Many kettles in the US are used as decoration and not actually used regularly. When I make tea I have a tea maker that allows me to immediately make ice tea in a pitcher. Kinda like a specialized electric kettle that looks nothing a kettle.
Some of us have kettles. Some of us just heat up water in the microwave. I've seen people heat up water via coffee pot (they just dont add the coffee, obviously). Heating water isn't hard. We heat water in whatever manner is most convenient and suitable for our kitchen and tea drinking habits. Not all of us have the space for a kettle. Not everyone drinks enough tea for it to make sense to heat that much water. Just makes more sense to only heat a cup.
I really hope that non Americans being concerned over our lack of kettles is a joke. I feel like there are so many more real reasons to be concerned about Americans, and maybe this is one if the things that is done well in America.
To make hot water for ramen.
I really hope that non Americans being concerned over our lack of kettles is a joke. I feel like there are so many more real reasons to be concerned about Americans, and maybe this is one if the things that is done well in America.