As a kid who was raised in different countries (spent most of my life abroad and traveling thanks to my parents), I think I would take it. As much as my home country means to me... We're talking 1million dollars, and I'm already planning on spending most of my life working in different countries.
· 7 years ago
Nah, I like America and just to leave it and get it's currency is just rude and wrong.
Now, if you say never set foot in my state, then I say "Where's my million?"
Right? And considering I only have about 1,200 in my bank account right now, and 1 mil would leave with the ability to live comfortably income-free for close to 20 years, that’s not a bad deal at all.
Nope. America has it problems. I've been around the world and there are some wonderful countries and beautiful cultures and people. The USA is my home. I would give my life for her .
America is a bit nuts , it's a melting pot alright . We've worked on a lot of issues, made a lot of progress with racial relations (although that seems to be going the wrong way for the last decade) as soon as we fix one major issue, bam, gender issues ,milinials won't work, baby boomers ruined the economy, ect. America is a crazy mixed up place ,but she is home and I love her.
There is always something to fuss about. Some with good intentions, some that need to be addressed, and then some you can only ignore because of how unnecessary they are. But with every nation and politics there is still a good side to a bad side. And America for all its worth and issues is by far a bit better to live in than the majority.
Diyrogue, some modern feminist seem to be wacked out of their minds. I believe in equality for everyone, but the extreme feminist want to destroy men. Pile on the down votes . Haha
Australia was the best place that I visited outside of the USA and Canada. Absolutely, wonderful people . Perth, was my favorite. What is the name of the red,bitter beer ? I was going to say that it's on the tip of my tongue , but then I'd taste it.ha
The red bitter beer may have been called Red Swan, I can't rember the name. Had it in Perth , I dont think that Sidney had it. At least not back in 1990s.
If you say that, not to step foot in my house again well then, that's a different picture.
Now, if you say never set foot in my state, then I say "Where's my million?"