Also, just to add to this, his daughter was only a few days old. Her mum went upstairs to sleep, and he couldn’t stand her crying so he punched her in the face to make her stop
· 7 years ago
Prisons usually have a strict moral code regarding these crimes
His lawyers may have argued that solitary was unjustified. Theh can't just isolate every child killer or pedophile, there isn't room or staff for that. They have to pose a threat, or have proof of danger to themselves.
It is satisfying in a dark way when such things happen. However "let the scum handle the scum" makes us no better than the worst offenders we would see punished. It's a system that requires someone to be the criminal, few people would actually kill this man themselves and live guilt free (even if they say otherwise), yet we celebrate a double failure of the system as a victory. Two wrongs somehow making things right. Killing him was certainly the "eye for an eye" solution, the most expedient and convenient way- but how do you reach adulthood thinking the way to solve problems is punch a baby in the face? Where did he get that from? Should we find out and kill them too for leading to his death? Or punish the mother for having a child with a man who likely showed previous signs he may not be a good parent? When bad things happen it's easiest to have a face to blame. In a society that is ok with that, your face could be the one next time. That's a dangerous place to live. Either way, done
I would feel so sorry for the mum. I'm not sure if she was a bad person herself but to have your new baby beaten to death by the father would destroy you. I hold no sympathy towards this man, his death was deserved.
Well I think I probably am. I have two children and both of them had terrible issues with colic and reflux as infants which meant they went 9 and 14 months respectively before sleeping through the night.
I can tell you that I had to actively restrain myself many times to keep from shaking them. It's very common, to the point that they give specific education to parents about it, so while I can't defend this persons actions in any way I can totally understand the frustration that triggered it.
I can tell you when I was a teenager and had to babysit my 4 and 6 year old sisters, often the urge to either scream at them to stfu, shake them, hit them or throw something showed up a LOT. I screamed quite a few times, and threw my toothbrush once (the older one pee'd all over it on purpose).
Woah wait so we can joke about holocaust, 9/11 and other "old atrocities" but a person cants say theyve "felt like" not they wpuld do but "felt like" doing something. Hell ive seen people on here say theyd run over protesters blocking a road...
No one likes people who harm kids
(that was a joke for all the people who does not understand it)
When the system failed, honor prevailed.
I can tell you that I had to actively restrain myself many times to keep from shaking them. It's very common, to the point that they give specific education to parents about it, so while I can't defend this persons actions in any way I can totally understand the frustration that triggered it.
Why We Don't Want Children