From what I remember (admittedly it's been a few years) he swam OVER the sting ray, which spooked it (understandable). It used it's only defense-- it's sting-- which wouldn't have normally likely been fatal to a human I don't think, but because of their position it punctured Steve's heart
There’s actually a pretty long article explaining what happened I think his cameraman relayed the events. While i absolutely adore Steve Irwin I think he made a bad judgement call with the ray. I swim with them on a daily basis and they are very docile creatures but if you follow one around for long enough, like any other animal it’s going to think you’re a danger to it and it will protect itself. They filmed Irwin and the stingray for quite some time and at last Irwin said let’s film the ray swimming away from him as the end shot, they got in position, Irwin went towards the ray, it had enough and turned around and unfortunately stabbed him in the heart.
Indeed. I don't think it was anyone's fault exactly. Not the ray's, not the cameraman's, not Steve's. It was just unfortunate placement with unfortunate timing and an animal that Steve probably wasn't as familiar with as Crocs or snakes etc, and that had no way of knowing what was going on.
Their attacks are rarely even fatal (i think I remember reading once that other than Steve there has only been 1 recorded fatality in Australia from a sting ray attack). The venom isn't lethal usually, just painful. It was more the length of it's barb itself. If it had hit him anywhere else, with immediate care he probably would have survived
Even Steve admitted he fucked up. I have a "Finding Bruce" story in mind that involves Bruce the great white and the stringray and about him swearing off fish... hence the support group.
There is this whole thing about Bruce losing his place... and he winds up in Hawaii and gets a tiger shark GF.... and there's this murderous pod of Orcas... The whole thing is hilarious, but it's dark AF. "Finding Bruce" is Bruce finding himself and his place in this fucked up world
Yeah we have a lot of them where I live and a lot of people end up accidentally stepping on them while they are asleep burrowed in the sand and get a barb through their leg. Unfortunately the barbs are positioned in a way that you have to push the whole sting through the leg to get it out ouch! But yeah it crushed me to learn of his death and I guess it was just his time since no one here who gets stung has ever died either even with shit healthcare
oh, okay. I didn't know much about steve irwin so I was just asking.
I feel so bad for him, you don't just insult someone who's dead and can't defend themselfs, it's litterally the most cowardly thing you could do. not only is peta wrong, their cowards.
He loved and respected all animals he never hurt a single one and fuck you peta he would of never EVER of let his put in any danger.
His life mission was to persevere animals and teach the world of how wonderful and beautiful they are.
But as usual peta you miss the fucking ball and knock yourself in the back of the head with the bat. O sorry calling it a bat is bad right I mean wooden stick.
I've read this and it made me donate 20 Bucks to PETA. I liked the quote from Jean-.MIchel Cousteau: "You don’t touch nature, you just look at it.”
· 6 years ago
When you are a normal person who doesn't know squat, yes.
And why are people even donating to PETA? They don't do shit, except shitting on dead people's graves and euthanising their rescues.
That comment makes me consider a renewing annual donation to PETA.
Seriously, you believe abusing animals in public is the only way to raise awareness and love for animals? So what, Honey BooBoo is a show to raise awareness and sympathy for children or do you think Toddlers and Tiaras does a better job in that respect?
I'm annoyed how that guy is idolized and taken for an animals advocate when in fact he was an indifferent showman who surely has "loved" all those animals but basically treated them like plush toys.
· 6 years ago
I have the distinct feeling that you're trolling so no one reply to him folks, that gives him more ammunition.
PETA kills more animals than they save! They've stolen dogs from people who have NOT been deemed abusive! They have openly said they'd rather have an animal dead than taken care of by humans. Wtf is wrong with you!?!? If you love animals there are much better places to donate. Your local animal shelter. The World Wildlife Foundation. The Nature Conservancy
PETA pays people to torture and skin live animals for propaganda, their euthanasia rate is on average 81%, but as high as 90%. PETA are the worst for animals, their public face is all kind, but they do worse and kill more than shelters
peta just signed their own death warrant for me, there were many other reasons I didn't like them and gave them the benefit of the doubt like yeah they aren't right but they think theyre helping but now, going after the man that child me loved so much that my parents had to hide his death from me, fuck them, they're going down
Their attacks are rarely even fatal (i think I remember reading once that other than Steve there has only been 1 recorded fatality in Australia from a sting ray attack). The venom isn't lethal usually, just painful. It was more the length of it's barb itself. If it had hit him anywhere else, with immediate care he probably would have survived
I feel so bad for him, you don't just insult someone who's dead and can't defend themselfs, it's litterally the most cowardly thing you could do. not only is peta wrong, their cowards.
His life mission was to persevere animals and teach the world of how wonderful and beautiful they are.
But as usual peta you miss the fucking ball and knock yourself in the back of the head with the bat. O sorry calling it a bat is bad right I mean wooden stick.
Read this and hate 'em more.
And why are people even donating to PETA? They don't do shit, except shitting on dead people's graves and euthanising their rescues.
Seriously, you believe abusing animals in public is the only way to raise awareness and love for animals? So what, Honey BooBoo is a show to raise awareness and sympathy for children or do you think Toddlers and Tiaras does a better job in that respect?