why do they say you don't need your gun in the grocery store? what if someone goes in there to shoot it up or rob it? wouldn't you want one of these people who are legally carrying their guns to stop him? or just have everybody else be stuck in there unarmed as someone goes on a rampage?
The people in your state must be a lot saner then the ones in mine, then. I recently watched some mom with a van full of kids go ballistic on some guy who was trying to park next to her at the movie theater(I think he was preventing her from straightening the van out). She got so confrontational that he had to just drive away. I could see that turning into a shooting.
Untrained yokel? Last I saw, my nearest whale-mart had FOUR different gun magazines in the rack. I'm not in to boomsticks myself but the people that are around here know their stuff.
You might be surprised just how little firearms training law enforcement officers (LEOs) receive. Most of their practice (anyone's practice, really) is on a firing range, which is a completely different type of shooting than an actual firefight. If you only practice by doing target shooting, that's how you're going to shoot when you need to act on muscle memory ie. slow and methodical (meanwhile you're getting hit). It's really less about training (although it is important) and more about who can remain the most calm under pressure. ....And yes, if there are more bullets going in the general direction of the criminal than anywhere else that's better.
Police in North America kill so many people because they are trained to shoot to kill. American police do not shoot to maim, to not shoot to injure, they shoot to kill. The average person is going to shoot high on the target because most people do not actually want to harm someone else, let alone kill them. If more bullets are being fired by someone (relatively untrained) will most likely end with more casualties. If 10 people shoot at 1 person, those 10 are likely to hit a lot more than just the 1 intended target.
I can confirm this as a texan. the other day I was buying bar-b-q and the man who was taking my order had a Remington in plain sight then the man who was cashing me out had one inside of his shirt. Some conceal some don't.
I can also confirm this. I saw a man walking not so far away from my campus carrying a rifle once. Of course, I'm sure that with the whole "you can now carry guns on universities" thing going on, I'll probably start seeing more even closer. Thanks Abbott, just what we needed (sarcasm)
Personally, I've never seen that in the Fort Worth area (or at least the areas I've been to), but I've visited Arlington and Dallas, and more than once I've seen with some sort of fire weapon on them. Then again, I might just have shitty luck
I feel bad for the cashiers.
They've probably had plenty of people pull their gun on them threatening when their order didn't ring up the way they wanted
That is... I don't even know how to correctly respond to get my point across, here... Rednecks here in the south aren't complete, moral less people. We can have more morals than city folks do. You don't just pull a lethal weapon on someone just doing their job. We just try to keep our selves and others. Geez, you act like we are a pack of wild animals.
Hello, yes, I am from the south. Texas actually. But I am saying that there are some crazy people that will use force. I've seen and heard of people having had customers reach from over the counter to try and grab them or beat them and sometimes even threaten them for when they get off work. I know people who have had people actually wait for them outside.
And that's just normal. But add guns into the mix and it's a whole new level of shit they'll try.
There isn't anything wrong with it; most people are respectful and conceal it, or do like the first woman and have it in a conservative holster like the first woman. The others with their rifles like that are being assholes
i think its scary because people get rash in the moment. and you cannot read someones motives, so you are obligated to just let someone armed with the ability to kill you with a motion close by without defending yourself not knowing what they might be up to, in normal circumstances when someone is crazy you at least got a chance if they flip near you
· 9 years ago
Colorado is an open carry state so you get used to seeing handguns (tho not often) but you don't see people walking around with assault rifles. BTW, would like to point out that these pictures are all in Walmart
Would it calm people if I carry a machete instead of my shotgun and pistol (the shorty is usually put under my car seats). I refuse to be mugged again by some piece of shit with a weapon.
Except for the people that pull their gun out first. They have a gun and them having a gun nullifies many of the benefits of everyone having a gun. Mainly because they know that you have a gun and if you reach for it they'll just shoot you.
I'm liking this. Open carry with hand guns is becoming a big thing here in New Mexico. Ever since all the trash is coming in from the east and west coast.
I'd like to note that the people carrying guns openly are trained on how to use and handle their firearm. Personally, I would much rather be in a place that allows open carry. Do you think that this store is going to get robbed by someone who has an unlicensed firearm? No, because they would be met with law abiding citizens who are able to defend themselves and others. People typically go for easy targets--those who are unable to fight back. This is a way to make sure we are always able to fight back. Don't be scared of firearms. They are only weapons in the hands of those who wish to do harm.
I'm pretty sure if you tried walking into a place here in Nebraska with a long arm across your chest like a jackass you'd be on the ground. I'm all for open carry, but there is NO need for a frickin AR-15 in wally world. Idiots
Open carry could be a tactical disadvantage, however I am always glad when I see it done resonsibly. It is important to teach those who fear guns that they are an important tool in civilized society.
You either have to have no guns or lots of guns to be "safest" is how I see it. And this is mostly southern states, I live in Kansas and have never seen this. It'd kinda freak me out to see someone casually walking around with an assault rifle
That's what I'm saying, there's no way to have none so we should allow lots because the very large majority will only use it for defense and the rest would be outgunned in public places if they were to do anything
Those saying this is normal, seriously?! The amount of shootings that you have in the U.S and you still think it's okay for so many people to carry guns?! It's all well and good to say that if someone tries to commit robbery it's good that there will be people there to help, but honestly how many of those with gun licenses will be able to respond well in high pressure situations?!
In the second to last and third to last picture, they both have the O.T.C. abbreviation. This stands for Open Carry Texas. It also says Tarrant county in the third to last pic under the abbreviation. County in Texas.
I was at Wal-Mart and this guy had six pistols, yes, you heard me right, six, I counted, strapped to him. Four of which were M1911's, 2 were .357 revolvers. The guy looked like he was prepared to singlehandedly take out the Cuban army...
It's funny how everybody seems to think it's obvious when a person is a criminal. You can't know for sure whether someone is carrying for protection or aggression until they draw. It is perfectly reasonable to be uncomfortable with rifles in your grocery store. They are powerful weapons, and you know nothing about the people carirying them.
we almost all have fists so its a fair shot... and a thing having one function sort of limits the motive of a person having it, hands do many things guns are pretty much either for attack or aggressive defense.
Guns can be used for good or bad and fists can be used for good or bad. You don't know what people intend to with either one, so what's the difference?
As someone who lives in the deep South, albeit in a big city in the South, I've seen a few people carrying guns, but if someone walked in the the grocery store with a big ass rifle I'd be out of there so fast you wouldn't even be able to see me leave.
america is so free everybody can freely shoot whoever they want, right?
i get it, it's a mindset, upbringing and all. i do wonder how high are anxiety levels, though. you guys must be eating tons of anti-anxiety meds, given that you're constantly sorrounded by heavily armed people.
Depression/anxiety rates have quadrupled in the last 2 decades and it's actually SUPER rude and inconsiderate of you to say that it's because some people choose to carry around guns.
oh, rude? you're hilarious! :D people being anxious because they can literarly get shot while buying groceries is a logical conclusion, it's not rude to point it out! you'd better start thinking how to improve things though i realise getting offended and accusing me of being rude is the easier option.
It's a matter of the ability to obtain the weapons. In Canada we have more robberies with knives than guns because we can't get guns as easily. When we do have gun crimes, they are usually with the guns that we can obtain easily (long rifles and shotguns). An attack that recently happened in our capitol was committed with a semi-automatic, 8 round magazine "assault rifle". He also had pellet pistols because real ones are hard to get here. Most house raids end with the collection of shotguns, rifles, and pellet pistols.
In comparison, I could walk into a gun store in Indiana and buy just about any gun I want so long as I show proof that I am a resident of Indiana. I don't need to be a citizen, or have any background checks completed so long as I agree to only use my gun at ranges or on my property.
>Brings gun
>Robs store
In the South:
>Brings gun
>Riddled with more bullets than a Batman villain.
If everyone has a gun, and a criminal shows up with one, he loses
They've probably had plenty of people pull their gun on them threatening when their order didn't ring up the way they wanted
And that's just normal. But add guns into the mix and it's a whole new level of shit they'll try.
i get it, it's a mindset, upbringing and all. i do wonder how high are anxiety levels, though. you guys must be eating tons of anti-anxiety meds, given that you're constantly sorrounded by heavily armed people.
In comparison, I could walk into a gun store in Indiana and buy just about any gun I want so long as I show proof that I am a resident of Indiana. I don't need to be a citizen, or have any background checks completed so long as I agree to only use my gun at ranges or on my property.