I'm lucky enough to have a hubby that is mature and doesn't find it gross at all. He's been very loving and helpful when this has happened to me previously.
Ah this one's easy. Hop in the car or truck and leave! Go to the auto parts or hardware store. Stop in and pick up some breakfast or donuts to go. Don't forget the coffee. When you get home everything will be sunshine and roses.
· 7 years ago
If it happens, take the cloth, pour a lot of salt on it (at least a handfull) and pour a really small amount of water onto it, till it becomes like a paste. Rub that in and let it sit for 15-20min, after that throw it into the washing machine and you should be fine
· 7 years ago
Thanks for the tip :) does that work on large blood stains? I need to know for reasons :) not homicidal reasons I promise.
Hot water (more than 60°C) will clog up the protein in the blood, so if you wash it at a low degree in the washing machine you should be good
· 7 years ago
@peachypersimmon yea but requires more salt and a shovel.
@juliesmash yes but often leaves stains on white things,the reason that the blood becomes brownish and dry is the oxidation of the iron, any cristaline can act like a solvent and the easiest to obtain is salt, works way better if it's a big stain and white sheeting
· 7 years ago
Damn I've been rumbled! XD
No I was asking for just incase anything goes wrong with my husbands drain after its taken out.
Seriously though, acting “meh” like it’s no big deal is what I as a girl would want. This seems so over the top, and while it would be nice, I’d be so embarrassed. It’d be better if you just said “need any help?” And offer cleaning supplies and maybe food, ask if she’s ok, but don’t coddle. She can take care of herself and some girls don’t like to be babied.
· 7 years ago
And buy the pads and tampons! Dear Lord some of them get so funny about buying essentials like that.
Both sides are unreasonable.
Also, that shit is fairly nasty, but it's also normal. Those aren't mutually exclusive terms.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Like taking a shit it nasty but also normal.
· 7 years ago
Periods just turning up is involuntary, that's the difference. Unless you have a medical condition, were really unwell with a stomach bug or were that drunk you simply couldn't wake up (think Trainspotting) there's no excuse to shit the bed. Shitting the bed isn't normal.
So I'm not the only one who picked up on the "nice guy" vibe of it all? I mean the attitude of dealing with the situation is good but the statement overall seems a bit.. I dunno how to word it other than.... off.
Yeah, defo the nice guy vibe. For me it was the "If I wasn't single and I had a grilfriend".
The sentiment is there, but the delivery was very "neckbeard".
Over use of the word 'fuck', the tone of "THE KNIGHT IN SHINNING ARMOUR"
This actually did happen to my gf once. I didn't even notice until she woke up and started freaking out over how "she had ruined my bed".
I honestly thought it was no big deal, it happens, and while I didn't play overly-top guy like the 2nd dude in the post, I reassured her it was no big deal, calmed her down, switched my sheets and that was it. A real man is mature in these situations.
other dude had gushers. Side note: I finally went to the grocery for me essentials list and I got both reg gushers and sour gushers.... and 3 kinds of fruit roll-ups. Fuck yeah.
@punchedwinter2 while this reads a little cringey you def have the good boyfriend gig down
· 7 years ago
That's not shi-
Oh my God, that's a period. Well, I mean it's gross but I'm going to be sure that doesn't ruin her day.
· 7 years ago
You think a wee bit of blood is gross? XD
Wait until you see the clots and black slug like lumps. THAT is gross, and it's even worse when you can feel it exiting your vagina and you begin to panic and have to excuse yourself to deal with it.
Bleeding after giving birth. Basically you bleed for a few weeks after giving birth because of the placenta being detached from the womb. It also contains mucus and any dead tissue from the birth. The worst is if you lay down for a while, it can start to congeal so when you stand up, boom. Golf ball blood clot. My first pregnancy gave me 8 weeks of lochia. The second pregnancy was only 4 weeks and not as bad.
Why do they never teach this at sex ed classes... I literally only found this out on my own after reading up how to write a pregnancy for a short story. This plus pregnancy itself has me doubting whether i really want to have a kid.
Pregnancy and lochia doesn't last forever so base it on the kid instead of how it happens. Some people aren't made for kids...not because they wouldn't be good parents but because they just aren't so inclined. I'll be honest, my husband and I think back on our prekid days and miss being able to do what we wanted when we wanted but I could never go back to that time even if I wanted to.
· 7 years ago
Oh dear God. That sounds so horrible, you poor lovey. I personally never ever want kids so I'm glad I'll never have to go through this. They also don't tell you in sex ed that some women release the uterine lining all at once and have to almost birth it out. It's rare but it happens.
Then you get to go through periomenopause where all of the clots that didn't haunt you back then come back to haunt you now. Days of heavy flows where golf ball clots are fond memories and standing up is to be avoided at all costs unless you're right next to a toilet. Fun times! Oh, and itchy skin, yeah, that's not a commonly discussed symptom, but it's there!
Oh and three more things : 1. turning on the water before waking her up just wastes water, 2. that's nice but you don't have to basically pet her and be her servant all day, 5 days a month, and 3. why can't you let her sleep? Her panties and pants are already stained anyways.
why do people still don't know that tampons exist. or is she bleeding from her ass after hard anal?
· 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Guest sometimes women's periods can me irregular and unpredictable therefore taking us by surprise. If you bleed from your butt after anal you either:
A) did it too rough.
B) did it wrong.
C) didn't use enough lube.
@juliesmash yes but often leaves stains on white things,the reason that the blood becomes brownish and dry is the oxidation of the iron, any cristaline can act like a solvent and the easiest to obtain is salt, works way better if it's a big stain and white sheeting
No I was asking for just incase anything goes wrong with my husbands drain after its taken out.
Also, that shit is fairly nasty, but it's also normal. Those aren't mutually exclusive terms.
The sentiment is there, but the delivery was very "neckbeard".
Over use of the word 'fuck', the tone of "THE KNIGHT IN SHINNING ARMOUR"
I honestly thought it was no big deal, it happens, and while I didn't play overly-top guy like the 2nd dude in the post, I reassured her it was no big deal, calmed her down, switched my sheets and that was it. A real man is mature in these situations.
Oh my God, that's a period. Well, I mean it's gross but I'm going to be sure that doesn't ruin her day.
Wait until you see the clots and black slug like lumps. THAT is gross, and it's even worse when you can feel it exiting your vagina and you begin to panic and have to excuse yourself to deal with it.
A) did it too rough.
B) did it wrong.
C) didn't use enough lube.