Girls do it too, in their own special way. They will sometimes make friends with someone just so they can get closer to a guy, not because they like him but because they want to be liked by him. For example, my 'friend' became my best friend only so she can be friends with my crush and make him like her, even though she was very aware how I felt about him. God, twelvie drama was weird xD
· 7 years ago
Girls are no better tho.
It happened to me and it fucking sucks
· 7 years ago
I've been dated as a joke before. It's fucking soul crushing.
There is no ugly in today's society. Its a social construct designed to keep attractive people dating attractive people. I wish people would understand that there is more than just looks that determine who you are. Looks aren't going to mean shit when were all 50 years old and have droopy balls and saggy breasts. Ravenclaw wrinkles around the eyes and so much white in your hair you could be confused for a cue-tip. All people are beautiful and unique. p.s. @peach youre beautiful and don't let anybody tell you different. @Rosa I don't think ive seen your pic in the substers section but you are beautiful as well. :)
It's been proven repeatedly that the more symmetrical your features are the more "beautiful" you are considered and that changes the way people interact with you. This is a fact, not some cultural dictation or construct that we have grown into or out of as a society and to claim otherwise is a pointless gesture. This is not to say someone less symmetrical can't be more attractive to an individual but there is a real reason why they say "beauty is only skin deep". It is up to us as rational beings to be able to move past the surface value. It's just unfortunate that many don't.
· 7 years ago
@robbuche thank you ^_^ lol I'm not ugly NOW but I used to be hence why my personality is good lmao
I used to be really awkward and not ugly because I don't really think people are ugly, but definitely not pretty, and guys would ask me out as a joke, and make it obvious that is was a joke, not because they wanted me to say yes but probably just so they could make fun of me for being so weird and 'undateable'. Not every guy/girl acts like this, but it could happen to anyone I think.
@lucky. People who only see appearance as a dating factor are shallow. I don't care about appearance I want a personality that keeps me engaged and out of trouble. Are you trying to say that if everybody was as you would put it symmetrical they would all be treated the same? Or would those that are more symmetrical would be treated better?
To answer your second question it's an actually thing called, believe it or not, "Lookism". People with more symmetrical faces and at a healthy body weight are treated differently. Test were conducted that showed almost unanimously that the people that were "beautiful" were trusted, and considered more honest and reliable than those who were not after only meeting the person once. In the work force even people who were vastly under-qualified, especially compared to other applicants, were considered better suited or more qualified than others. And when asked to double check the qualifications, without the applicant there, most people were completely surprised how skewed their perception was. To answer your first question the answer is no, as humans we are pretty petty and will always find something to put down.
I hate how the post starts with 'guys are so terrifying' and that they will 'date girls for a joke'
That's not guys that do that
It's dickheads.
Women are fully capable of ripping a man's heart in the same way that a man can do the same to a woman and I feel like it's in these kinds of things where we keep hitting snags in the fight for gender equality.
· 7 years ago
There's a fascinating book called Odd Girl Out. It details the way some girls, especially popular girls, are conditioned to do exactly this. The whole isolate, befriend, betray cycle of false self- empowerment is almost terrifying.
I've literally had a girl date me for four months because she really wanted to date my friend and she didn't want to seem desperate so she went for someone "she knew she could get" and to make my friend fall for her by showing how good of a girlfriend she was
Maybe they are, maybe they're not. But the comment section has already made it clear that we can. Personally I think this kind of behaviour is disgusting no matter the gender.
I was super ugly as a teenager (I still am but my acne has improved) so nobody wanted to date me, not even as a joke. Good for me. Dating someone as a joke is terrible imo, but taking someone's virginity as a joke? That's some uber fucked up shit, man.
· 7 years ago
Also teenagers are assholes.
· 7 years ago
Okay, looking at these comments, I feel like I need to make something clear. I just found the post to be very relatable, I know very well that girls can be just as bad. Sorry if this came across as me dissing all boys, I know many guys can be loving and actually do care for you if you're going out with them.
She dumped me when she realized that i was totally fine and didnt need her pity
It happened to me and it fucking sucks
But I wasn't
Pretty is simply how good your features to together
People are terrifying and relationships are hard
That's not guys that do that
It's dickheads.
Women are fully capable of ripping a man's heart in the same way that a man can do the same to a woman and I feel like it's in these kinds of things where we keep hitting snags in the fight for gender equality.
Cause I would have, with mustard lube