Well, first I would rob a bank. Specifically, trump's bank. I'd take out about seven million dollars, take one mil of those, and donate it to make a wish foundation, take the other four mil, and keep it as cash for college and a house and a car and stuff, i'd take one of the two million and convert it to a whole bunch of different currencies, and then, (because time is frozen, I could swim across the oceans and about without fear of germs, sharks, pirates, ect. (More like just steal someone's boat) and cross the ocean, then visit poor countries like pakistan, and leave money with the poor young girls who need to pay debts, or just need money in general, so they don't have to sell themselves, because many do. And then with the last two million i'd out into a swiss bank account amd watch it grow.
That was long and complicated. Sorry.
I would just mess with people. Just before you sit on the toilet, BOOM. Airhorn.
Moving people's plates across the room.
Turning off the computer screen.
Tripping over nothing.
Hiding the remote control.
Freeze time before school, browse the internet/play video games and make a digital painting for as long as I want, then when I get bored unfreeze time for a refresher at school. Rinse and repeat with homework. Also I'd have unlimited time to do my homework, so I can still get sleep!
I wouldn't move because due to friction and my body running into the molecules in the air I would light on fire. Fuck that.
Unless of course physics don't apply at this point. Then I would probably take a nap.
It's kind of interesting to think of all the different ways in which that just can't happen. I didn't even get started on energy.
· 8 years ago
Yeah I think a lot of people always see things like stopping time and time travel in the way Hollywood presents it to us. There's a lot of science behind it that they don't think about.
· 8 years ago
blueskies, i am glad to see someone else realizes this. also imagine interacting with people. you would either cause them great pain or you could possibly cause their body to fall apart. it is just something that could never happen.
Yep. And even if the photons could interact with you, you'd still be blind because they couldn't interact with anything else to reflect light. But they couldn't not interact either.
Assuming that I don't break the 4th dimension due to all the roles broken, I would use my powers to directly stop small crimes and try to be seen doing this so I could inspire people around the world to be bigger that who they are.
Wtf is wrong with you kids, don't you sleep all day. I never saw laziest generation, god help us all. I had a mile long list what I would do in sucha case. I'm surprised there's no game with this.
you HAD a list? what happened to it, you stopped time and figured it out?
anyway, I would also probably sleep
waking up from sleep is one of the best feelings in the world to me.
I mean you literally have all the time in the world. Taking a nap will won't waste time, since you have an infinite amount of it. And if you take a nap, you will have more energy to fully experience the things on your list
Then I would take a nap.
That was long and complicated. Sorry.
Like i wouldn't even steal money
I'd just steal makeup and chips
I would just mess with people. Just before you sit on the toilet, BOOM. Airhorn.
Moving people's plates across the room.
Turning off the computer screen.
Tripping over nothing.
Hiding the remote control.
That sort of thing.
Unless of course physics don't apply at this point. Then I would probably take a nap.
anyway, I would also probably sleep
waking up from sleep is one of the best feelings in the world to me.