I've been there. Maybe not exactly where you are, but I've felt hopeless, and worthless. I got help and I got better. I'm not saying you need help, but it can't hurt.
· 9 years ago
Sometimes you come really really close to the edge; I get really worried about why I'd do if I was worse off, but I still maintain some sense of sanity, at the least.
I came so close to the edge that I was checked into a mental health treatment center for psychiatric stabilization (paranoid schizophrenia, bipolar, ocd). You may just be in a rut right now or what you're experiencing may be indicative of something deeper like depression.
I went through a mild nervous breakdown late 2014. The thing that helped the most, aside from several Psalms, was simply the company of others. Just literally being around people. When I was alone I felt as though I was drowning. And as if being alone was the nausea before the vomit. Being around people, trying to maintain some form of normalcy amongst the comfort of family and friends, kept my head above water.
Minion mind your business. Get back to work. Those babies are not gonna torture themselves.
· 9 years ago
Wtf dude when did making jokes on this website became offensive??
It was a joke on you commenting such good words despite being named 'lucifer'. It's a joke on you breaking character.
Chutiya sala
That is technically suicidal depression. The longer you live in that hole, the harder it is to climb out. Personal experience, it's a remarkably unpleasant climb. I would talk to someone about it if you can, see if there's a counselor or psychiatrist available to you.
The climb is indeed dreadful. For a day or two, I can be slightly less utterly useless, so I allow myself and others some hope, but that puts me under such a pressure that I spend the next ten days in bed trying to forget I exist. And that's with medication, psychotherapy and support from my job. I just feel like a drain of everyone's resources.
How much of a difference is there between desiring death and contemplating death? I often think about what would happen if I died right here and now or what would life be like if I had never existed but never have I ever *wanted* to die.
I can't begin to tell you how many times I've thought about this....I still do, but I'm still here and so are you, and that's reason enough to try to live any other day.
This problem seems to be epidemic in a lot of online communities. Is it just that there's that much of it at large, or is the anonymity of an online community just especially attractive to depressed people?
Talking to someone in person about my problems would put that person under pressure, it would force them to choose between "spend your time and energy helping me" and "feel guilty". It's emotional blackmail. Furthermore I do not want the few relationships that I have left to revolve around my problems. Strangers online live on the other side of the planet, they could not help me even if they wanted to, so I do not have to worry about bringing them along in my crap.
Half of me thinks that sounds like paradise - makes the world here burn brighter in the dark, and promises honest-to-God rest at the end. The other half... really hopes there's something bigger to go on to.
I'd recommend you get help because I was where you are and didn't and it just got worse to the point where I did try to kill myself. Things do get better though, they did for me, and if you ever need to talk then I'd be happy to listen so you don't need to go through this alone :)
(Please read...) Not I. I want to eventually get married. To enjoy even more rich, full blessings from God that a faithful woman and loving children provide. A glorious eternal reward awaits those who're faithful and obedient to God in THIS life. Make the most of this life while God allows you to still have it. I was born 3 months early, at 1 pound, 14 ounces. I had a 95% of dying, or if I did survive. I'd be severely mentally challenged. I know exactly why God allowed me to live, and not only to live, but to live in full coherence. Full coherence that enables me to live, at the very least until this day, to say these very things to you now. Sometimes being alone is your worst enemy. Often times having someone to talk to is your greatest ally. It sounds strange, foreign, and nonsensical to those who don't believe, but God is always there to talk to. He's always there, always listening. I hope your troubles might be mitigated, and that you'll look to God's wisdom for support. :)
Please do not prey on the weak. Proselytizing your personal brand of religion at a time someone needs actual help from evidence-based medicine and cognitive behavioral therapy is, at best, misguided. By making someone's survival dependent on uncontrolable superforces such as gods or fate, you are taking the last modicum of power and hope that that person had in them.
Remember that to a depressed person, being married is totally pointless (as a goal in itself), that faithfulness is nothing but the romanticization of owning another person by limiting what they may or may not do with their genitals.
Finally, depression makes people think more critically, makes them less able to lie to themselves, and more likely to find flaws in what your tell them. For example, the god that allowed you to live put you in all sorts of problems to begin with; rationalize all you want, that fact remains.
i dont wanna be that guy... But that is explained in the bible. He gives us trials and tribulations for exactly this reason. To bring us, and others around us into faith. To strengthen our own and learn our limits, who we are as a person, and what it will take to survive. If someone dies, he knows their time on earth is over, and calls them to heaven. I'm not trying to be aggressive, I'd just like to explain to you and maybe teach you a little more about at least Christian religion. :)
You are that guy. There is no more ground for this religion than for any other. Humility should take over. You may believe whatever you like, even if it is proven false. What you may not do is declare that your gut-feelings are proof that you're correct. Reality does not bend to our will.
· 9 years ago
Yes. I am Christian, but Christianity is not the best faith. None of them are. If you're a true Christian, you'd know that God does not want you to bad talk others like you are, and that what He wants you to believe in is not the *perfect* thing to do so, since there is no perfect.
C311107: It's our call to help our brothers out of the slough, not tell them how much better life is on the outside of the slough. God can seem irrelevant under the burden of depression.
Also, you'll probably have a better go of it finding a good life partner if you look for a good life partner, not a woman sent from God to provide you with blessings.
... I just wanted to tell what the we actually believe on the matter. I wasn't saying it was the best faith or that I'm smarter than you or anything. And I didn't mean to "talk bad" about anyone, if that was directed at me. See above. And I have no idea what finding a spouse has anything to do with anything here...
Also my explanation was targeted solely at the last part of your post niriel. Just about the question of why God allows bad things to happen. And that's not even considering the gift of free will I BELIEVE that he blessed us with.
Well I guess that's the world for you... look at what they teach you. Look at what sin and unbelief does to people. My statements were honest and sincere. Let go of your pride and arrogance.
You realize most of these people were responding to your arrogance in assuming your spiritual journey was the answer to someone's potential neurological disorder, right?
" I know exactly why God allowed me to live .... at the very least until this day, to say these very things to you now."
As a matter of fact, that's pretty darn insulting to all the other people in whose lives you matter.
Because one can be depressed without being a selfish douche. I agree I care way too much, and that it fuels my depression, but I cannot just turn it off.
Want a friend?
Anyhow.. Things will get brighter as long as you want them to so just keep fighting :)
It was a joke on you commenting such good words despite being named 'lucifer'. It's a joke on you breaking character.
Chutiya sala
Remember that to a depressed person, being married is totally pointless (as a goal in itself), that faithfulness is nothing but the romanticization of owning another person by limiting what they may or may not do with their genitals.
Finally, depression makes people think more critically, makes them less able to lie to themselves, and more likely to find flaws in what your tell them. For example, the god that allowed you to live put you in all sorts of problems to begin with; rationalize all you want, that fact remains.
Also, you'll probably have a better go of it finding a good life partner if you look for a good life partner, not a woman sent from God to provide you with blessings.
" I know exactly why God allowed me to live .... at the very least until this day, to say these very things to you now."
As a matter of fact, that's pretty darn insulting to all the other people in whose lives you matter.