Its folks like you for why he is in power. Are you calling me an idiot because I voted for him? Or am I an idiot because I didn't vote your candidate in? Keep the labels comin folks... "deplorables" worked so well last time... if you want change, you should spend more time showing others why they should vote for your candidate. Not isolating groups by degrading them.
Isn't that literally the only thing Donald Trump specializes in? "Isolating groups by degrading them." Labelling people.
I sometimes wonder if people who try and defend him with arguments like this are even aware of the hypocrisy in every word they say.
It's folks like YOU that are why he's in power. People who blame others for the end result of their own actions. The people who didn't vote for him aren't why he's in power. The sanity in that argument is.. Well, at pretty typical levels I've come to find. Which is more depressing than anything.
And not one person here claimed you were wrong for not voting for THEIR candidate. You're bloody well entitled to vote for other candidates-- that's the POINT. It's America, not North Korea.
You may notice if you look carefully that He actually didn't even claim the people who voted for him were the idiots-- just that the man manages to collect a rather large following of that kind.
Maybe he'll swoop in and say the people who voted for him WERE the idiots in question, but it hardly seems rational to start labelling people murderers and rapists before they've commited any kind of crime... or so I would think
I own my vote. Put Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on a ballot in front of me today and I would still vote Trump. Dcottingham's claim is very direct and leaves zero room for interpretation. If you follow or support Trump, you are an idiot. The only thing you accomplished in your argument sir, is to try and go on the offense. Again, rather than discuss how we will correct this issue, you choose to become hostile. Present an argument where we progress as a society and you will have my attention; quite possibly my vote.
You really are unaware of the hypocrisy and irony in your own statements, aren't you? I mean, you must be, or else you wouldn't continue speaking in such a way.
Nevertheless, I did not become hostile, I was addressing the claims YOU made, madame. You did not like my opinion, and so chose to spout off irrelevancies about my attitude instead of what I actually said. Or the many things Trump himself has said. And, since there is apparently only one interpretation of dcotting's comment, you'll be pleased to know the more you say, the more convinced I become you may be proving his point.
Similarily, I have noticed that you have not even so much as made half an effort to present the solution you demand. Outside of voting for Trump, I mean.
Trump is a symptom of a larger problem in the US: political parties. The fact that @jryan06 felt (s)he had to vote for Trump because (s)he didn’t like Hillary is not the way our elections should work. If you don’t like the Republican or Democrat there needs to be more viable candidates available.
It's always fascinating when the pot/kettle is unaware it's black.
@scatmandingo I remember there were a LOT of other candidates in the running for awhile, some of whom seemed very qualified, and actually like somewhat decent human beings. I still have no idea how it managed to get whittled down to the candidate who has tried and failed repeatedly, whose husband is the butt end of a joke, who no one in the nation trusts... vs a decrepit orange slug who is so corrupt, ridiculous, and two-faced it's a wonder batman hasn't shown up at the whitehouse yet.
Part of it is because it’s the far ends of the political spectrum who vote in primaries. They end up selecting the candidates and the general public gets fucked.
If you're a fan of podcasts, there's a good one about ranked choice voting from Stuff You Should Know. The ranked choice voting system doesn't solve all the problems of political parties, but it does a magical job of bridging the aisle, apparently. It also finally makes the freaking electoral college obsolete. Australia has been having success with it since its implementation. It's well-worth a listen. Here's the link:
· 6 years ago
People who voted Trump because "suck it, liberals" are literally tools. Imagine people in Russia or China read something like that.
I guess whether you “like” him as a president depends on what you want from your head of state. Do you want a competent policy maker who defends national interests or do you want a statesmen who speaks out of both sides of his mouth and destroys your country.
Here in Canada we have an absolute asshat leading us into a globalist wet dream; destroying 150 years of hard work and tweeting virtue signals as he goes. To me a politician should be doing the job he’s paid to do, not winning popularity contests.
I like him. I wish I was a US citizen so I can vote for him again. I think he’s a great president and has done great things. A lot better than that moron that was in office before him.
I sometimes wonder if people who try and defend him with arguments like this are even aware of the hypocrisy in every word they say.
It's folks like YOU that are why he's in power. People who blame others for the end result of their own actions. The people who didn't vote for him aren't why he's in power. The sanity in that argument is.. Well, at pretty typical levels I've come to find. Which is more depressing than anything.
You may notice if you look carefully that He actually didn't even claim the people who voted for him were the idiots-- just that the man manages to collect a rather large following of that kind.
Maybe he'll swoop in and say the people who voted for him WERE the idiots in question, but it hardly seems rational to start labelling people murderers and rapists before they've commited any kind of crime... or so I would think
Nevertheless, I did not become hostile, I was addressing the claims YOU made, madame. You did not like my opinion, and so chose to spout off irrelevancies about my attitude instead of what I actually said. Or the many things Trump himself has said. And, since there is apparently only one interpretation of dcotting's comment, you'll be pleased to know the more you say, the more convinced I become you may be proving his point.
Similarily, I have noticed that you have not even so much as made half an effort to present the solution you demand. Outside of voting for Trump, I mean.
@scatmandingo I remember there were a LOT of other candidates in the running for awhile, some of whom seemed very qualified, and actually like somewhat decent human beings. I still have no idea how it managed to get whittled down to the candidate who has tried and failed repeatedly, whose husband is the butt end of a joke, who no one in the nation trusts... vs a decrepit orange slug who is so corrupt, ridiculous, and two-faced it's a wonder batman hasn't shown up at the whitehouse yet.
Here in Canada we have an absolute asshat leading us into a globalist wet dream; destroying 150 years of hard work and tweeting virtue signals as he goes. To me a politician should be doing the job he’s paid to do, not winning popularity contests.