But... we are a despicable species. We'll overgrow the Earth and use it up until nothing's left. Meanwhile we are one of the few species that kill their own. A lot.
By getting "far" you mean far away from what we really are? And you believe that's a good thing? Cause I don't. Evolution has made us into a species that's designed to live in smaller groups of a few dozen up to mostly a couple hundred individuals, to live from the land, and to die before we're 50. That's what we've done for the way longest period of our time as humans. All lifes had a meaning, there was a place for everyone and the difference between "rich and poor" was pretty much what one person could carry on his own. Leaving that behind was what fncked us up for good. I personally don't even appreciate us leaving our trees. No original sin, man, that must've been chilling...
I don't mind being as far away from having to shit in a forest and bury it hoping bears don't smell it and think "human, hmm, this one seems healthy, lets eat it"
· 7 years ago
I'd rather run away from the bear than from weltschmerz and depression. For the bear I only need to be faster than the slowest.
· 7 years ago
You can't run from a bear. All bears are faster people, aside from the panda and the sun bear, though the latter is also known to kill people.
· 7 years ago
The bear will not run to win a race but to prey. So he will stop running after he stroke the first person, who's the slowest. So as long as I'm faster than the slowest, that bear's got nothing much on me.
I hate people. I enjoy individual persons. And even certain groups of persons. But "people", the faceless mob that is our society, is absolutely terrible.
Would you stop talking to someone just cause they don't like your favourite colour too? Some people are loners and for them it actually takes a lot of physical effort to be social and even talk to people. Maybe some people are nice but the majority of humans are selfish and entitled dumbasses.
And idfk, it's how English works