well thats because you're comparing them solely from their looks, the hot blonde one might have the personality of a dead badger while the "average" girl is the funniest person you've ever met. Don't make a judgement until you have all the facts
besides i sometimes feel like the average looking people (i am one of these people btw) are the people that have a much more chill outlook on the world and as such don't really care what they look like and are much more fun to be around but that's just my experience
· 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
I pick whoever I fucking love you cunt. I don't care what the person looks like, I've been with girls some may consider ugly and some others will find beautiful.
But guess what, they were all beautiful to me because I fucking loved them.
Your thing is just bullshit
The nice one. The smart one. The respectful one. The responsible one.
If the hottest girl in the world is a rude, vapid, useless moron then I have exactly zero use for her.
You're talking about ''pretty'' not ''beautiful''
Beauty comes from the inner soul of a person
Pretty is the outside
That's why I never appreciate much when people say I'm pretty
Cause after all, it doesn't matter that much
Dictionary.com has beautiful as
"having beauty; possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind:"
Also you said it came from the "inner soul". I don't know what you mean by that. You could mean it literally as the spirit, but they have yet to be scientifically detected or measured so I don't see how anyone could form a opinion of beauty bast of something that they cannot even detect. You likely mean it as just a persons personality and "inner soul" just sounded cooler and more poetic. Or it could be that "inner soul" has no meaning and you just used it because you couldn't think of any other way to define beauty.
Finally what ever "inner soul" actually means if it's spirit or personality I must disagree because other things that can be called beautiful don't poses either of those things for example Buildings sunsets or paintings.
· 7 years ago
Guess who is not beautiful.
Yeah you.
Because Looks tbh matters just for 1% for liking someone. The rest of all is just your nature, personality, smartness,humour,etc.
All girls are beautiful but you are not, cause someone thinking like that can't be beautiful.
beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. If that first girl who skinny and is depicted as "perfect" whatever that means, is also a mean and inconsiderate person then she is the ugliest thing in the world to me
Beautiful and attractiveness are two different things. You can find beauty in women or men by the way they dress but you would have to see if you two have similarities to see how attractive they're to you. People like other people who have things in common. Like likes like sort of thing.
I like this, it's questioning the reader. It's asking them what they think beauty is. Some will pick the blonde some the hoodie. It's not telling you who they would pick. It's leaving it open to the reader. I would choose the third option of a girl in between them tbh but that's me and not an option....... mostly cause I don't do blondes
· 7 years ago
This post is stupid, it doesn't disprove the initial statement. A guy picking a girl who is prettier doesn't invalidate the first sentence. A guy can prefer one girl over another and still think all women are beautiful. I'm honestly kinda baffled that the original poster didn't realize this while typing.
While I totally agree with this, I am the second girl and my fiance picked me really. And he has female friends and has had girfriends that look like the first one. He does say i'm pretty and loves me (i don't think of myself as pretty though)
But guess what, they were all beautiful to me because I fucking loved them.
Your thing is just bullshit
If the hottest girl in the world is a rude, vapid, useless moron then I have exactly zero use for her.
Beauty comes from the inner soul of a person
Pretty is the outside
That's why I never appreciate much when people say I'm pretty
Cause after all, it doesn't matter that much
"having beauty; possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind:"
Also you said it came from the "inner soul". I don't know what you mean by that. You could mean it literally as the spirit, but they have yet to be scientifically detected or measured so I don't see how anyone could form a opinion of beauty bast of something that they cannot even detect. You likely mean it as just a persons personality and "inner soul" just sounded cooler and more poetic. Or it could be that "inner soul" has no meaning and you just used it because you couldn't think of any other way to define beauty.
Finally what ever "inner soul" actually means if it's spirit or personality I must disagree because other things that can be called beautiful don't poses either of those things for example Buildings sunsets or paintings.
Yeah you.
Because Looks tbh matters just for 1% for liking someone. The rest of all is just your nature, personality, smartness,humour,etc.
All girls are beautiful but you are not, cause someone thinking like that can't be beautiful.
Looks may fade, the mind is forever.
I must admit she doesn't have the best face features nor best decision in tanning
And that is a weird smile...