That's a good point I am trying to consider it but even when filled it doesn't approach a normal cone with some melted ice cream held in the squares. However, this shape, with the tasty material, now we can talk.
Spent a year or so serving these. The cake cone on the right is superior in many ways to the sugar cone in the center. It’s shape provides greater stability to the scoops, especially if they are multiple. Also the two layer architecture is far less likely to shatter when you first bite into it and maintain that integrity all the way to the bottom. And, industry secret: they taste the same.
The waffle cone is the best of the bunch but usually incurs an upcharge. Personally I just go for a cup and ask for a cone to crush up on top. Then you can choose your levels with every bite.
The waffle cone is the best of the bunch but usually incurs an upcharge. Personally I just go for a cup and ask for a cone to crush up on top. Then you can choose your levels with every bite.