Dude - my wife’s wedding ring cost £20, and was bought from a jewellery stand at a flea-market. She loved it and we’ve been married for 3 years now.
You’re awesome, she loves you for it - the very best of luck to you.
Been married 14 yrs since October 15 2005.
My husband was a news paper delivery guy. Yeah a paper boy lol.
One day on his delivery route he saw a ring and kept it for the day he meet the one he was going to marry.
Less than a year and he met me. He said the minute he saw me he knew it was meant for me.
The ring was a cheap ring you can find at Walmart for 10 dollars.
But I love it and cherish it. One day I will give it to our daughter.
It didn't cost him a thing and yet I love it more than any ring money can buy.
The ring is only a symbol you could give her a rock and she will keep it for ever as long as you love each other.
I was still in college when I bought my wife's ring. I spent i think $2-300 on it, which was basically all I had at the time. It's pretty small, and the diamond is basically the size of a large pin head, but she likes it, particularly because with her job as a vet, a "normal" ring would get in the way.
I do remember that when we went to shop for wedding bands, the woman at the shop did the usual act all excited to see her ring kind of thing, and it was really funny watching her feign excitement at what must have been the smallest diamond she had ever seen.
You’re awesome, she loves you for it - the very best of luck to you.
My husband was a news paper delivery guy. Yeah a paper boy lol.
One day on his delivery route he saw a ring and kept it for the day he meet the one he was going to marry.
Less than a year and he met me. He said the minute he saw me he knew it was meant for me.
The ring was a cheap ring you can find at Walmart for 10 dollars.
But I love it and cherish it. One day I will give it to our daughter.
It didn't cost him a thing and yet I love it more than any ring money can buy.
The ring is only a symbol you could give her a rock and she will keep it for ever as long as you love each other.
I do remember that when we went to shop for wedding bands, the woman at the shop did the usual act all excited to see her ring kind of thing, and it was really funny watching her feign excitement at what must have been the smallest diamond she had ever seen.