Irish Gaelic, 'prátaí.' (Betcha didn't see that coming) Also, if you want to add potato dishes (including traditional region-specific ones) I'm completely on board.
Take your non-dominant hand and make a fist (this is your potato). Then, with your dominant hand, make a T-Rex claw. Then tap your fist with your T-Rex claw a couple of times (like you're testing a potato with a fork to see if it's done cooking).
Take your non-dominant hand and make a fist (this is your potato). Then, with your dominant hand, make a T-Rex claw. Then tap your fist with your T-Rex claw a couple of times (like you're testing a potato with a fork to see if it's done cooking).
It translates to English as "apple of the earth" which is a fascinating take on potatoes.
Austrian German: Erdapfel (earth apple).
Gothenburg; Potäta
Jämtli; Päran
Also, nothing wrong with liking potatoes
The word originates from variants of the German "Grundbirne" which literally means "ground pear"