Doing good is good and all but becareful ya'll. Some people will take advantage of nice people. I personally try and help people at any time i can but it almost got me robbed just 2 nights ago.
This guy had waved me down at the exit of a mcdonalds at 3 am. By waved down i mean practically jumped in front of my car waving his hands to get my attention. I rolled down my passenger window (a ways too far in hindsight) and he started in frantically saying he'd been robbed and saying varying expletives in the process. I asked if he wanted me to call the cops but he avoided the question, big red flag for me. He claimed a black SUV was the getaway vehicle and towards the end of the debacle he looked off in the distance and said something along the lines of "is that the SUV over there?" And i instinctively turned to look but out of the corner of my eye i saw him reach in my car so i immediately turned to face him again. He straightened up and i yelled at him to "get the fuck outta here." As
I began rolling the window up. He said something like "can i get in with you?" And i yelled back "fuck no" and started to drive off.
This isn't meant to scare ya'll off from helping others but be careful as shitty people do exist.
With respect, there's a difference between helping someone buy diapers and a fairly suspicious person jumping in front of your car at 3:00AM. I get why you're frustrated but I feel like your experience is a bit dissociated from the post... just tad.
@interesting The post is about helping people in that are in shitty situations. Just because the only instances brought up in OP's post invlove being in a store doesn't negate anything I said in my comment.
Also at no point did I say I was frustrated. I only expressed my wish that people be careful in helping others as some have ulterior motives.
Me and my husband were just a young couple with our daughter. We were probably into our 3rd yr of marriage and our daughter was 1 when this happen.
It was our anniversary and my husband got off work late so we took what little money we had and went to Wendy's.
No one was in the dining area but this one family. A man, a woman, and their adult daughter who had a toddler daughter of her own.
She sees us sitting and eating and starts a conversation. Asking about who we were and where we from.
Turned out she was from out of state visiting her family so they can meet her daughter for the first time. Her whole large family and friends all have her stuff for the baby. Infact way to much to take with her back home.
She asked for our number and said the day before she leaves she give us a call and she give us what she can't take. We honestly thought we never hear from her again.
But 2 weeks later she calls us up and ask if we can meet up.
We show up and she has a trunk full of clothes and toys. Even a fold up crib for travel. There was diapers boxes and wipes. All sorts of baby stuff for toddlers. Even baby food.
We told her it was just to much. But she said God told her to give it to us. She said when she saw us something in her just said whatever she couldn't take give it to us.
Honestly it helped so much I nearly cried. We thanked her and them over and over.
There was clothes and things in there we could of never afford. There was a coat for her in there that was around 80 dollars. My own coats cost around 20 - 30 lol.
She will never know exactly how much she helped us.
When ever we can we always try to pay it forward.
Man. I can’t even begin to tell all the stories of kindness in my life. I do whatever I can whenever I can to pay them forward. The “what if they scam you” mentality is an insecure and small mindset. People apply it to things like welfare all the time. So what if a small percent of people scam you? If helping them doesn’t mean you’ll starve- what’s the harm in getting scammed? $30 or whatever? Oh no. One less trip to IHOP or one less DVD on the shelf. How will I survive? You try to avoid obvious scams or things that smell real fishy and help whoever you can that seems to need it. Every now and then you’ll get scammed. If you stick to small kindnesses and don’t mortgage your home or anything for a stranger- you’ll still be doing better than at least half the world even if you do get scammed.
When I was in high school I had saved about 25 euro's to buy a very pretty, fancy calendar book for school. On my way to the store to buy it I ran into a lady with a girl a few years younger than I. She was begging for money and she and her daughter looked down on their luck, dressed in old, ill fitting clothes.
I thought to myself I would rather help them have dinner than get an expensive calendar book. A simple one would do the job just as well and if my money can help these people then it's money better spent. So I gave them all I could and bought a simple calendar book instead.
Later that afternoon I saw her daughter step onto the same bus as me, wearing different clothing, carrying the expensive calendar book I was going to buy!!!! I felt gutted.
After that I stopped giving money. But after reading this post I'm going to change back. That dad was right. Lying about your situation says something about your character, not helping when you can says something about mine.
Your good deed does not stop being a good deed just because they took advantage of you. They are the ones who took a gift of kindness and turned it into something bad that karma will hit them with.
I hope you do continue doing kind things.
Pulling a scam like that would be impossibly difficult, as you don't get to pick the people in line behind you... and if you are trying to scam them, you're going to be purposefully feigning public humiliation in a convincing way. I doubt only sociopaths and psychopaths can do that.
Once my mom found 20€ in a supermarket, and being a good samaritan she brought it to the closest employee, explaining what had happened. I said "but mom they're gonna keep it, what do you want them to do?" and she replied "well maybe they can deal with doing that, but I can't" and resumed shopping. On the way out an old lady was crying in front of a security agent in a mall, explaining she had lost a 20€ bill and it was all she had to buy groceries till the end of the month. And boy did I feel bad about myself and proud of my mom. She came up to her and told her everything, they sought the employee together, and at first he didn't even want to give back the money but my mom told her what she thought of this attitude and also pointed out that the supermarket had cameras. It stuck with me because we didn't have a lot of money and my mom is always afraid to stand up for herself.
Side note : love the dad's response in the second to last comment in the post.
This guy had waved me down at the exit of a mcdonalds at 3 am. By waved down i mean practically jumped in front of my car waving his hands to get my attention. I rolled down my passenger window (a ways too far in hindsight) and he started in frantically saying he'd been robbed and saying varying expletives in the process. I asked if he wanted me to call the cops but he avoided the question, big red flag for me. He claimed a black SUV was the getaway vehicle and towards the end of the debacle he looked off in the distance and said something along the lines of "is that the SUV over there?" And i instinctively turned to look but out of the corner of my eye i saw him reach in my car so i immediately turned to face him again. He straightened up and i yelled at him to "get the fuck outta here." As
This isn't meant to scare ya'll off from helping others but be careful as shitty people do exist.
Also at no point did I say I was frustrated. I only expressed my wish that people be careful in helping others as some have ulterior motives.
It was our anniversary and my husband got off work late so we took what little money we had and went to Wendy's.
No one was in the dining area but this one family. A man, a woman, and their adult daughter who had a toddler daughter of her own.
She sees us sitting and eating and starts a conversation. Asking about who we were and where we from.
Turned out she was from out of state visiting her family so they can meet her daughter for the first time. Her whole large family and friends all have her stuff for the baby. Infact way to much to take with her back home.
She asked for our number and said the day before she leaves she give us a call and she give us what she can't take. We honestly thought we never hear from her again.
But 2 weeks later she calls us up and ask if we can meet up.
We told her it was just to much. But she said God told her to give it to us. She said when she saw us something in her just said whatever she couldn't take give it to us.
Honestly it helped so much I nearly cried. We thanked her and them over and over.
There was clothes and things in there we could of never afford. There was a coat for her in there that was around 80 dollars. My own coats cost around 20 - 30 lol.
She will never know exactly how much she helped us.
When ever we can we always try to pay it forward.
I thought to myself I would rather help them have dinner than get an expensive calendar book. A simple one would do the job just as well and if my money can help these people then it's money better spent. So I gave them all I could and bought a simple calendar book instead.
Later that afternoon I saw her daughter step onto the same bus as me, wearing different clothing, carrying the expensive calendar book I was going to buy!!!! I felt gutted.
After that I stopped giving money. But after reading this post I'm going to change back. That dad was right. Lying about your situation says something about your character, not helping when you can says something about mine.
I hope you do continue doing kind things.
Side note : love the dad's response in the second to last comment in the post.