Go fuck yourself with that idea. If you really want to go for that sort of ideology then choose something you think is gender neutral, but dont reduce someone's identity down to number. You're not respecting the child when you do that, you're dehumanizing them.
Aren’t names just numbers with letters? Like numbers could have meanings too. Also there are actual people named “Abcde” and pronounced like Ab-City. Not really arguing for it numbers as names, sounds ridiculous. But offering the argument that numbers can have meaning and value equivalent to words.
With respect, that was the same logic they used when they tattoo'd a number on the arms of my family members during WW2 as they entered work or death camps. I know you're playing devils advocate, and I understand where you're arguing from--i just very strongly disagree.
The fact that Thomas the fucking Train is the bottom part is not lost on me. I mean, they DID uses trains to ferry people to Auschwitz... and they had numbers.
Anyway, it seems we both had nearly the same reaction towards this stupidity.
While it was 13 years ago he was given life, it will only be today that he is given a name! What will this young man's name be?