I had a college professor that only gave out 100 points THE WHOLE SEMESTER. Our homework was worth 5 points. Tests worth 10. If you miss a single point it deducted an entire percentage from your final grade.
I dropped out after that semester and to this day I have never looked at that semester's grades. I already know what they'll be like
I had a class like that. Except most of the points were on tests, and they at least gave 2 extra tests. So if you got a perfect score on 4 tests, or a decent score on 6, you could not take the final and still pass with a decent grade. I just made sure to nail all 6 tests and so I didn’t have to take the final to pass with an A. So I took the final anyway because it was an easy class and I wanted the high score for points off the chart. What was also great though even if you didn’t ace all the tests is that you always knew the lowest grade you would get at any time- so if you were happy with your grade you could just leave the class, and if you knew you couldn’t pass or get the grade you wanted you could drop it for an incomplete instead of a letter grade. He was my favorite teacher and his wife was the head of the department and he was OLD so he gave 0 fucks and made it clear. He’d tell the class he could do anything he wanted because tenure and his wife made him untouchable.
...That's pretty much how every class works anyways, or at least every class I've ever had. Homework, tests, exams, projects, essays, all weighed differently. If each test is 10 questions but worth the same % as a test with 30 questions, what's the difference? Any penalization is cancelled out by the gains of getting a question right. It basically comes out to the exact same thing with the only difference being the % of your grade that hw, tests, exams, projects, essays, etc... factor in.
If it deducted an entire %, that means you only had to answer 100 questions over a semester. That's freaking easy.
I had one english teacher in college tell the class the only way to fail this class is if you don't even try. She gave out home work and no matter how many you missed or how many marks you got on your report if you turned something in it was automatic 100.
Her final was write a children's book. I wrote a story called "My broccoli is dating my mom!" lol.
One kid SERIOUSLY just wrote the alphabet and Drew pictures for each letter. He got a 100 lol
You SHOULD! You have enough other stories that you could easily do companion books or a continuing series of Broccoli-verse stories. Why on this very site I would think there is some enterprising young soul with the time, talent and ambition to rise to the challenge.
Lol I do have a whole book series planned for it. Like
"My broccoli is marrying my mom"
"My Broccoli and Mom is having a baby"
"My Broccoli took me to an amusement park."
"My Broccoli is missing"
And so on.
Lol I have a bunch of story lines I start with a title and work from there.
I would love to find an artist for it. But I am a little scared the artist will try to take the story for their own.
I might just wait till my kid is a good enough artist. Lol she is already really good.
I’m glad to hear she’s got that gift. I can understand your worry. It’s tough to take that leap because it is a very real concern that someone will take your IP, and it can be tough or impossible to stop some degree of plagerism if ones ideas “inspire” another. Waiting for your daughter is of course a valid (and also sweet idea), but I will say at some point in the process you have to trust. Unless you self publish and distribute- you’re eventually going to have to submit to publishers or distributors and possibly take on editors if you decided to go all the way to market. Ideas are much like children in that way. Kept up they can’t do much in the world- and the moment we let them loose we have to be aware that we lose some control and monopoly over them, and they become open to judgment and shaping by the world. We have little control once they “leave the house” and that can be a scary thought. So I don’t want to push you at all. I think it’s a marvelous idea though and think...
I don't know how I would publish it. I did try once to get it published and they said either get art for it or make it a chapter book. And than they see about publishing it. I could make it a chapter book but I want it for little kids so I need an artist.
I am scared to share it because I once had a poem I asked for a friend to read over and she took it and published it as her own. It ended up in a book of collection of poems. She claimed ishe sent it with both our names but they only put hers. It was just published she didn't get anything for it so I just let it go and never talk to her again. But it made me picky about who I share with if the thing is important to me.
I might take you up on that offer. At the moment I can't I have been fighting an evil cold lol right now it has morphed into a lingering hacking cough.
It isn’t always a reflection on the teacher of the student fails. I don’t want a flight instructor with a 100% passing average. That’s the idea behind mediocrity, and in many fields mediocrity has real life and often dire consequences. The wash out rate for most SOF programs is extremely high but that doesn’t mean they have bad instructors. They have generally great instructors who make sure that the only people still there are the ones who want to be there, earned a spot, and are most likely to become a credit to the field. I believe in excellence. When I go to McDonald’s I want someone who is dedicated to their job and skilled at it. I appreciate the Target employee who knows their store layout by heart, the line cook who puts effort into what they do beyond the minimum, and the CEO who leads and isn’t just worthless. You get people who know what they are doing by sorting out the ones who don’t have the drive to do it. Too many people chasing jobs for pay and not for the job.
The difference here being that the profs this post is talking about are the worthless asshats that think to themselves "how can I make this class 4000 times harder than it needs to be" because they are so fucking stuck up with their-selves and think their subject is the be all end all of life even if they are teaching a Gen-Ed that the college doesn't even have a major program to support further.
Practice makes... random results. Perfect practice makes perfect, and General ed or Neurosurgery, a skyscraper is only as stable as the foundation. It not only doesn’t make much difference of the whole top 50 floors are armored and earthquake/tornado proof of its built on soft pack dirt- but all that weight and its critical function make an eventual collapse all the more likely, and devestating. That said- I concede to you that some teachers do go out of their way to be trite or punitive. Some teachers want students to fail for their own prejudices or proclivities, and some teachers are less interested in creating quality pupils or learning than collecting a check. In the end though, while an oversimplification and not a justification for those teachers, what we get out of any experience- what we take away- is largely on us. Excellence is a self instilled quality that external factors can help foster but not create or maintain.
There is a prof here that yell at her students telling them they are stupid if the room full of freshmen don't answer a random question she askes during the class within a second or 2. This is the same prof that yelled at a girl so much for being late by 2 minutes that she had to leave the room crying.
Some people are miserable people. It would be nicer to be in a world where that isn’t the case. Teaching is inessence very similar to retail work- and long term many people in customer facing positions end up hating the people they serve and developing prejudices and triggers. My statements apply equally to that teacher. They are not furthering excellencebin their field. They should not be teaching because they can obviously not handle it mentally or emotionally. One can argue a harsh style has its places and I believe it may- but in context and based on what is said- that teacher obviously is not intentionally using a style intended to benefit the students or curriculum but exercising personal emotions in an unprofessional way. That is not the mark or a consummate professional and they don’t belong in the job if they can’t figure their shit out.
I had a chemistry instructor tell the class that like 20% pass and he was proud of it. On the other hand, I took a history of popular music class where the students, if they were so inclined, could play their final project. It's always a toss up in college.
My parents love to tell me about their professor that had extremely tough exams and quizzes. At the beginning of the course you would get a syllabus with a reading list. The exams would have fill in the blank/essay questions based off of all in course curriculum including the reading list. If on an essay answer you didn't include enough you got marked off. If you included too much you got marked off. The professor only wanted the answer to his question nothing less nothing more. The Final exam was a blue book test. Meaning you brought a blue notebook/test book that was a set number of blank pages. All the questions were to be answered in essay form. Correct spelling, grammar and form were required or you lost points. This was not an English course. Apparently every year the Freshman would send a delegation to the college president asking him to step in because of how hard it was. The president's response? Study harder. The professor was up front about what he expected and if you didn't
give just that you could expect to have a lower grade or failure. No excuses. He didn't offer extra credit. To their knowledge there was only one student that ever passed with a 100 in the course. Many students failed and had to retake the course.
I like the sound of that. The single caveat that I’ll add is something a few of my favorite teachers said to me: “this is my only class. You have more classes. I expect you to learn and do well, but I also know your other teachers expect the same.” These teachers usually went light on homework and “busy work.” Instead they emphasized class work and participation that showed a solid understanding of the subject at hand as well as a general ability to communicate and conduct oneself in a way that was conducive to success. I have no problem with a teacher pushing students hard so long as it is in a way that doesn’t completely consume their time needed to do other necessary things in life.
I once had a professor (public speaking... or communications, w/e you want to call it) fail me because she didn't like basketball. She wanted us to do a whole "how" speech and teach the class a skill they didn't know. Pretty much every woman in the class fixed some food and fed the professor. I illustrated how both a man-to-man full court press works, and a 1-3-1 half court trap works. The other half, plus around half of the women in the class started calling me coach after that. She gave me a 20%, which put my overall grade at 68%. Fuck that old fat bitch. Seriously, all she did was sit around, play with her jewelry and talk about food and arts and crafts... then she judges me like that on my communication skills? Gtfo. Also, that was 30% of our grade, so even a 60 would have given me 80%, a B. FUCK THAT BITCH... she could have failed me and STILL given me a B. But no.... Make me waste an entire fucking semester because I didn't feed you. Fuck.. Sorry... that shit gets me pissed.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
You could have tried to email your dean and at least tried to explain your situation. Or confronted the teacher and asked her why she decided to give you that grade.
Accidently commented on my own other comment, moving said comment:
Oh, this also happened right before March Madness, so I was also trying to point out to anyone who'd watch, to look for these defensive strategies. FUCK THAT FAT URSULA FUCKFACE BITCH. She seriously looked like an albino Ursula.
Oh yeah, and we needed a visual prop, so I used the whiteboard like a coaches board, and then we also had to have all the steps written out, so I visually drew everything out into what amounts to a flip book. FUCK THAT BIIIIIIIIITCH
I dropped out after that semester and to this day I have never looked at that semester's grades. I already know what they'll be like
If it deducted an entire %, that means you only had to answer 100 questions over a semester. That's freaking easy.
Her final was write a children's book. I wrote a story called "My broccoli is dating my mom!" lol.
One kid SERIOUSLY just wrote the alphabet and Drew pictures for each letter. He got a 100 lol
"My broccoli is marrying my mom"
"My Broccoli and Mom is having a baby"
"My Broccoli took me to an amusement park."
"My Broccoli is missing"
And so on.
Lol I have a bunch of story lines I start with a title and work from there.
I would love to find an artist for it. But I am a little scared the artist will try to take the story for their own.
I might just wait till my kid is a good enough artist. Lol she is already really good.
I am scared to share it because I once had a poem I asked for a friend to read over and she took it and published it as her own. It ended up in a book of collection of poems. She claimed ishe sent it with both our names but they only put hers. It was just published she didn't get anything for it so I just let it go and never talk to her again. But it made me picky about who I share with if the thing is important to me.
Oh, this also happened right before March Madness, so I was also trying to point out to anyone who'd watch, to look for these defensive strategies. FUCK THAT FAT URSULA FUCKFACE BITCH. She seriously looked like an albino Ursula.
Oh yeah, and we needed a visual prop, so I used the whiteboard like a coaches board, and then we also had to have all the steps written out, so I visually drew everything out into what amounts to a flip book. FUCK THAT BIIIIIIIIITCH