They are seriously like crack to me lol
When these first came out I thought they would be hard and would taste so nasty. But I was SO SO WRONG!!!
They are soft like cake and melt in your mouth like butter and are sweet and the frosting is smooth and creamy. Even the sprinkles are soft and sweet not like other sprinkles which is hard little flavorless rocks.
*wipes drool from mouth*
Damn it now I want some.
Also you can found these year around not just holidays.
Oh yessss. I have a system here; I eat the white, soft part of the cookie in a circular motion, just around the outside. I don't eat the iced part until I've eaten the entire perimeter. Then I very slowly savor every sweet, smooth bite of icing left until it's gone. These cookies are the definition of perfect.
They're bottom of the rung cookies. If you have nothing else then these will do. But first you have to scrape off most of that cloying frosting and they might be soft but these cookies are dry so having a drink nearby is a must.
Not even when I'm high man. I don't like them at all, they are too sweet and kinda like bread with syrup that turned soggy after being left too long in a lunchbox that was in the sun all day.
will i ever find a post that describes me better
i hate those cookies and i hate candy corn
and when i tell people they look at me like i suddenly whipped out a sword and yelled "HAVE AT THEE"
· 6 years ago
Sugar cookies are bomb but these have entirely too much fucking icing on them.
· 6 years ago
t o o m u c h i c i n g
t h e y a r e d i s g u s t i n g
Ya know what? Yeah that totally makes sense, if you aren't silencing someone I can see why you would show your disapproval by down votes, fair point ma dude.
They are seriously like crack to me lol
When these first came out I thought they would be hard and would taste so nasty. But I was SO SO WRONG!!!
They are soft like cake and melt in your mouth like butter and are sweet and the frosting is smooth and creamy. Even the sprinkles are soft and sweet not like other sprinkles which is hard little flavorless rocks.
*wipes drool from mouth*
Damn it now I want some.
Also you can found these year around not just holidays.
they are to cookies what candy corn is to halloween candy
i hate those cookies and i hate candy corn
and when i tell people they look at me like i suddenly whipped out a sword and yelled "HAVE AT THEE"
t h e y a r e d i s g u s t i n g
Ew, gross.
dehyw udyen eyd ehw wyewkd