I'm on her side, but I really wish she didn't say shit like "misogyny" and "rape culture" cause rape culture is not a real thing. It's another thing made up and solely recognized by tumblr.
No, rape culture does exist. It's a newly minted term and people are still trying to accurately define it, but make no mistake it does exist. It's complicated and sometimes contradictory, but it is quite real.
Energy- what is required to to physical/mental activities or is made through physical or chemical processes.
Smell-the odor received through the nostrils or an odor that is particularly pungent
Technically, what she endured is caused by misogyny, so what is wrong with this world?
As for "rape culture", just Google it and get rid of the angry feminist rants. You will find a huge lot of intelligent articles with very valid proof that what we call "rape culture" exists.
Oh fuck you guys. I'm glad rape culture doesn't exist for you, it must be delightful to not have to be on guard. Over here in the real world three of my girl friends were raped last year, one on a date, one at a party and another who was just walking through a park near school. Just because you don't believe in rape culture doesn't mean it's not real, your just a lucky one or so narrow minded and oblivious/self absorbed that it doesn't register. Check your privilege guys, cause we're here being molested and raped by some one....it's not the boogey Man.
I'm sorry for your friends, believe me the same thing happened to me too, and I was only seven or eight years old, but this is not 'culture'. What you're experiencing are fucked up individuals.
Thanks for the sympathy but not with you on he rest, it is a culture, it's something that is being taught and practiced by generations, it's part of standard practice and language in most societies and unless we treat it as such were never going to shift it. I say this from research, schooling and studies not just hearsay and conjecture. I wish it wasn't true but.......
It's part of standard practice and language? It is taught and practiced by generations? All I can imagine is a classroom with "Rape 101" written on the blackboard. Thank you, you made me chuckle.
Research, schooling and studies? I can clearly imagine you on a Women's studies course now. Once again, the thought made me chuckle a bit.
I'd like it if you actually provided examples instead of speaking so generally, then saying you're backed up by "research and studies". It gives me the impression you actually have no idea what you're talking about and are just trying to sound smart by naming general aspects of a nonexistent phenomenon.
Oh fucking hell. Obviously I believe in rape, 2 of my close friends were raped earlier this year. That doesn't mean there's a "rape culture" (I'm of course talking about the United States, because some Arab countries probably do have that)
And if you say "check your privilege", I can't take you seriously.
For the record:
“Rape culture is a complex set of beliefs that encourage male sexual aggression and supports violence against women. […] In a rape culture both men and women assume that sexual violence is a fact of life, inevitable [...]” (Buchwald, Transforming a Rape Culture)
It's difficult to provide a clear definition, though, I find it's easier to explain through examples, like how we place more emphasis on teaching women how not to get raped than on discouraging men from raping. Or telling women they should have dressed less provocatively instead of examining why many men feel entitled to harass women whose clothes aren't modest enough.
I'm taking a sexual ethics course where we did a chapter on rape culture, it's a recognized phenomenon from an academic standpoint, not just within online feminist circles.
· 9 years ago
That...that makes no sense to me.
That's cynical, banging the idea into women's heads that all men will soon rape someone in their lives.
"like how we place more emphasis on teaching women how not to get raped than on discouraging men from raping."
Rape is considered a heinous crime, what more do you want? That's like saying we spend more time telling people to buy safes and locks instead of teaching people not to steal.
"Or telling women they should have dressed less provocatively instead of examining why many men feel entitled to harass women whose clothes aren't modest enough."
We do both of those things, not just the first one. And you're fooling yourself if you think something as innocuous as cat-calling is realistically harassment, by the way.
"I'm taking a sexual ethics course"
Yeah gloriouslypurposed, all men just exist to fuckin rape every living woman out there, you're so damn correct. Now, please, continue dying of obesity, ok?
You obviously didn't read the previous comments, did you?
Ya know, like the one when I say I sympathize with the victims because the same thing happened to me, but I still think that the whole rape culture thing is retarded? Because I often get the impression that 90% of you feminazi sjws use other people's cases to justify your bullshit spewing while not even regarding the opinion of those who actually went through this kind of stuff. So, I repeat: rape culture does not exist. It is messed up individuals who make this happen, just like all other crimes in the world, with the exception that petty theft can sometimes be justified. Do we have a "murder culture"? A "thief culture"? (Well maybe in Riften they do, amirite) Rape culture is not a thing, nobody is encouraged to rape anyone by any means. Boys nowadays are discouraged from touching a girl unless she allows it, and rape is considered one of the most messed up crimes. What more do you want?
women use other peoples cases because talking about our own rapes is uncomfortable and uncouth, and it is easier to talk about what happened to someone else matter-of-factly. the sheer number of women who have been raped in their lifetimes speaks to fact that rape culture is not some buzzword we simply pulled out of thin air. it does not mean we live in a culture where all men go along raping, it means we live in a culture where the victim is shamed, where excuses are made, and where situations are excuses and punishments rarely fit the crime.
No it's not, nobody can describe the situation better than the one who's been a part of it, and "muh feelings" is hardly an excuse. It's surely a traumatic event, nobody is denying that, but if you can't talk about it, then you need to see a psychologist to help you with coping with it.
"Victim is shamed"? That's because by your definition, the word "victim" has too broad of a span. Hell, you count girls who got drunk at a party and then slept with someone but regretted it as "rape victims", and then call everyone who has the guts to call on the girl's bullshit a sexist pig. There've been many cases of men being arrested and imprisoned because a bitch called the cops on them because her drunk ass can't handle responsibility for her own actions.
And get real, nobody does the whole "so dress more modestly" thing anymore. And who does is a retard, honestly.
not being able to talk about something is different than this. these discussions are not with close groups of friends, and that's the only scenario you would even consider talking about something so personal, just like a person who had an abortion would rarely speak of it on random message boards, its not that you need help coping, its simply a deeply personal event. and frankly if either party, male or female, was subject to unwanted intercourse while drunk, its rape. this drunk shit is just another farce, the situation that most commonly occurs is the same as drugging, person A wants to sleep with person B knows they won't do it willingly so gets them drunk to be more compliant, or more passed out, and has sex with them. im sick to shit of acting like every time people had drunk sex it was just immature girls trying not to
take responsibility for their actions. you know going in if that person is likely to sleep with you and if they weren't till after they got drunk what you are doing in wrong.
There's the matter of talking about it immediately, why is obviously hard, and talking about it some time later. If you can't talk about it even after some time, then it's bad coping. Until now I haven't told anyone except my mother and my best friend (for a different reason than not being able to talk about it, I simply don't want people to see me as a victim and lose my other traits in their eyes), but if I was asked by a psychologist or someone like that to describe what happened, I'd have no problem.
There's an easy solution for this, and that is don't fucking drink! Yeah, people are assholes, are you so surprised by that? Of course what they did is wrong, but they were obviously not to be trusted in the first place.
"people rape so you shouldnt drink" <- this is an example of why we call it a rape culture. sadly, i for one have been forced to employ such a tactic, just not such a drastic one, don't drink with people you arent ok with sleeping with (or certain that you could win the fight in the morning when you decide to kill them for their transgression)
Well come on. People mug, so you don't walk in Compton at night with a gold watch. Look you can drink and have fun, but you shouldn't get blackout drunk in a room full of phsycopaths you don't know. It's common sense.
^ thank you, man. I couldn't agree more.
Exactly. People mug, so you shouldn't walk streets with a bad reputation at night alone with clothes screaming "I'm rich". People kidnap, so you shouldn't accept an offer for a ride home from a stranger in a white van. People rape, so you shouldn't get blackout drunk when you're surrounded by untrustworthy people. It's not your fault they're assholes, but it is your responsibility not to make yourself vulnerable to assholes. As man said, it's only common sense. Now you've learnt not to trust people, why make up a phenomenon instead of accepting that some people are just assholes?
yeah because it totally only happens when people are blackout drunk. and gosh you should expect it to happen when you are passed out like duh and thats definitely on you for being there and not a sign of any sort that theres a culture of any sort. and all those girls who purposefully drank a safe amount but got dosed anyways should know to just bring beers from home or just drink at home so they'd be safe. those women who are raped multiple times in their lives are just being unsafe its their own damn faults. robbing and raping are totally the same, you see men NEED sex the same way people who steal NEED money for the things they dont have in life. its not safe for women to be relaxed in public and they need to know that and take some responsibility for it omg.
Fuck you.
You've been presented with several sound arguments, you counter every one of them with an argument that makes no sense and sounds like a strawman, and you keep coming back with another arguement that holds absolutely no water.
You've lost, have the grace to admit it.
What you write just further proves that there is no rape culture, only a culture with assholes and messed up individuals, and we knew that since like forever.
There are some people who are always willing to exploit the defenseless, whether it's by having sex with them while they're passed out or just stealing their wallet (which happens a lot on parties, or so I've heard, and apparently it's done even by people surprisingly close to you).
Roofies are an entirely different category and nobody sane would ever disagree with you on that. Roofies are definitely a fucked up thing and it takes only a second of not paying attention and you might get dosed. I'm not a chemist but I'm sure that a person could distinguish the feeling of roofies and alcohol, and there can be a blood test done to see whether the person was actually roofie'd, which would then lead to the criminal. Dosing someone to bang them definitely counts as a crime and nobody is denying that.
Furthermore, mugging and raping are both crimes and are both lawfully punished. Mugging can be life threatening and definitely leaves a traumatic mark on you as well. What people have to learn is that the world is not an entirely safe place (but not because of any made up culture, because of few messed up people you just need to be careful) and nobody will give you a blanket and hot cocoa because you're a victim of a crime. There are many others who (or whose aquaintances) have experinced some form of crime too, and they had to deal with it. As a society we're already doing so much to prevent crimes, but they just happen because some people are assholes. There are people who are so mentally fucked up that they're willing to rape someone because they think they need it, and there are also people who mug and rob to buy drugs that they also think they need.
Everybody should be on their guard in public. If you are so naïve to believe that it's safe in the real world, I'm sorry for you.
I don't know. But we're simply having a discussion and I'm trying to keep it as civil as possible, without insulting anyone etc, so I see no reason for anyone to report anything. For users who might feel bothered by the fact that there is a discussion going on which they are not part of, there's always the "unfollow comments" button.
Thank you. It's a shame that some users tend to insult another user instead of trying to disprove his/her argument. It makes them seem unprofessional, no matter how good their actual argument is.
Fancy speech is 50% of success in an argument and even if people disagree with you, they mostly keep from insulting you when you speak nicely.
Yes. I'm testing this theory, you see. People tend to judge so much by the general outlook of your words. If you have good points but present them like a brute, the outcome is ten times worse than having basically the same points but presenting them eloquently. I boosted this further when I found out I had no responses, only downvotes, which honestly does seem like a cowardly thing to me as I said, but the main purpose was to see the reaction of other users.
Ok its impossible to convince ctlt to join the realm of sanity. She's been a tumblrite on this website since I can remember, it's almost a lost cause to educate her. Same with deviled apple. Anyway, ewqua made great points and if you're going to ignore those points because of previous comments made, then you're an idiot. It's like if some guy says the sky is blue, but you don't believe them because one time they accidentally got the wrong answer for a math question. The points are up there, and whether you choose to read them or not depends on you.
Definitely. I find it curious that some people are unwilling to believe me when I say I was doing a bit of a social experiment on fs but believe in things like "rape culture".
· 9 years ago
I remember when I got to this site...that was a simpler time....
To be perfectly honest I feel like there are fewer sjws now. Yes, there are still some radical sjws/feminazis but I think that a few users who are not afraid to use critical thinking and be honest (like garlog for example, he's sometimes an arse but he's an honest arse, and he often makes good points, albeit sometimes controversial) made the overall atmosphere of fs less sheepish. I remember that I got downvoted into oblivion for disagreeing with a post, just because everyone assumed that what is posted is 100% true like little sheeple. Now people are more critical and express what they think, and I think that's a very good thing, even when they express an opinion I disagree with.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
I'm glad though. I can see people speaking what they want to say and speaking a level both I can understand yet gives room for more debate(some fail to do so, but that's rare to me)
I remember a long time back that I was the only person openly against feminism and things such as this on FS. Although, at the time, my arguments were lackluster they've gotten better.
No, I'm not. I may support the feminist side of arguments, but I do not support the crazy misandrists on tumblr. I know the difference between actual feminism and crying oppression because some guy winked at you or held the door open for you, which is ridiculous.
The argument "this site is supposed to be fun so why are we discussing serious things here" is completely ridiculous, and yet so many people use it. If fsers didn't like serious posts that make people discuss them in the comments, they wouldn't upvote them. Besides, there's something I've been saying many times here, and this argument always seems to be ignored, and that is that having discussions is fun, if you know how to do it without insulting the other side. Not many people do, though, sometimes you write something comparable to an essay to support your argument, and the other side just goes: "your stupid lol". That is just infuriating. But being able to listen and react, exchange opinions like cultivated beings, that is fun in my opinion. And if you don't find it fun, you don't have to participate, also there is always the "unfollow comments" button.
No, no, I think a good discussion from time to time can be enjoyable as well! It's interesting to see what other people think of things and to consider points of view and whatnot that might challenge your own thinking. But all these controversial (for lack of a better word) posts are being made with increasing frequency and it's getting a little tiring, in my opinion at least. Especially since they don't really always invite calm discussion; some of them just blatantly mock or target other people/groups/etc. I mean, most people, myself included, come here to laugh and just relax, not think "here we go again" every few pages.
Well, users who post things are also just other people. Their views can be biased, their opinions nonsensical, still they have the right to post. It's free speech. The number of upvotes (and consequently if the post will ever be on the frontpage) just depends on whether they post a popular or unpopular opinion, I guess.
Props to her for fighting for what she believes in, I wouldn't have been able to defend myself in the same situation, so good for her!! I think boys to some extent are "boys" and together in a group they can be worse, but confronted you would assume they would snap out of it. :( shame
I remember reading this story a while ago and just like then I totally agree that she is in the right. It's ridiculous how stupid our society can be sometimes and if it takes getting the police involved to shake some people awake the so be it. I'm not saying that women can wear revealing clothing and expect no repercussions, but the repercussions I'm talking about are for if you violate say a dress code already in place. Yes there are stupid and outdated dress codes, I'll not deny that, but that ^ was just some immature little boys and teachers to lazy to do their jobs correctly.
I find this story extremely difficult to believe. Everyone is suing everyone these days for discrimination assault or just plain thinking differently and schools are more PC than anyone and zero tolerance. I call Bullshit.
If course if this story happens to actually be true someone needs their balls cut off.
If this person is reading, I just want to say that I admire your bravery and I wish that if I was in the same situation, (which I do not!!!!! want to happen) I hope I'm as half as brave as you
To everyone saying she over reacted, what would you say if it was two guys? Would it be overreacting for a boy to get in with the first punch after being humiliated and knowing that he himself was about to get hit?
bro, I meant that she stood up for herself like a woman.
That's what makes her a hero
if anything like that would have happened to me I would just ignore them. I dont really care what other people think and say about me. ( but If it would happen to Saga or Jonne I would kill those bitches. Believe me, school-people, I would.)
Never be thinking that I could make a change in the way she does. Of course it sounded a TAD overdramatic to start an angry spree with 'rape culture', but I think it's nice she let them know that she is deeply offended and is not letting it go unpunished. :)
Throwing a tantrum and standing up for yourself are two separate things. I suppose it requires a certain level of bravery to go and tell them to stop, however I think that it requires an even bigger one to ignore them and hold your head high and proud.
You shouldn't have to "hold your head high and proud" if someone is doing shit like that to you. You should be able to tell them exactly what you feel and why what they're doing is wrong.
^Exactly. She could've told them to stop without throwing a temper tantrum as well. But my experience with high school boys is that you stop being an object of amusement after a while of ignoring them, which is why I'd personally choose that approach.
>most commenters on this thread agree that she took it too far with her rantings, only like two people keep saying that rape culture is a thing
Please specify what you mean by 'all' lest I start thinking you're against us as well
I wonder how old this girl is because she looks like shes 12. And are these boys men or boys? Because depending on their ages it changes the situation.
I'm glad that she stood up for herself, that she didn't shut up and that she punched that asshole in the face, when he tried to hit her. More and more women are fighting back and that's a good thing, even though, as proven in the comments, men will try to play it down and burry it or push the guilt for their crimes on her. I hope the police will arrest those guys and the teachers and security guards who tried to bully her into silence get sacked.
Well, I am not a womens rights activist, but I support it. I dont support feminazism, but If I had put people instead of males I would not have been downvoted.
this is feminism. its funny. there is a simple answer. one anyone can take, but few do. violence is the answer. pure unadulterated emotion. people respond well to power and action.
· 8 years ago
1. The least you could do is repost this with that shit instead of fucking necrobumping.
2.Violence isn't the answer. The answer is to show the country rape culture doesn't exist and jail those two boys.
The 4th paragraph from the bottom seems entirely fabricated. Also, the 3rd from the bottom says she started screaming at the man for objectifying her body again even though in the above paragraph the security guard only said one thing "objectifying".
Likely the one that involves any unwanted and sexual in nature action. Could this be better classified as harassment? Probably. Could it be considered assault due to the laser being involved? Probably.
sexual harassment, yes, sexual assault, no. laser pointers are not assault.
· 9 years ago
Why would you hug someone after they do something like that? Not blaming her but I wouldn't hug someone even if they apologized after doing something like that expecially if it upset me as much as it did her
If this were to be true why wouldn't she go to a female teacher, as she apparently can't trust males, and explain the situation. The teacher should handle the situation not her.
Because she shouldn't have to be in this situation at all, stop making excuses for dough canoes and their shit behaviour. Your derailing the topic to pick apart what she did wrong, belittling the fact that boys are being raised to behave like this and turning into men who treat women like shit. How about you start a dialogue about how these guys could be better people rather than how she should have found another woman (because apparently men can't be trusted)
They weren't "raised" to do that necessarily. That's why people are disagreeing with you on your rape culture point. It's simply assholes being assholes. The only "culture" is the lack of intervention, not the encouragement of such behavior.
If they were taught consistently through their life that women, and hell all people, should be treated with respect, and maybe throughly punished when showing this kind of behavior, this wouldbt happen
If it were a culture that persisted as much as you say it does why don't all men act in this way? Why is it only a certain subset of men that act this way?
It's the same deal as "drug culture" and "gang culture". Yeah they exist and they affect ordinary people but it's not a "culture", not in the wider world. It may be a culture in their community but it's absolutely not in the majority.
And if you want to fight these cultures in their small community than fuck you and your dreams because even if the entire country pressures a gang-neighborhood to un-gang themselves, they won't. They'll find ways around it. Like the Prohibition.
A) she over reacted, physical assault is always worse than sexual, they should press charges against her.
B) she's bragging about it
I don't know who's worse, her or them
If the men were treating her this way, she has a right to tell her story. How dare you say "I don't know who's worse, her or them" yes she may be sharing her story on the internet, but she is NOT bragging about it, she is expressing her anger towards this and the reaction to it! Also objectifying her and sexually touching her as well as feeling threatened at the idea of him hitting her combined made her punch him. I would have too, just for the way they were treating her
Oh so what would you say if some one was harassing you and grabbing your body? Where do you think men who think they can do whatever they like to women come from, right here buddy, this is it. She did exactly what any dude would do if some one got in their face, the only problem is she's a women and is told needs to be meek and complacent. Also I can tell from your comment you've never been sexually assaulted or you wouldn't say this shit.
Smell-the odor received through the nostrils or an odor that is particularly pungent
As for "rape culture", just Google it and get rid of the angry feminist rants. You will find a huge lot of intelligent articles with very valid proof that what we call "rape culture" exists.
Understand, some of these things I can get behind, but the majority of this is utter bs and grasping at straws.
It's the opposite of a rape culture.
Research, schooling and studies? I can clearly imagine you on a Women's studies course now. Once again, the thought made me chuckle a bit.
I'd like it if you actually provided examples instead of speaking so generally, then saying you're backed up by "research and studies". It gives me the impression you actually have no idea what you're talking about and are just trying to sound smart by naming general aspects of a nonexistent phenomenon.
And if you say "check your privilege", I can't take you seriously.
“Rape culture is a complex set of beliefs that encourage male sexual aggression and supports violence against women. […] In a rape culture both men and women assume that sexual violence is a fact of life, inevitable [...]” (Buchwald, Transforming a Rape Culture)
It's difficult to provide a clear definition, though, I find it's easier to explain through examples, like how we place more emphasis on teaching women how not to get raped than on discouraging men from raping. Or telling women they should have dressed less provocatively instead of examining why many men feel entitled to harass women whose clothes aren't modest enough.
I'm taking a sexual ethics course where we did a chapter on rape culture, it's a recognized phenomenon from an academic standpoint, not just within online feminist circles.
That's cynical, banging the idea into women's heads that all men will soon rape someone in their lives.
Rape is considered a heinous crime, what more do you want? That's like saying we spend more time telling people to buy safes and locks instead of teaching people not to steal.
"Or telling women they should have dressed less provocatively instead of examining why many men feel entitled to harass women whose clothes aren't modest enough."
We do both of those things, not just the first one. And you're fooling yourself if you think something as innocuous as cat-calling is realistically harassment, by the way.
"I'm taking a sexual ethics course"
You obviously didn't read the previous comments, did you?
Ya know, like the one when I say I sympathize with the victims because the same thing happened to me, but I still think that the whole rape culture thing is retarded? Because I often get the impression that 90% of you feminazi sjws use other people's cases to justify your bullshit spewing while not even regarding the opinion of those who actually went through this kind of stuff. So, I repeat: rape culture does not exist. It is messed up individuals who make this happen, just like all other crimes in the world, with the exception that petty theft can sometimes be justified. Do we have a "murder culture"? A "thief culture"? (Well maybe in Riften they do, amirite) Rape culture is not a thing, nobody is encouraged to rape anyone by any means. Boys nowadays are discouraged from touching a girl unless she allows it, and rape is considered one of the most messed up crimes. What more do you want?
"Victim is shamed"? That's because by your definition, the word "victim" has too broad of a span. Hell, you count girls who got drunk at a party and then slept with someone but regretted it as "rape victims", and then call everyone who has the guts to call on the girl's bullshit a sexist pig. There've been many cases of men being arrested and imprisoned because a bitch called the cops on them because her drunk ass can't handle responsibility for her own actions.
And get real, nobody does the whole "so dress more modestly" thing anymore. And who does is a retard, honestly.
There's an easy solution for this, and that is don't fucking drink! Yeah, people are assholes, are you so surprised by that? Of course what they did is wrong, but they were obviously not to be trusted in the first place.
Exactly. People mug, so you shouldn't walk streets with a bad reputation at night alone with clothes screaming "I'm rich". People kidnap, so you shouldn't accept an offer for a ride home from a stranger in a white van. People rape, so you shouldn't get blackout drunk when you're surrounded by untrustworthy people. It's not your fault they're assholes, but it is your responsibility not to make yourself vulnerable to assholes. As man said, it's only common sense. Now you've learnt not to trust people, why make up a phenomenon instead of accepting that some people are just assholes?
You've been presented with several sound arguments, you counter every one of them with an argument that makes no sense and sounds like a strawman, and you keep coming back with another arguement that holds absolutely no water.
You've lost, have the grace to admit it.
There are some people who are always willing to exploit the defenseless, whether it's by having sex with them while they're passed out or just stealing their wallet (which happens a lot on parties, or so I've heard, and apparently it's done even by people surprisingly close to you).
Roofies are an entirely different category and nobody sane would ever disagree with you on that. Roofies are definitely a fucked up thing and it takes only a second of not paying attention and you might get dosed. I'm not a chemist but I'm sure that a person could distinguish the feeling of roofies and alcohol, and there can be a blood test done to see whether the person was actually roofie'd, which would then lead to the criminal. Dosing someone to bang them definitely counts as a crime and nobody is denying that.
Everybody should be on their guard in public. If you are so naïve to believe that it's safe in the real world, I'm sorry for you.
Fancy speech is 50% of success in an argument and even if people disagree with you, they mostly keep from insulting you when you speak nicely.
I just felt like it wasn't as bad as it is now
If course if this story happens to actually be true someone needs their balls cut off.
That's what makes her a hero
if anything like that would have happened to me I would just ignore them. I dont really care what other people think and say about me. ( but If it would happen to Saga or Jonne I would kill those bitches. Believe me, school-people, I would.)
Never be thinking that I could make a change in the way she does. Of course it sounded a TAD overdramatic to start an angry spree with 'rape culture', but I think it's nice she let them know that she is deeply offended and is not letting it go unpunished. :)
I was just writing something
I'm high on orange juice
>most commenters on this thread agree that she took it too far with her rantings, only like two people keep saying that rape culture is a thing
Please specify what you mean by 'all' lest I start thinking you're against us as well
People are against me
bad jokes by pikachu
Found the feminist.
1. The least you could do is repost this with that shit instead of fucking necrobumping.
2.Violence isn't the answer. The answer is to show the country rape culture doesn't exist and jail those two boys.
What bullshit definition of sexual assault are you using?
Who agrees?
B) she's bragging about it
I don't know who's worse, her or them