Pick the year I die
Have a University named after me
Free wifi wherever I go
Fulfill my biggest wish
Have my own private island
Be able to read minds
$1 Million in Amazon gift cards
Best friends forever with my favorite celebrity (Emma Watson)
Free gas for 25 years
Be a pirate
Restart my life
Live in Harry Potter's world (if I get magic, otherwise fame and wealth)
The ability to see the future
found these quite easy:
pick the year i die - 10,000 AD
University - better be known for my brains
Free Wifi - not an Apple fan
My biggest wish - all the powers of Superman :D
Private Island, need a retreat
Read minds, light speed is still 4 years to the nearest star, not planet
$1 million, cause it's just as good as money
best friends, cause you need one
free gas, cause can always get a car
Ninja, more skills
i'd restart my life, as long as i can retain my memory
fame and wealth, i'd probably be a muggle
see the future, can prevent bad things from happening
Year: How far in the future can we do this?
University: Sport stadiums are only used infrequently
Wifi: Because Apple is overrated
Biggest Wish: Not saying
Private Island: Jets are things that require airports and that can cause problems
Minds: DUH
Real Money: You can do a lot with $100k
Best Friends: I'd rather have a friend than a crush that will break up
Dream Car: Tesla baby
Ninja: Pirates are overrated Ninjas actually have useful skills
Continue: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" Cheesy I know but it is true. You have to deal with both the good and the bad.
Harry Potter World: Fame is overrated and you have to deal with the stupid cameras 24/7. No privacy
See the future: This can help anyone, not just yourself. And you could make a living off of it. Minds in this case is somewhat less.
The year, sport staduim, apple products, biggest regret, private island, light speed, amazon gift card, best freinds, free gas, ninja (IF I HAD TO I DUNT WANNA BE EITHER), continue life, GOD DAMNIT I CANT CHOSE, uhh read minds
· 9 years ago
Pick year- when the Earth dies
Have a university named after me- Sero University
Free wifi everywhere I go
Fulfill my biggest wish- Becoming known by the entire world
Private Island, somewhere where me and Kass can have fun(not like that)
Read minds
· 9 years ago
I'd have $100,000
Besties with my favorite celebrity
Have free gas for 25 years
A ninja.
Continue with my life. My biggest regret is what make me, well, me.
Live in HP's world. Don't know much about it, but I GET TO BE A FRIGGIN MAGE, also living as a celeb was my biggest wish, and that's been fulfilled.
The year.
Free wifi. I can save up money and then buy Apple products.
Fulfill my wish. Without a regret, I wouldn't have anything to help me decide actions.
Private island. Acrophobia.
Read minds.
100 grand.
Be best friends. Personally I don't want to marry Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye.
Dream car.
· 9 years ago
You missed two.
Also, what is your biggest wish, if you don't mind me asking?
I stopped because I realized I kinda didn't want to waste a comment on this. Now I've wasted two.
Either way my biggest wish is to have a big family.
4 or 5 kids preferably and a nice wife.
Don't Care
Free Wifi
Wish (No ragrets)
real money
Best friends
Free gas (easier to buy a good car while saving money on gas)
See the future
1. the way i die; i will know what to look out for
2. university ofcourse
3. wifi; why do i need that shit?
4.regret: so i can move on
5.island: i don't need amy of you fuckers
6.speed of light: i know what are you thinking and i wanna stay away from you on distant planet
7. 100k $: i'll buy my own gift thank you
8.date: even Eva Mendes is boring after 2 years (not)
9 mclaren f1 or GAZ 13 čajka
10. ninja if i must choose
11. restart: whitout save
12. neither, if i must then wealth without fame
13. see the future: hello bookies :)
(sorry for bad english)
Year: I don't know when, but I'd rather just choose when.
University: I love sports, but I'm a big fan of education and it'd make me proud.
Free wifi: I love Apple, but I hate when I don't have wifi.
Resolve biggest regret
Private island: I just want my own getaway.
Read minds: Idk; I want to know what people think about me.
Amazon gift cards: I can buy almost anything on Amazon...
Best friends with celebrity: Vic Mignogna is so much older than me?? It'd be creepy to date him.
Free gas: Saves me from using a lot of money.
Ninja: Cool ninja fights and awesome abilities.
Restart life
Harry Potter world: Magic. Duh.
Read minds
Pick the way I die;
have a university named after me;
fee WiFi;
fulfill biggest wish;
private island;
read minds;
real money;
best friends;
free gas;
continue life;
life of fame and wealth;
read minds.
These are easy as shit.
1. The way I die. You could easily pick a method that could only happen in a certain year. You could easily pick a method that could only happen in a certain year.
2. Don't care, flip a coin.
3. Apple sucks, wi-fi ftw.
4. Biggest wish, regrets are for fools.
5. Island, but only to sell.
6. Read minds, assuming "read" means I can turn it off. Light speed travel would be pointless.
7. Amazon gift cards, buy soluble things.
8. Terrible question. I don't have a celebrity crush, and having a best friend in a different country would be cumbersome.
9. Free gas. Insurance is fucking expensive on luxury cars.
10. Pirate, no contest.
11. Continue on. What would be the point of starting over? I don't want to go through all that shit again.
12. Harry Potter's world is technically the real world, so fame and wealth,
13. See the future. That's way more lucrative. Lotteries and what not.
· 9 years ago
Starting over and you have knowledge of this stuff, like you can feel yourself coming out of the vagina.
I just don't see a favorable situation.
For instance, would I know how to move my body? One way, I have to learn all that again, which would include learning not to shit myself, and the other way I'd be some sort of super baby that would probably be experimented on or at least be annoyingly famous.
Usually, unless your lacking fiber.
Everyone is choosing free gas, but it would be better to choose dream car because you can get one of those cool, highly futuristic, solar powered cars and also help reduce pollution.
Actually they are not hard at all:
The year I die. I could easily say 999999999999999999999999999999999999.
University named after me, I rather be remembered as some brilliant mind.
Wifi of course, not big fan of apple products.
Fullfill the biggest wish, past things are made to teach us something.
Private island, If I have money for the island I'm pretty sure I have enough to have a jet.
Travel at light speed, we'll since mind reading is twice, travel fast is pretty useful.
Have the $100,000 in real money so I can invest it in other things.
Date the celebrity, at least we had sex.
The dream car, 'cause my dream car do not depend on fossil power.
Be the ninja, so I could kick asses and be stealth af.
Continue my life, so I can fix what I broke, I think is more gratifying to be able to do that.
Live the life of the fame and wealth, although I love Harry Potter world I think wizards are weird af.
Read minds, maybe that way I might be able to understand women, maybe.
free WiFi
the wish
the jet
read minds
real money
best friends
free gas
fame and wealth
see the future
Have a University named after me
Free wifi wherever I go
Fulfill my biggest wish
Have my own private island
Be able to read minds
$1 Million in Amazon gift cards
Best friends forever with my favorite celebrity (Emma Watson)
Free gas for 25 years
Be a pirate
Restart my life
Live in Harry Potter's world (if I get magic, otherwise fame and wealth)
The ability to see the future
pick the year i die - 10,000 AD
University - better be known for my brains
Free Wifi - not an Apple fan
My biggest wish - all the powers of Superman :D
Private Island, need a retreat
Read minds, light speed is still 4 years to the nearest star, not planet
$1 million, cause it's just as good as money
best friends, cause you need one
free gas, cause can always get a car
Ninja, more skills
i'd restart my life, as long as i can retain my memory
fame and wealth, i'd probably be a muggle
see the future, can prevent bad things from happening
University: Sport stadiums are only used infrequently
Wifi: Because Apple is overrated
Biggest Wish: Not saying
Private Island: Jets are things that require airports and that can cause problems
Minds: DUH
Real Money: You can do a lot with $100k
Best Friends: I'd rather have a friend than a crush that will break up
Dream Car: Tesla baby
Ninja: Pirates are overrated Ninjas actually have useful skills
Continue: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" Cheesy I know but it is true. You have to deal with both the good and the bad.
Harry Potter World: Fame is overrated and you have to deal with the stupid cameras 24/7. No privacy
See the future: This can help anyone, not just yourself. And you could make a living off of it. Minds in this case is somewhat less.
Have a university named after me- Sero University
Free wifi everywhere I go
Fulfill my biggest wish- Becoming known by the entire world
Private Island, somewhere where me and Kass can have fun(not like that)
Read minds
Besties with my favorite celebrity
Have free gas for 25 years
A ninja.
Continue with my life. My biggest regret is what make me, well, me.
Live in HP's world. Don't know much about it, but I GET TO BE A FRIGGIN MAGE, also living as a celeb was my biggest wish, and that's been fulfilled.
Free wifi. I can save up money and then buy Apple products.
Fulfill my wish. Without a regret, I wouldn't have anything to help me decide actions.
Private island. Acrophobia.
Read minds.
100 grand.
Be best friends. Personally I don't want to marry Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye.
Dream car.
Also, what is your biggest wish, if you don't mind me asking?
Either way my biggest wish is to have a big family.
4 or 5 kids preferably and a nice wife.
Don't Care
Free Wifi
Wish (No ragrets)
real money
Best friends
Free gas (easier to buy a good car while saving money on gas)
See the future
2. university ofcourse
3. wifi; why do i need that shit?
4.regret: so i can move on
5.island: i don't need amy of you fuckers
6.speed of light: i know what are you thinking and i wanna stay away from you on distant planet
7. 100k $: i'll buy my own gift thank you
8.date: even Eva Mendes is boring after 2 years (not)
9 mclaren f1 or GAZ 13 čajka
10. ninja if i must choose
11. restart: whitout save
12. neither, if i must then wealth without fame
13. see the future: hello bookies :)
(sorry for bad english)
it's the way you're destined to die
University: I love sports, but I'm a big fan of education and it'd make me proud.
Free wifi: I love Apple, but I hate when I don't have wifi.
Resolve biggest regret
Private island: I just want my own getaway.
Read minds: Idk; I want to know what people think about me.
Amazon gift cards: I can buy almost anything on Amazon...
Best friends with celebrity: Vic Mignogna is so much older than me?? It'd be creepy to date him.
Free gas: Saves me from using a lot of money.
Ninja: Cool ninja fights and awesome abilities.
Restart life
Harry Potter world: Magic. Duh.
Read minds
have a university named after me;
fee WiFi;
fulfill biggest wish;
private island;
read minds;
real money;
best friends;
free gas;
continue life;
life of fame and wealth;
read minds.
1. The way I die. You could easily pick a method that could only happen in a certain year. You could easily pick a method that could only happen in a certain year.
2. Don't care, flip a coin.
3. Apple sucks, wi-fi ftw.
4. Biggest wish, regrets are for fools.
5. Island, but only to sell.
6. Read minds, assuming "read" means I can turn it off. Light speed travel would be pointless.
7. Amazon gift cards, buy soluble things.
8. Terrible question. I don't have a celebrity crush, and having a best friend in a different country would be cumbersome.
9. Free gas. Insurance is fucking expensive on luxury cars.
10. Pirate, no contest.
11. Continue on. What would be the point of starting over? I don't want to go through all that shit again.
12. Harry Potter's world is technically the real world, so fame and wealth,
13. See the future. That's way more lucrative. Lotteries and what not.
I just don't see a favorable situation.
For instance, would I know how to move my body? One way, I have to learn all that again, which would include learning not to shit myself, and the other way I'd be some sort of super baby that would probably be experimented on or at least be annoyingly famous.
Usually, unless your lacking fiber.
We're all doing this IRL because we can't start over (the other choice)
The year I die. I could easily say 999999999999999999999999999999999999.
University named after me, I rather be remembered as some brilliant mind.
Wifi of course, not big fan of apple products.
Fullfill the biggest wish, past things are made to teach us something.
Private island, If I have money for the island I'm pretty sure I have enough to have a jet.
Travel at light speed, we'll since mind reading is twice, travel fast is pretty useful.
Have the $100,000 in real money so I can invest it in other things.
Date the celebrity, at least we had sex.
The dream car, 'cause my dream car do not depend on fossil power.
Be the ninja, so I could kick asses and be stealth af.
Continue my life, so I can fix what I broke, I think is more gratifying to be able to do that.
Live the life of the fame and wealth, although I love Harry Potter world I think wizards are weird af.
Read minds, maybe that way I might be able to understand women, maybe.
Fuck, I didn't even think of that. Nice one.