Not judging anyone's taste in music, just saying: Metallica is for Metal what DJ Khaled is for DJing. They're so lame and phony, I don't even hate them.
I get having different music tastes but that's a terrible comparison. DJ khaled barely makes his own music and just features with artists that are famous and even then the music he contributes is samples over samples of other peoples work. Metallica on the other hand didn't become (and still is) famous just by chance and they have produced some of the best metal songs to date. If nothing else the fact that they are still touring and playing sold out shows with the same talent as they did when they started out is commendable. When I come across a genre or band I dont like, I just dont listen to them. I've never had the urge to go tell someone how lame they are just because it wasn't the sort of music I listen to. I don't know what happened to you personally for thinking that they are lame and phony but that comparison is just so off that I would love to hear how you came to that conclusion.
· 5 years ago
So something must have happened to me for finding Metallica shitty and lame? Yeah, it was their lame and shitty music. Mind you: I didn't say they were unpopular. They have made about three or four different songs and their entire development was becoming more compatible with bank & insurance clerks who listen to music on youtube and on their commute. They have always been totally irrelevant to the genre - artistically, not financially - and just watered down the real thing. As I said, I don't criticize anybody's taste in music, so don't fucking criticize me for disliking a band.
What makes you think on any level I was criticizing you for disliking a band? Just cause I like them doesn’t mean I need ANYONE else to. I disliked that you compared them to DJ Khalid and wanted to hear how you came to that conclusion and by what happened I didn’t mean that as your life came crashing down “one” played in the background and now you’re traumatized I was only asking about how you came to the conclusion..but thanks for your explanation on how they don’t fit into your idea of what metal is..I completely understand that. But if you don’t like criticizing people’s taste in music maybe don’t go on their threads where they are minding their own business and tell them that the band they like is lame. I still really couldn’t care less whether you like them but since you keep saying over and over that you don’t criticize here’s a friendly tip on how to achieve that :D on a much nicer note, have you ever heard of caravan palace? If you’ve never tried electric swing give it a shot
· 5 years ago
You're criticizing me for expressing my thoughts which is a lot worse. I get how you misrepresent what I said about them as it's apparently quite hard for you to grasp context and relations. Mind you, this thread wasn't even about somebody expressing their love for Metallica, and my comment was not about people liking them. This guy said it was " impossible to hate Metallica" and I proved him wrong. What happened to you though, that made you pretend to be some sort of neutral referee when you just got your precious little feelings for that band hurt?
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
By the way... electro swing is one of the very few musical genres I never found any artist I would like, but thanks to your tip, I found a band in this genre that I do in fact sincerely hate: Caravan Palace. Just for the way they raped, murdered and raped "Black Betty" again they deserve to die a slow and painful death. You really got me good with this "recommendation", well played Sir.
‘The Arena’ (Lindsey Stirling) - #1
‘Adagio for Strings’ or ‘Palladio’ (Escala; can get other versions but theirs are best for energy)
‘All of Me’ or ‘Berlin’ (John Schmidt/The Piano Guys)
‘Spectrum of Eternity’ (Soilworks) - #1
‘Arctica’ (Amberian Dawn)
‘Jump’ (Two Steps from Hell) - that one might be a bit too much heart attack
‘Right Now’ (Van Halen) - #1
‘Circus’ (Britney Spears)
‘Victorious’ (Panic at the Disco)
ROCK (I think) WAKE UP:
‘Rollin’ ‘ (Limp Bizkit) Whatever genre it is, it’s a *great* wake-up song. It’s got that traditional rock-show call to gather, so it’s trying to help you get out of bed.
‘The Arena’ (Lindsey Stirling) - #1
‘Adagio for Strings’ or ‘Palladio’ (Escala; can get other versions but theirs are best for energy)
‘All of Me’ or ‘Berlin’ (John Schmidt/The Piano Guys)
‘Spectrum of Eternity’ (Soilworks) - #1
‘Arctica’ (Amberian Dawn)
‘Jump’ (Two Steps from Hell) - that one might be a bit too much heart attack
‘Right Now’ (Van Halen) - #1
‘Circus’ (Britney Spears)
‘Victorious’ (Panic at the Disco)
ROCK (I think) WAKE UP:
‘Rollin’ ‘ (Limp Bizkit) Whatever genre it is, it’s a *great* wake-up song. It’s got that traditional rock-show call to gather, so it’s trying to help you get out of bed.