@mia_linay, I get it. Better to be poor, than to miss an arm. Basically, it could've been worse.
@demryn, that is unfortunate. But at least you have someone to care for you and help you out.
So, I fell from 7m high and landed hand first on a branch. About 2 meters over the ground. Then I spinned around and fell face first on concrete. I had a lot of luck, because the only things I have are a broken hand, one broken finger, some bruises and a concussion.
@mia_linay please correct me if I say something wrong, writing with my left hand is not so easy :D
(hard to translate, it's a play on words: better worse for it (Arm dran can also mean "arm attached") than arm gone)
@demryn, that is unfortunate. But at least you have someone to care for you and help you out.
I mean apart from @demryn himself ofc
@mia_linay please correct me if I say something wrong, writing with my left hand is not so easy :D
You truly must be a cat and I'm 100% sure you used up 8 of your 9 lives with this.
I pity the concrete, it must have taken a pounding