Nope. If it's your time to go, its your time to go. Every time I saw the person I loved it would remind me of the person I murdered. It would ruin my relationship with them and I would be stuck with the guilt of murder. But thats just me.
Depends on the loved one...if it was to save my son, yes I would kill an innocent person in a heart beat. If it was anyone else it would depend on the it a child?
If it was to save my kid, hell yes! (I'd rather kill his mother though, I'm kidding, I hate her but I don't have it in me to hurt her like she did me.)
I don't think the situation should matter. Im a firm believer in the bible and the principles that it states. Im expecting a lot of backlash on this subject and I enjoy a friendly debate about the topic. My reasoning for this response is your time to go is already chosen and I don't feel like in my position I should act as God and take someone elses life. I will eventually be reunited with the one I love and its just a temporary separation from them.
you're still indirectly "killing" the oher person by not killing the other, so either way makes no difference. Also, what do you mean by "playing god?" Can you not influence the lives of people whatsoever or it's "playing god?" "God has a plan and I can't interfere with it" if god knows how everything will happen and accounts for this then it's impossible to go against his "plan." If you kill someone, then thats part of his "plan" because he knew how everything would happen in all time befote he even created anything. People always say "it's just parts if god's mysterious plan" whenever things gi wrong or people die. So by your logic then you shouldn't influence or impact other people's lives in any way whatsoever.
And probably bear the guilt for it, not to mention the shaming, animosity even getting shut out I'd suffer from the one I saved.
I'd look to them, probably for the last time and say, "You may loath what I did and hate me for it, but at least you are alive to hate. For me, I think... I think that's enough."
· 8 years ago
To be honest, I wouldnt. Everyone has an end and we may not like it, but I won't sacrifice an innocent to save my family. I would just be putting their family in the same pain that I would be avoiding. I've dealt with the death of my sister and you learn "what ifs" are imaginary and sometimes it's best to move on and not wallow in the past. Live the life they would have wanted you to have
A random innocent person or someone by my choice? If it's the latter I would seek out someone who wants te die because he/she is already in a lot of pain due to terminal illness.
That's not a bad thought but at the same time you're still taking life into your own hands. Pain has a reason, I truly believe that. There are a ton of people who are going through immense pain that can help others realize ways to cope or provide support for people who have lived through it or even families going through it now.
I'm sorry, but yes. They never said that the other person wasn't already dying, though. I could just end their life support? It never said murder, just kill another person.
If it was a "save one or the other" kind of scenario then yeah, sure I'll prioritize the person I have a connection to, but I'm not going to actually murder someone to save anyone else.
Well it's basically the same thing right? You make a choice, and based on that choice one person lives and one doesnt. It's just more personal if you have to kill someone yourself instead of allowing something else to kill your family member (allowing them to die, "killing" them indirectly)
Faith in humanity destroyed.
Are they younger than the person I love, or older? Smarter, or feminazi?
And probably bear the guilt for it, not to mention the shaming, animosity even getting shut out I'd suffer from the one I saved.
I'd look to them, probably for the last time and say, "You may loath what I did and hate me for it, but at least you are alive to hate. For me, I think... I think that's enough."
I'm sorry, but yes. They never said that the other person wasn't already dying, though. I could just end their life support? It never said murder, just kill another person.
No, I'm not responsible for for someone dying because I didn't save them.
The same amount of people die, so it doesn't really matter who dies might as well pick the one you like