Except they also die when their blood can no longer pump throughout their body because their heart has to work harder than it can to get it moving. Which is a much, much harder problem to solve.
That requires a whole intensive surgery, as well as the designing of a Pacemaker for a Lobster.
On top of the fact that it would get exponentially harder to make one up to the task as the Lobster grows bigger and bigger and the distance blood has to pump becomes greater and greater.
That still has internal friction aginst cells but it would be easier.
The cost is getting the believers and the lobster regularly into orbit in order to proerly service the Deity.
On top of the fact that it would get exponentially harder to make one up to the task as the Lobster grows bigger and bigger and the distance blood has to pump becomes greater and greater.
The cost is getting the believers and the lobster regularly into orbit in order to proerly service the Deity.