifeless bodies about like rag dolls.
Anyone else have night terrors?
Many dark dreams mostly of squares and circles that overwhelmed me. A big gaping hole on the floor that would swallow me. Dark web things that wanted my soul to name a few
One was of me becoming peter Parker and having tj power to fly and super strength, but I had to scream like a fucking banshee to use it. It was in goat simulator graphics, as well.
And you know, one day, im just doing my daily duty of being Spider-Man, when all of a sudden, I just go apeshit on the criminal for no apparent reason in the middle of the "you can't stop me" speech.... and I FUCKING BASH HIS HEAD IN. AND MY TEAM JUST SAYS "buddy, you'll be fine" and proceeds to clean the roof while I cry.
It was in 6th grade. I've noticed a theme with the 6s in my life.
My class was on a field trip to an museum or something. It was very boring.
Half way through I discovered I could fly and had telekinesis. I promptly pulled the pens and pencils from the hands of everyone as a test, midair of course.
The writing tools all came straight at me sharp end forward. I ducked and theu flew into the crowd of classmated. One hit a kid named Bou (pronounced BOW) in the face. I apologised.
I spent the next 15 minutes simply flying around. Then lost track of the group and flew in circles simply enjoying what it felt like.
I can still, to this day 3 years later, accurately remember the feeling of both powers.
Intense dream, I was hiding in the basement of a church. Attackers came. I was one of the attackers.
In another, I was a rat in a ship. Then I was the boy told to catch the rat.
Vivid one, stabbed a man in the chest 11 times. The sound and the way the knife went in was so scarily realistic.
A beach. More bombs than I'd ever seen. People dying everywhere. I died too, but I got far enough.
Overhearing radio talk. We used the information to sink a submarine, called blu-something.
Another one where me and some others were escaping over mountains. We were trying to save a little baby boy. I don't know who was after him.
A very short one. Someone crying in another room, really quiet. Something about a massacre, which one guy blamed the other for, and then a fight.
I was never myself in any of these dreams.
Being in school and all my teeth fell out. Also, dreams of flying.
· 7 years ago
I had this dream when I was like 11... Me and my parent were on a road trip and I had to pee so we stopped on the road and I was going towards a kinda forest area, after peeing when I came back I stepped on a little kid squirrel by mistake and it died,the squirrel's mom saw me,I saw tears in her eyes and tried to apologise but she angrily cursed me that my parents would forget me,I didn't took it seriously but when I got back towards the car and they were just leaving I stopped them and told me what I was doing there and where are my parents I tried to convince them but they thought I was some psycho and left..I woke up and cried for like whole night and I got to my parent's bed just to make sure they remember me,and to my surprise they were having sexual intercourse
Had a dream about a school trip to Wales and me and a few of my friends ended up accidentally killing one of the other girls in the middle of the night. So we sneaked out of the halls we were staying in and went to bury the body in a field. Just as we're on our way back, my teacher comes (a scary ass guy who's about 6ft10) and we're shitting ourselves. But then he walks to where we buried the girl and teaches us the right way to cover it up.
How weird, also had a dream about the Weasleys. I was very young and probably heavily influenced by the Harry Potter PC game that I had been playing a lot, but I dreamt that I was Harry Potter, I forgot to give Fred and George jellybeans and they became gigantic and chased me around Hogwarts. It's the one dream I still remember to this day.
i had this dream where i was getting dragged down the side of a cliff and i died, but heaven was filled with a bunch of demons and god was crying in the corner, so i asked why he was sad and he looked at me with dead eyes and said, "hell got full"
Idk I find it kinda hilarious, like there are so many assholes out there even Hell gets full.
I had a similar dream though, where I was on a cross roads, one sign said Heaven, the other said Hell (weird bc I don't believe in any of these). Naturally, I took the path to Heaven but on my way I had to kill some demons (or maybe they were people?) and I met a woman who ran back, screaming that there is no Heaven. Then I arrived at my objective and there was a hellish looking room (as in, looked like the Hell in the new DOOM – except this dream happened before it was released) with some huge creature in a cage (I think it was a big scary chihuahua... I always knew small dogs were evil), for some reason I tried to free it because it was trapped and then I woke up. I thought about this dream a lot and it actually makes sense, not the part with the chihuahua but the path – if you do bad things because you think it will get you to a good place, then you're not going to a good place.
It actually makes lots of sense
Anyone else have night terrors?
And you know, one day, im just doing my daily duty of being Spider-Man, when all of a sudden, I just go apeshit on the criminal for no apparent reason in the middle of the "you can't stop me" speech.... and I FUCKING BASH HIS HEAD IN. AND MY TEAM JUST SAYS "buddy, you'll be fine" and proceeds to clean the roof while I cry.
My class was on a field trip to an museum or something. It was very boring.
Half way through I discovered I could fly and had telekinesis. I promptly pulled the pens and pencils from the hands of everyone as a test, midair of course.
The writing tools all came straight at me sharp end forward. I ducked and theu flew into the crowd of classmated. One hit a kid named Bou (pronounced BOW) in the face. I apologised.
I spent the next 15 minutes simply flying around. Then lost track of the group and flew in circles simply enjoying what it felt like.
I can still, to this day 3 years later, accurately remember the feeling of both powers.
In another, I was a rat in a ship. Then I was the boy told to catch the rat.
Vivid one, stabbed a man in the chest 11 times. The sound and the way the knife went in was so scarily realistic.
A beach. More bombs than I'd ever seen. People dying everywhere. I died too, but I got far enough.
Overhearing radio talk. We used the information to sink a submarine, called blu-something.
Another one where me and some others were escaping over mountains. We were trying to save a little baby boy. I don't know who was after him.
A very short one. Someone crying in another room, really quiet. Something about a massacre, which one guy blamed the other for, and then a fight.
I was never myself in any of these dreams.
Why God? Why? Why did you forget your own angel
the hell being full part I meant
I had a similar dream though, where I was on a cross roads, one sign said Heaven, the other said Hell (weird bc I don't believe in any of these). Naturally, I took the path to Heaven but on my way I had to kill some demons (or maybe they were people?) and I met a woman who ran back, screaming that there is no Heaven. Then I arrived at my objective and there was a hellish looking room (as in, looked like the Hell in the new DOOM – except this dream happened before it was released) with some huge creature in a cage (I think it was a big scary chihuahua... I always knew small dogs were evil), for some reason I tried to free it because it was trapped and then I woke up. I thought about this dream a lot and it actually makes sense, not the part with the chihuahua but the path – if you do bad things because you think it will get you to a good place, then you're not going to a good place.