No, but you are usually able to tell which one is and which one isn't based on if it's low-effort, repetitive movements or overused and unoriginal to begin with.
1970s Disco Duck lmao
Cringe is a thing every single generation knows about. Hell I bet there is a classical music that at the time people where like GOOD LORD WHAT WHERE WE THINKING???
Okay I was bragging to myself like "hey I never did that"... up until crazy frog. Everything after that is still deeply embedded into my soul. But I regret nothing.
Have no problem with them enjoying themselves, still reserve the right to judge them based on what they're doing. Now if you judge them as being stupid or cringey and then I find out you also did that stupid or cringey thing then you have officially lost the right to judge them.
Never called anything stupid, you should probably read my reply again. Also, I have literally never seen these dances but that doesn't negate anything I have said.
Totally agree on that. I may think something is stupid but if it's not hurting them and won't hurt them in the future I'm perfectly alright with kids doing something stupid. It's all part of childhood.
except that these are harmless, purely musical trends enjoyed by innocent children who DIDN'T call everyone in a video game a faggot and tell them they fucked their mum. The fortnite community, especially the younger half, is seen as rude, toxic, cancerous, and overall a bunch of bags of dicks. There's legitimate reason behind the fortnite hate.
I've been playing it some, and if anything I've only heard shit from older players, though I think it's cause they're trying to be competitive and I'm playing like shit lol
Cringe is a thing every single generation knows about. Hell I bet there is a classical music that at the time people where like GOOD LORD WHAT WHERE WE THINKING???
Also fuck you Jesus, I don't have to be a saint to to throw rocks at people.