This pizza idea is precious. That comment is so off base with reality. Also it does not reflect feminist ideals. But seriously, can I get a slice and someone like this?
· 8 years ago
Clearly she's never been in a relationship of she thinks it's male dominated or based on male ideals XD
To want human death by a steamroller is not so vegan. I wonder would they kill a wolf eating a Bambi. Haha I just remembered Ali G putting roasted chicken in front of vegans commanding them to eat it or he'll slaughter the living chicken in his hands.
i would get angry over this but part of me thinks femenist names would be "tumblrloverxoxo" not "sassypriest69" especially with the 69 part. eh, probably just me
I know, right? It's such an easy game.
"You rape the cow" now I'm just imagining some farmer shagging his cow because he wants to make human-cow hybrids...leaving animals of two sexes together in one place hardly counts as rape
yeah and cows are too stupid to be "raped". it's not sexual assault if you milk a cow because a cow doesn't know what sexual assault is. it's probably just thinking "oh here we go again".
· 8 years ago
That's like saying killing a child isn't killing because children don't know what murder is
I don't think milking a cow equals raping it. I think that's like if I was rubbing my cat's belly and someone told me not to do that bc it's bad touch territory
Well the only reason cows ever existed is so that people could eat them. They are literally born and bred for that. And have been for thousands of years.
Lol why do ppl get mad wen humans eat animals but don't give a shit wen animals eat animals? Humans are the only predators that can feel bad for being a predator.
It's about the way we treat the animals until they're slaughtered and eaten. The rest is perfectly fine (apart from the consume being too high in general), for me at least.
I am okay with eating animals, what annoys me is when they animals killed in awfully gruesome ways, for food or not.
Such as as the farmer who grounded live chicks, or Chinese who skin and boil cats alive.
But I also find it important how the animals are treated when they're still alive. I don't support mass production of meat because the conditions for the cows and other animals are awful. And who the fuck downvoted me?!
Some mass production process are awful, but others are made out be a lot worse than they are.
Of course you get the factories who store chickens in cages with no room, and lack of medication , blah, blah, blah.
But then you get the free range farms with kilometre's of space for the chickens to live in before being turned into a roast dinner.
My point is, chicken is delicious.
@demon_razgriz yeah, but that's usually not the meat we can buy cheap at the supermarket. You'll have to spend more money on it and most people just don't want to.
When and where was it ever implied that the person giving the pizza was a man? Could've just as well been a lesbian. Which means that the entire first half of the argument is invalid. Checkmate, sassypriest69.
My thoughts exactly
Actually, this bitch is too dumb
*stamp noise*
Miss me? ;3
These wounds they will not heaaalll
I don't like bananas, but you're a cool one. And be assured that I'd never eat you.
I sometimes bite though
Your Dearest Boyfriend
It's like saying if you breastfeed your kids they literally suck the life out of you and you die right there.
I love how its always on high difficulty as well, with all of them being "guests".
"You rape the cow" now I'm just imagining some farmer shagging his cow because he wants to make human-cow hybrids...leaving animals of two sexes together in one place hardly counts as rape
Such as as the farmer who grounded live chicks, or Chinese who skin and boil cats alive.
Of course you get the factories who store chickens in cages with no room, and lack of medication , blah, blah, blah.
But then you get the free range farms with kilometre's of space for the chickens to live in before being turned into a roast dinner.
My point is, chicken is delicious.