It’s not necessarily racist. That is a list of jobs that you can get as an undocumented worker. They don’t let them be bankers and stock brokers for the most part.
Yes and no. You don’t generally hop the border and become a nuclear physicist or star surgeon. I’ve met many people who have come to the US undocumented. Many had prestigious degrees and skills, but they worked as laborers or cleaners and the like. It isn’t about the ability or intelligence of a race of people or of one who would illegally cross the border- it is about the opportunity available to undocumented workers. So yes- she describes a servant class, because that is by and large what many undocumented immigrants become part of, a servant class of cheap labor doing jobs others largely don’t want for pay others won’t take or would be illegal to pay someone we gave “basic rights” and protections like minimum wage. It’s not a commentary on the people crossing the border or even the person making it, but on American society, where so many give up so much and often it isn’t for a better life, but for opportunities for their children who have done nothing wrong.
Funny how you didn't correct pokethebear when they said that racism is "typical" of left leaning people. Overgeneralization is bad only when the other side does it, huh.
No, i said that type of of racism is typical of those on the left. The idea that “they” can only succeed with help or a handout from me is a well documented form of racial bias. Learn to read my whole comment and not just what you want to read.
"This type of racism is typical of left leaning people"
"Well a different type of racism is typical of right leaning people"
How does the fact that sero only decided to correct one generalized statement but not another not apply here?
Besides, your comment was a 6 word kinda vague statement. "Racism of low expectations", a term you just made up which we're supposed to understand as referring to the social security system and the apparent belief on the left that minorities always use it (which, you know, is just flat out wrong). If you meant it that way, you should've written it that way in the first place, vague slogan-y statements don't help anything.
@ewqua- Ever been patronized? Someone saying “Oh, you’re going to fly on a plane? That must be so exciting for you!” Or “Wow, I really like how you tied your shoes. That’s a good knot!” Etc? Imagine someone making a huge deal you signed your name correctly, but because of your race. Because even though you, and many others do it every day, to them it is so amazing you were able to do something they wouldn’t make a big deal about to their younger than you children. It shows a mindset that because you are a certain race you must automatically have suffered a disadvantage, it takes away you as a person and reduces you to a race, and not a very flattering concept of what people of that race are capable of. That is what they are taking about. It’s a thin line- we CAN acknowledge when people have overcome adversity to achieve the same thing others did easier. We can rejoice personal and social milestones. But to assume that a person has felt disadvantage because of their race is no...
... different than any other generalization. It looks past a person in front of you and replaces them with a totem just the same as if yousaw a person of another race with their child in public and said “wow- isn’t it great how that dad stayed with his family?” “Isn’t it great those parents aren’t beating their child?” “Look- how nice they’ve done so well. They own their own car and can even afford tickets to the movies!” And so on- especially when you wouldn’t think or say that tompeople of your own race or other races than the one you’re seeing. So it is nuanced- but there is a type of prejudiced thinking that revolves around thinking so little of a group of people that you’re amazed when they do mundane things, and are generalizing a human being based on race just the same as someone saying “all XYZ people are criminals!” It’s not an abscence of prejudice to think that way, just another face to it.
"Look up the term I meant to use but actually didn't because I don't actually know how it goes, you dumdum!" Flawless argumentation there, poke.
@guest_ I don't deny that people can patronize other people based on their race, sex, ethnicity etc. I never did and I agree that it can happen in all the nooks and crannies within the political spectrum. But what I was pointing out is a different thing altogether, that sero only corrected a wrongful generalization when it was done by someone they politically disagree with, which I think is just plain hypocrisy.
I disagree with calling it “soft bigotry” either it’s bigotry or it isn’t. I’m called racist simply for existing, these people don’t get to be racist light.
@ewqua- I agree there. I wouldn’t call this specific example bigotry as much as I would call it generalization based on fact. There are a certain set of jobs that most people without documentation and accredited education, connections, etc. tend to end up doing because those are the jobs that tend to be less regulated and not require all the various forms of traceable or preempted means by nature of entering a country without any paper work and being at risk for deportation. I was merely agreeing with the statement that one could possibly commit “soft bigotry,” and since no definition was given in previous replies, for the ease of any reading the thread I thought I would document the general concept to make things easier to follow if one wasn’t aware of the concept. I did not mean to specifically direct that at you, as I have no reason to believe or way to know your knowledge base. Apologies if I came off as such.
It always gives me a headache with these people. They come in here illegally, I know that some have children and all that but there are ways of coming in legally and safely. It make a while but it isn't worth the risk of their lives. There are already too many people in California as it is we need limits here. I'm not against people who want to live a better life here but again this isn't the way.
It costs literally thousands of dollars which many families don’t have, and can be decades before you become a citizen. Until the US makes immigration easier (and/or stops destabilizing Latin American countries), they’re going to continue having this problem.
· 6 years ago
Not trying to make this a garbage fire, but I heard that while the border guard were gassing people(kind of iffy on that morally), someone threw a gas can, it bounced off the wall, and gassed even more children.
Those jobs belong to americans, especially kids and the elderly. We shouldn't have to compete with illegals for jobs, we shouldn't have lower wages because of them, and companies that dont hire illegals shouldnt have to compete with companies that do for like $4 an hour. We shouldn't have to pay higher taxes because illegals use our social services and go to the ER every time they have a cold or some shit. We shouldn't have illegal immigrant driving on our roads when they don't have legitimate drivers licenses. Most of them have never been vaccinated, and you libs sure love to bitch about that. They take all the money they make and send it back to mexico, instead of it going into our economy and out taxes.
Democrats just want their cheap slaves and easy votes. Nothing about this is good for anybody. Immigrants should stay south of the border and make their own countries great again instead of fleeing their ruined countries to come ruin ours.
You blaming the democrats only is total BS. While their policies aren't great, they at least have a bit of compassion compared to the republicans who would just shoot them at the border.
You know who you should blame the most? The companies who hire these people for so cheap. I don't understand how you mentioned it but then never expanded on it, because it is an enormously important point. But I'll be damned if the republicans ever do anything about that, seeing as they're all in the corporations' pockets. And most of the dems too.
Companies can't hire illegals if the illegals are never let into the country by the left. I'll grant you that both the right and left are two hands of the same puppet master.
Protecting the border with guns and giant walls is pie in the sky nonsense. If you instead pass a bill that punishes companies for using cheap workforce and exploiting undocumented immigrants, you will a) discourage people from jumping the border illegally, as they will know that it won't get them a job anyway, b) prevent greedy assholes from filling their pockets due to unethical labor.
AFAIK there are just some sloppy tests that companies are sometimes faking, just like in the case of the Mexican dude who killed a girl. If that company actually followed the right procedure, this wouldn't have happened.
Rich assholes have always tried to pit poor white people against poor brown or black people. Or, if it wasn't a case of racism, it was religion. Don't let them divide you while they run out the back door with all the money.
The Great Wall didn’t have to deal with airplanes and according to a Brad Pitt movie I saw once the whole point of the Israel wall is to deal with the impending zombie apocalypse.
@harperfan7- You hit the nail on the head. No one is better suited for 16 hour days, picking produce in the hot sun, doing construction, landscaping, heavy manual labor, bending and standing to clean, like elderly and children. All the unemployed elderly NEED those jobs. That way, just like most of the employed elderly working those jobs, they can be perpetually broke and unable to afford the increasing costs of living and healthcare. But they ant complain right? Undocumented workers get paid less since they aren’t protected by labor laws, so if they can survive off that money grandpa can too right? And besides- it’s not like the US has some sort of security system put in place intended to support the elderly so they an survive without working. What is this- Soviet Russia? Pffft. You are clearly well educated and have a good head on your shoulders.
Oh wait. No. That was all sarcasm. You’re either terrifyingly inept, and I pray to every force in the Universe that you are far enough below voting age that you might learn something before you’re legally allowed to have a voice on anything- even the toppings on your own Sunday- or you’re a troll. To be kind to you, I will assume you are a troll, and hope you just say you are wether you are or not to save face. “The Great Wall of China”? Really? Because we are repelling Dark Age Huns on horse back? You do realize that with all the modern technology we have, fences, patrols, and check points- that coyotes and the real danger- cartels- employ their own sophisticated methods that go a little beyond “can be stopped by a wall.” And the Great Wall? Was patrolled. If we had enough guards to patrol the entire land and sea border, wouldn’t they be there already? And if they were there already, and there’s still a problem, wouldn’t that indicate ineffectiveness? And then you bring up Israel?
Harper, you seem to be the triggered one.
So guest_ triggered a right wing snowflake, nice.
Not to mention the irony of being condescending towards someone for being "a jew" (which I don't even know if guest_ is because it's irrelevant to the discussion) while praising Israel. This isn't your average everyday stupid. This is advanced stupid.
It’s also been reported that batboy married the lady Bigfoot in a lavish ceremony on a Brazilian beach. Reported by who? With what sources? It could be true- but the only “pics or it didn’t happen” I’ve seem were from reports using collages of old photos from other things that happened years ago and claiming they occurred recently. Snopes even has an article on this. So.... reports may be greatly exaggerated.
We have a picture, of what looks like- and let us just assume for now is- an American flag being burned in Honduras. As you say- at a protest by people who support the caravan, or oppose the Honduran government. In this one picture, we are not told nor shown how that flag came to be on fire, nor is it the only thing in the picture on fire. No one is near the flag, so we don’t know who set it on fire or if it was even intentional. Let us just say for this one moment it was intentionally set on fire by supporters of the caravan- the original statement was that the caravaners- the ones actually trying to come across the border, were burning flags, not that people they may not even know were burning flags 1500+ miles away. The actions of random Hondurans protesting at home is not indicative of another group of random Hondurans trekking continents to find a new home. So for those reasons I would have to say- please see my previous comment on critical consumption of media.
Apologies. I misread it as providingboroof of flag burning. Thank you. Also- for the record I didn’t dv you and don’t know who did or why they would... but I am sorry I misunderstood, but am glad the presented article and post text should do a good job of making things clear and illustrating the point.
People generally don’t like anything that threatens their world view or what they believe their place in the world is. It’s a loss of face, a loss of identity even, and if people don’t draw a line on the sand somewhere they can tumble down an existential rabbit hole and be lost and ineffective the rest of their lives. As the saying goes- “those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.” So in the end it comes down to a persons principals. The things they value most, that inform their actions and color their perceptions. Most of the time close mindedness isn’t a switch- it’s a state we all have- to follow a fact to a conclusion that fits our world view. When you strip the emotional baggage and social conditioning and the like- you are left with only what you really stand for. The REAL motivation behind ones thoughts and actions. And the truth is- so many peoples views and the like are incongruous with the core they think they have, that to face it would mean to admit they have....
... been untrue to themselves. For instance- Jim believes, like most people, that he is a good person. Kind, thoughtful, so on. Jim believes he would never Have owned a slave even if he was raised when and where it was normal because he thinks human life has value. But when Jim steps out from all his historical quotes, when he steps away from his well researched arguments and well tested and refined speeches of all the legitimate reasons he supports or opposes certain politics- when Jim is not having to face another human being and so isn’t compelled merely to “win” a debate or to save face and ego, but if he sat alone in a room and compared the fundamental core principals he believe define him to the actual actions and deeds, and consequences to his views- he would realize he can make any justification he wants but they cannot be resolved. His true motivations may be anger, hate, wanting more for him and his own, or wanting to keep what he has, etc. not utopian ideals.
"Well a different type of racism is typical of right leaning people"
How does the fact that sero only decided to correct one generalized statement but not another not apply here?
Besides, your comment was a 6 word kinda vague statement. "Racism of low expectations", a term you just made up which we're supposed to understand as referring to the social security system and the apparent belief on the left that minorities always use it (which, you know, is just flat out wrong). If you meant it that way, you should've written it that way in the first place, vague slogan-y statements don't help anything.
@guest_ I don't deny that people can patronize other people based on their race, sex, ethnicity etc. I never did and I agree that it can happen in all the nooks and crannies within the political spectrum. But what I was pointing out is a different thing altogether, that sero only corrected a wrongful generalization when it was done by someone they politically disagree with, which I think is just plain hypocrisy.
Democrats just want their cheap slaves and easy votes. Nothing about this is good for anybody. Immigrants should stay south of the border and make their own countries great again instead of fleeing their ruined countries to come ruin ours.
You know who you should blame the most? The companies who hire these people for so cheap. I don't understand how you mentioned it but then never expanded on it, because it is an enormously important point. But I'll be damned if the republicans ever do anything about that, seeing as they're all in the corporations' pockets. And most of the dems too.
Rich assholes have always tried to pit poor white people against poor brown or black people. Or, if it wasn't a case of racism, it was religion. Don't let them divide you while they run out the back door with all the money.
lets not forget the great wall of china
So guest_ triggered a right wing snowflake, nice.
Not to mention the irony of being condescending towards someone for being "a jew" (which I don't even know if guest_ is because it's irrelevant to the discussion) while praising Israel. This isn't your average everyday stupid. This is advanced stupid.